Helik Sharma, the developer of aluminum-ion battery technology, simply cannot resist the olive branch offered by the bald eagle. In addition, Helik Sharma has lived in India since he was a child, so he naturally has a good impression of the bald eagle.

So in the face of all the excellent conditions proposed by Saxon, what resistance can Helic have?

"Mr. Thompson, your conditions are very good. When are we going to Bald Eagle?"Herrick can't wait to go to Bald Eagle and reach the pinnacle of his life.

Saxon smiled,"We are arranging secret channels and expect to leave as soon as tomorrow morning."

"Mr. Sharma, can you stay at the embassy today? Saxon asked,"We are worried that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group will obtain relevant intelligence and use it against you.""

The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau does have such concerns!

Because the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is very aware that one of its own people has disclosed information about the operation to obtain aluminum-ion battery technology, thereby uniting financial institutions to make profits in the U.S. stock market. The

Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau Let Helik Sharma stay at the Bald Eagle Embassy in New Delhi for one more day. In fact, he is preparing to observe the trends of Anxin Investment through the US stock market, so as to further analyze whether Renyi Security Company has obtained information on aluminum-ion battery technology.

If Renyi If the security company has obtained information about aluminum-ion battery technology, then Anxin Investment Company will definitely directly buy stocks in the new energy sector on a large scale when the U.S. stock market opens today to close the short positions before closing the short positions.

If Anxin Investment is still shorting new energy in the U.S. stock market today sector, it shows that Renyi Security Company does not know the information about aluminum-ion battery technology.

After all, after the Bald Eagle obtains the aluminum-ion battery technology, the new energy sector of the US stock market will inevitably surge!

Short selling in this case?

It is definitely asking for death!

So The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau decided to postpone it for one day. They wanted to see the reaction of Anxin Investment. The

Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has considerable exchange experience with Renyi Security Company, including multiple operations to snatch thousand-year-old astragalus. The Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau The Bureau will never underestimate Renyi Security Company, so it is so cautious.

However, the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau does not know that Anliang has the Life Winner System!

When Helic Sharma and Saxon Thompson reached an agreement, the Life Winner System I sent a reminder message to An Liang.


‘Urgent reminder: The developer of aluminum-ion battery technology [Hrik Sharma] has joined the Bald Eagle camp, and the host is asked to decide on the follow-up plan. '

At this moment, Anliang is at the headquarters of Anxin Investment Company, considering the next step of Anxin Investment.

Anxin Investment currently has a short position of US$31.4 billion in the new energy sector of the U.S. stock market. Originally, given that the popularity of the new energy sector in the U.S. stock market was too high, Anxin Investment had no chance of shorting.

But now new opportunities have emerged in the OTC over-the-counter market, so Anliang is considering whether to continue shorting the new energy sector of the US stock market through Anxin Investment.

An Liang thought for a moment and then sent a message to Tianji Shensuan No. 4.

‘Zero: Where is Helik Sharma now?’

‘No. 4: Currently at the Bald Eagle Embassy in New Delhi’

‘Zero: Do ​​you have any way to get Helik Sharma out?’

‘Number 4: Sorry, BOSS, after our preliminary research, it is impossible for us to get the target out.’


‘Number 4: First of all, we don’t know the internal structure of the Bald Eagle Embassy. Their architectural design drawings have not been uploaded to the New Delhi City Construction Management System.’

‘No. 4: Secondly, the Bald Eagle Embassy uses anti-infrared thermal radiation detection technology. We cannot determine the target’s location inside the embassy from the outside.’

‘No. 4: Third, there is always a four-person Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau field operation team around the target for personal protection. We cannot take the target away without anyone noticing.’

‘No. 4: Fourth, according to our investigation, the security level of the Bald Eagle Embassy in New Delhi is very high. It not only has infrared thermal radiation detectors, but also a motion sensor detection system, and a millimeter wave radar detection system.’

‘No. 4: Under the comprehensive protection of these detection systems, even if a small stone with a diameter of only one centimeter is thrown in, the security system of the Bald Eagle Embassy in New Delhi can still locate the source of the small stone. '

In film and television works, for agents, in places like embassies, they can go in whenever they want, right?

The embassy's security system has neither infrared thermal radiation detectors nor motion sensor detection systems, let alone something as advanced as a millimeter wave radar detection system.

At most, it’s just a few protection dogs and patrol officers?

But in the real world, the security protection systems of key targets like embassies are simply seamless.

That's why the No. 4 fortune teller said that he could not enter the Bald Eagle Embassy in New Delhi and bring out Helik Sharma.

If you just enter the embassy, ​​there is still a certain chance.

But it is basically impossible to bring Helik Sharma out safely!

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