The current situation in the new energy sector of the US stock market is a bit complicated!

The U.S. stock market has been open for nearly half an hour, and the new energy sector has seen heartbeat fluctuations, with stock prices jumping up and down repeatedly.

A large number of well-informed Bald Eagle financial institutions are long in the new energy sector, and a large number of Bald Eagle people also choose to follow the market and go long, but Anxin Investment goes against the trend and chooses to go short.

Previously, Anxin Investment invested US$31.4 billion in shorting the new energy sector. Now Anxin Investment has mobilized more than US$50 billion to short the new energy sector in the US stock market.

An Liang personally sits at the headquarters of Anxin Investment. In less than half an hour after the U.S. stock market opened, Anxin Investment has invested nearly 40 billion U.S. dollars in short selling.

"Mr. An, shall we continue?"Fan Ping asked with trepidation.

At present, Anxin Investment has invested US$74.2 billion in short selling, including approximately US$50 billion of Anxin Investment's own funds, and more than US$20 billion from Zhao Wanxi's four families. dollar funds

"continue! An Liang ordered,"How much money do we have left?""

"We have less than $12 billion left."Fan Ping responded

"You continue to short the new energy sector, and I will solve the funding problem."An Liang ordered

"OK Fan Ping nodded in response.

An Liang immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the confidential group of Bai Yujing Club in the sky.

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Is anyone still here?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Yes!’

‘Li Cunyuan: I am studying seriously!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I’m afraid you’re not learning some Xia Guo Neon friendly exchange cultural information?’

‘Yun Haiyang: Brother Liang, is there something wrong?’

‘An Liang: We at Anxin Investment are shorting the new energy sector of the US stock market. We currently lack some funds. If you are interested, we at Anxin Investment welcome everyone to join.’

‘An Liang: There is no quota limit this time!’

‘An Liang: But the risk this time is very high!’

‘An Liang: This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We and Bald Eagle's financial institutions will fight to the end, and the two sides will have the ultimate decisive battle.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: We want to participate!’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: I will mobilize funds immediately. We can probably come up with 50 billion Xia Guoyuan’

‘Yun Haiyang:!!!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Can you allocate so much funds?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: My luck has always been very good! '


Hu Xiaoyu is a native koi fish. When Anliang established the Heavenly Baiyujing Club, Hu Xiaoyu gained a lot of benefits in the Heavenly Baiyujing Club.

‘Li Cunyuan: We can also use nearly 50 billion in funds, 20 billion of which are loans from Gongshang Bank’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Huh? What a great idea! We can also get loans. If we want to increase our investment share, I will contact the bank immediately!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Yuan and I are almost the same’

‘Yun Haiyang: Our family is the same’

‘Lin Yili: Can our family invest more, say 110 billion Xia Guoyuan?’

‘Ye Xiangyu: We are similar to Brother Yili. '

The Dalin family and the Ye family hold a lot of cash because of their contributions to the Tesla operation.

‘An Liang: @林伊力: @叶香宇: There are no investment restrictions!’

‘Lin Yili: Then I will deal with it immediately’

‘An Liang: Brother Yili, you do what you can. This investment is not forced. The principle of participation is voluntary.’

‘Lin Yili: Xiaoyu has invested everything, I will definitely invest everything’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Yes, yes, Xiaoyu is our weather vane.’

‘Zhou Ronghua: Yes! Xiaoyu is so active in investing everything, we must definitely invest everything’

‘Li Mingfei: Although I don’t want to admit Hu Xiaoyu’s luck, I have to admit that she is really lucky.’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: I have contacted the bank to mortgage all the things that can be mortgaged, including my car. This time I want an Allin, and I want to make a big profit!’

‘An Liang: The risk is very high!’

‘An Liang: Did everyone ignore this reminder?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: I don’t think there is any risk, I believe Brother Liang!’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Brother Liang, can we add more poles?’

‘An Liang:...’

This Hu Xiaoyu is poisonous, and he still wants to increase leverage?

‘An Liang: You cannot increase leverage. '

If leverage is added, the risk factor will be magnified. Faced with a capital volume that may exceed 200 billion US dollars, Anliang cannot do that kind of thing.

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Then I’ll borrow some money first.’

‘Lin Yunsi:? ? ?’

‘Lin Yunsi: Xiaoyu, who are you going to borrow money from?’

‘Ye Zhiyi: Yes, Xiaoyu, who else can you borrow money from now?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: According to the interest rate of 3% for 100 days, I borrow money from outside members. I can borrow as much as I want. They all believe in me.’

‘Lin Yunsi:!!!’

‘Ye Zhiyi: Is this still possible?

An Liang couldn't help but smile when he saw Hu Xiaoyu's words. After the news that Hu Xiaoyu was a native koi fish spread through the Tiantian Baiyujing Club, she was in the imperial capital circle and outside the Tiantian Baiyujing Club. It can be said that it has a prominent reputation in the organization.

If Hu Xiaoyu wants to borrow money, there is a real possibility that she will borrow a lot!

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Of course you can. I'll go borrow the money right away. Brother Liang, wait for me. I want to get in the car!’

‘An Liang: Okay, I’ll wait for you, but go faster! '

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