The Variety Enchantress No. 9 monitored the entire chat between Helic and Saxon. Her eyes changed slightly because she had already judged that Helic was taking the position of the bald eagle.

If Helik was coerced by the bald eagle to cooperate, Renyi Security Company would definitely try its best to rescue Helik. After all, under the premise of coercion, Helik would definitely be willing to cooperate with Renyi Security Company's rescue.

However, now Helik is obviously biased towards the Bald Eagle's position. If Renyi Security Company rescues Helik, I am afraid that Helik will not cooperate at all and will find a way to fall into the arms of the bald eagle.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the third priority target of destroying aluminum-ion battery technology has become the top priority!

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 secretly observed Helic's situation. She discovered that a flat braided belt hung around Helic's neck, and what looked like a USB flash drive hung at the end of the flat braided belt.

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 secretly guessed, 'Could the target store aluminum-ion battery technology in it? The

Variety Enchantress No. 9 looked at Saxon again. She knew Saxon's identity. Just as the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau had guessed, Renyi Security Company really cared about the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

When the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was investigating the Renyi Security Company, the Renyi Security Company was also investigating the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. In the database of the Renyi Security Company, there was information about Saxon Thompson.

‘Because the target's stance favored the bald eagle, why did Saxon take no action? 'The Variety Enchantress No. 9 guessed.

The current attitude shown by Herrick is indeed biased towards the bald eagle, so Saxon did not force Herrick to hand over the aluminum-ion battery technology.

After all, aluminum-ion battery technology is a dead thing. Helic is the developer of aluminum-ion battery technology, so he is more important!

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 thought secretly for a moment, then took out her mobile phone and prepared to send a message to Tianji Shensuan.

‘Marissa: Have you found the mouse? This mouse is too bad. I suggest you deal with the mouse directly after you find it. The Variety Enchantress No.

9 uses"rat" to replace Helik Sharma. The fact that the mouse is too bad means that there is no need to rescue Helik Sharma, so it is recommended to deal with Helik Sharma directly.

No. 4 Tian Ji Shen Shuan immediately forwarded the information of No. 9 Variety Enchantress to An Liang.

‘No. 4: BOSS, No. 9 recommends getting rid of the target’

‘No. 0: Since No. 9 is making the judgment at the scene, then follow No. 9’s suggestions.’

‘Zero: Elevate the third priority target to the first priority target to prevent the Bald Eagle from obtaining aluminum-ion battery technology’

‘Number 4: Got it! '

After receiving the feedback from An Liang, Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 immediately sent a message to the Variety Enchantress No. 9.

‘Apartment Manager: Okay, Ms. Marisa, we will try to deal with the mouse after we find it.’

‘Apartment Manager: Ms. Marissa, we found a key in a mouse hole. Is it yours? '

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 checked the message sent by the Divine Calculator No. 4, and she also understood the secret language of the Divine Calculator No. 4.

The so-called 'finding a key' is a reminder to the Variety Girl No. 9 to search for aluminum-ion battery technology as much as possible.

The versatile enchantress No. 9 did not reply to the message. She calmly took out a lipstick from her jacket pocket, then used her body to cover it, broke the lipstick and put it into a bowl, and then poured some water into the bowl.

The next moment, the lipstick reacted with the water, some small bubbles rushed out of the bowl, and the colorless and odorless gas began to volatilize.

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 took a look at Helik's position. She picked up the dinner plate and stood up and walked in the direction of Helik. She did not stay beside Helik, nor was she even particularly close to him. She was only separated by one meter. Passed a lot of distance.

It's not that the Variety Enchantress No. 9 doesn't want to get close to Helic, but that she knows very well that getting too close to Helic may arouse Saxon's suspicion, so the Variety Enchantress No. 9 doesn't take the risk.

After leaving the restaurant, Variety Girl No. 9 went to the office of Chandler, the back-office supervisor. She knocked on Chandler's office door.

"Please come in. Chandler responded.

The ever-changing Enchantress No. 9 entered the office.

Chandler spoke first,"Marissa?" Is there anything you need?"

According to the intelligence information provided by No. 4's Divine Calculator, Chandler and Marissa had no personal contact and only had work exchanges, so No. 9's Variety Enchantress responded calmly,"Mr. Chandler, I want to take a leave of absence. There was a rat infestation in the apartment where I lived, and the apartment manager told me to go back."

Chandler was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement,"In that case, you can go back first, but if we need you here, you need to come back."

"no problem."The Variety Enchantress No. 9 agreed,"I'll just go back and take a look. If there's nothing major, I'll come back as soon as possible.

Chandler nodded,"Okay, you go back and take a look first.""

After thanking the enchantress No. 9, she left Chandler's office and then the Bald Eagle Embassy. She was ready to start the second step of her plan immediately....

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