Currently [Hurlik Sharma] is already inside the Bald Eagle Embassy in New Delhi, the capital of India. If Renyi Security Company wants to achieve its second and first priority goals, it can only arrange for personnel to take risks and sneak in. in.

Otherwise it is impossible to achieve the second priority goal or the first priority goal

‘Number 4: We have investigated the situation at the Bald Eagle Embassy, ​​you need to pretend to be [Marissa Hill】’

The divination number 4 sent [Marissa Hill]’s information to the temporary encrypted voice communication channel


Marissa Hill:

Age: 39

Gender: Female

[daily life photo]

[work photos]

[No makeup photos]

[makeup photos]

【Basic personality information】

【Basic information on living habits]

Job content: Responsible for managing four local cleaning staff within the embassy, ​​and personally handling the cleaning of confidential areas


‘Four: @Nine: I have some of the Marissa Hill video captured by the security surveillance system. You need to learn it quickly and try it tomorrow morning.danger mixed in’

‘Number 4: If there are no accidents, the bald eagle will change its target tomorrow! '

An Liang told No. 4 about this matter before. Bald Eagle is planning to judge whether Renyi Security Company has received intelligence on aluminum-ion battery technology through the situation of the US stock market.

No matter how Anxin Investment reacts in the U.S. stock market, Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau will definitely transfer Helik Sharma the next day

‘Number 9: I have no problem!’

‘Number 9: I can try to sneak into it’

‘No. 9: I will leave for New Delhi immediately and expect to arrive before dawn local time’

‘No. 4: @No. 5: You are responsible for solving Marissa Hill’

‘Number 5: No problem’

‘No. 4: @No. 3: @No. 7: Your speed is also faster’

‘Number 3: OK!’

‘No. 7: Got it!’

‘No. 4: @No. 8: If the target begins to move before our infiltration operation begins, will you be responsible for the subsequent task of tracking the target?’

‘Number 8: OK! '

Tracer No. 8 is an expert in tracking and counter-tracing, and is responsible for tracking and counter-tracing tasks in important operations.

‘No. 1: Everyone, stay safe!’

‘No. 1: BOSS requires us to protect our own safety as the highest priority goal’

‘Number 1: Especially Number 9, you must not be impulsive when you are in the enemy's base camp!’

‘Number 9: No problem!’

‘Number 9: I will pay attention. '

The management of Renyi Security Company once again detailed each other's tasks in the temporary encrypted voice communication channel, and then began to take action.

It was close to seven o'clock in the evening local time in India, and night fell.

Bald Eagle Embassy in New Delhi.

Helic Schama and Saxon Thompson were having dinner together, and the Bald Eagle Embassy prepared an exquisite Bald Eagle-style dinner for Herick Schama, thus showing its importance to Herick.

The two of them were eating an exquisite dinner, exchanging glasses and talking and laughing.

"Mr. Sharma, we have already prepared the witness protection plan in advance and plan to place you in the most prosperous New York City. What do you think?"Saxon described a bright future seemingly casually.

Herrick drank a lot of red wine and his face was slightly red. Facing Saxon's inquiry, he only felt that he was fully respected. When he was in India before, he didn't even It is impossible to get such preferential treatment.

Herrick responded slightly drunkenly,"I like New York. If I can be in New York, I will be very satisfied!""

Saxon added,"We have also arranged a property for you in New York. On Manhattan Island, a high-end apartment with an area of ​​220 square meters has a market value of more than 30 million US dollars."

"This apartment was a gift to thank Mr. Sharma for joining Bald Eagle!"Saxon explained with a smile.

Compared with aluminum-ion battery technology, a high-end apartment worth 30 million US dollars is simply worthless, right?

But how can Helic withstand such generosity?

He responded excitedly,"Thank you. Mr. Saxon, thank you Bald Eagle, I like this gift very much, and I will definitely make my own contribution to the Bald Eagle! Saxon smiled and nodded,"We also believe that Mr. Sharma will definitely make a contribution!""

At almost eight o'clock in the evening, the two of them ended their dinner happily.

Saxon politely sent Herrick to the guest room, and then returned to his room to contact the headquarters of the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau.

Saxon first reported to Herrick... Sharma’s intelligence,"From my judgment, Helik Sharma sincerely wants to join the Bald Eagle, and we can accept him"

"Is the safe passage ready?"Saxon asked additionally.

Rupert Miller, director of the field operations department of the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau, responded,"The safe passage has been prepared. We are currently analyzing whether Renyi Security Company knows about our actions."

"How is the situation of the new energy sector in the US stock market? Saxon asked.

The situation in the new energy sector of the US stock market will reveal whether Renyi Security Company knows that the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is planning aluminum-ion battery technology!

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