After the Variety Girl No. 9 left the Bald Eagle Embassy, ​​she immediately spoke in the confidential communication channel of Renyi Security Company

"Since the target's stance was completely in favor of the bald eagle, the rescue plan was cancelled."The Variety Enchantress No. 9 first said the conclusion.

Then the Variety Enchantress No. 9 explained the reasons for her judgment, and then explained her poisoning method. She asked additionally,"No. 3, my way of poisoning is okay. Success?"

Death Knell No. 3 responded affirmatively,"No problem. You previously requested to use the ventilation system to poison. In view of the uncertainty of the ventilation system, the poison I designed has a very wide spread range and is very stable. According to your description, even if you don't walk over, you can be in the restaurant together. Solve the goal."

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 breathed a sigh of relief. She added,"After the target is poisoned, I guess the Bald Eagle Embassy will definitely send the target to the hospital. You try to intercept the target on the way and rob the target. Portable storage equipment."

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 continued to add,"I will enter the Eagle Embassy again and find Saxon Thompson alone. I am worried that this guy will take away the storage equipment carried by the target in advance."

Tianji Shensuan No. 4 seconded,"I also have such worries."

"So we split up."Number 9, the ever-changing enchantress, responded. Controller No. 1 reminded,"Number 9, pay attention to safety! Manager No. 2 added,"

On the 5th, you arrange for three teams to pick up the 9th outside the Bald Eagle Embassy.""

Brave No. 5 responded affirmatively," Got it."

Controller No. 1 concluded,"Follow the plan of No. 9 and everyone pay attention to safety."

"clear!"Everyone responded.

In the restaurant of the Bald Eagle Embassy in New Delhi, Herrick and Saxon had finished their meal and were chatting happily.

Saxon's rank was much higher than that of Herrick. Chatting always tickled Herrick's pleasure just right, making Herrick very interested in chatting.

The two chatted for almost an hour, and Saxon pretended to regret and said,"I'm sorry, Mr. Sharma, I need to go now." Dealing with some matters regarding our departure and great to chat with Mr. Sharma.

Herrick said with real regret,"I am also very happy to chat with Mr. Thompson and look forward to our next communication.""

"There was plenty of time to chat on our flight back, but I figured Mr. Sharma would be distracted by the pretty flight attendant ladies and forget about me as a friend. Saxon joked.

Herrick said negatively,"That's impossible!""

"let us wait and see. Saxon replied with a smile.

The two left the restaurant together, and Saxon suggested,"Mr. Herrick, if there is nothing important, I suggest you stay in the room to avoid accidents." Herrick responded affirmatively,"I'm also going to stay in the room, just to study the previous experimental data."

Saxon personally sent Helic to the door of the room. After Helic entered the room, he told the Leopard Team,"Protect Mr. Sharma. No one is allowed to enter Mr. Sharma's house without my order." Room.

Dylan, the leader of the Leopard Group, responded affirmatively,"Understood!""

The Divine Calculator No. 4 monitored the conversation between Saxon and Dylan through the security monitoring system. He sent this security monitoring record to the Variety Enchantress No. 9, and then asked,"Can you disguise yourself as Saxon?"

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 directly denied it,"No, my body shape and Saxon's are too different, so it's impossible to pretend to be successful."

"I will try to steal the storage device when Saxon gets the target's storage device."The Variety Enchantress No. 9 added.

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 continued to explain,"No. 4, can you cut off the power supply to the embassy?"

"cannot."No. 4 Tianji Shensuan responded negatively,"The power system of the Bald Eagle Embassy is very advanced. It not only has physical isolation means, but also has a UPS uninterrupted power supply system and a diesel generator set."

"Even if the external power supply to the Bald Eagle Embassy is cut off, with the support of the UPS uninterruptible power supply system, the power system of the Bald Eagle Embassy can be successfully switched to diesel generator sets."Number 4's Tianji Divine Calculation added.

Number 9's Variety Enchantress was silent for a moment before responding,"Is there any way you can cause chaos in the Bald Eagle Embassy at the critical moment?"

Tianji Shensuan No. 4 thought for a few seconds before answering affirmatively,"I can remotely control the car and make it lose control and rush into the Bald Eagle Embassy to create chaos for you."

"OK, wait for my signal."The Variety Enchantress No. 9 responded.

The Divine Calculator No. 4 responded and immediately contacted the Brave No. 5 and asked the Brave No. 5 to collect cars that can be controlled remotely.

Nowadays, many motorcycles are equipped with intelligent assisted driving systems, such as special Tesla, its intelligent assisted driving system is even described as an automatic driving system in advertising.

Tesla's intelligent assisted driving system only needs to undergo simple modifications, such as connecting to a remote communication interface, and then cracking the local operating system , remote control can be achieved.

While No. 4 Tian Ji Shen Shuan and No. 5 Brave Man dealt with the remote control of the car, No. 9 Variety Enchantress went to the Bald Eagle Embassy again, and she needed to venture into it again.

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