Inside the Bald Eagle Embassy in New Delhi, negotiator Saxon Thompson quickly stabilized Helik Sharma

"Who wants to hurt me?"Herrick asked nervously

"Mr. Sharma, do you know Dream Future Graphene Technology Group? Saxon asked in a guiding light.

Herrick nodded affirmatively,"Of course I know!" It is the only company in the world to commercially apply graphene lithium-ion batteries"

"Although the aluminum-ion battery I developed is not comparable to the graphene lithium-ion battery in terms of energy density, the aluminum-ion battery has very good performance in other aspects, and more importantly, its cost is low enough!"Herrick said confidently.

Saxon responded with a smile,"Mr. Sharma, has he ever considered a question, if aluminum-ion batteries are commercially applied, will the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group be affected?"

Herrick was silent for a moment before nodding affirmatively,"If aluminum-ion batteries are commercially applied, Dream Graphene Technology Group will be 100% impacted."

"Although aluminum-ion batteries cannot threaten high-end graphene lithium-ion batteries, they will 100% threaten the sodium-ion batteries they just released." added Herrick.

"I watched the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s sodium-ion battery press conference before. In my opinion, sodium-ion batteries are a complete joke. Aluminum-ion batteries completely crush sodium-ion batteries in all parameters."Herrick said confidently

"If the aluminum-ion battery I developed is commercialized, it will not only be a crushed sodium-ion battery, but also an ordinary lithium-ion battery. The graphene lithium-ion battery of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can only barely compete in the high-end market. Survive. Helic added confidently.

At this point, Helic finally understood what Saxon meant,"Are you saying that the Dream Graphene Technology Group may target me in the future?""

Listening to Helic's inquiry, Saxon's eyes were filled with smiles.

"certainly!"Saxon nodded affirmatively.

"The aluminum-ion battery technology developed by Mr. Sharma is definitely an excellent technology for all mankind, but for the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, are they really willing to see Mr. Sharma commercialize this technology? ? Saxon asked back.

Herrick fell into silence.

Saxon did not continue to ask. He changed the topic,"Mr. Sharma, let's discuss the aluminum-ion battery technology. If there are any objections, Mr. Sharma can raise it immediately." come out"

"Regarding the aluminum-ion battery technology, according to our plan, we will first register a patent around the world. The patent owner is Mr. Sharma. Does Mr. Sharma have any objections to this? Saxon asked.

Herrick shook his head,"I have no objection.""

"After we escorted Mr. Sharma back to Bald Eagle, we will follow Mr. Sharma's request and include Mr. Sharma in the witness protection program, thus changing his identity. You will live completely freely in Bald Eagle. Saxon added.

Herrick nodded with satisfaction,"Very good!""

"When arrangements are made with Mr. Sharma, we will establish a joint venture company around aluminum-ion battery technology. This joint venture will be 99% owned by FFB/Bald Eagle Federal Financing Bank, and Mr. Sharma will hold 1% of the shares. Technology patents are also held by the joint venture."Saxon begins planning aluminum-ion battery technology

"Bald Eagle Federal Financing Bank will hire professional managers to operate the joint venture, and Mr. Sharma will be responsible for in-depth research on aluminum-ion battery technology. What does Mr. Sharma think of this division of labor?"Saxon describes a bright future.

FFB Bald Eagle Federal Financing Bank is a wholly-owned company of Bald Eagle Imperial Court, equivalent to a state-owned enterprise of Xia State. It is directly supervised by Bald Eagle Treasury Department DOT and mainly provides financing for Bald Eagle Imperial Court institutions. Improve financing efficiency and reduce financing costs.

Simply put, it is the wallet of the Bald Eagle Court.

This time the Bald Eagle Court is planning to implant aluminum-ion battery technology into FFB Bald Eagle Federal Financing Bank to make the wallet thicker.

Faced with the wonderful future described by Saxon, how could Helic withstand it?

The Bald Eagle provided Helic with very good conditions in Helic's opinion!

For example, the Bald Eagle promised to give Helic one percent of the equity. This is very good for Herrick, because when he was in India, it was impossible for Herrick to obtain the allocation of equity.

Secondly, Bald Eagle made Herrick responsible for the development of aluminum-ion battery technology, although in the eyes of some people, this is A hard job, but in Herrick's view, it gave him the right to be fully responsible for the development of aluminum-ion batteries.

If in India, according to Herrick's penultimate caste level, how could he Become the person in charge of aluminum-ion batteries?

In addition, Bald Eagle will also register aluminum-ion battery patents for Herrick around the world, and register them in the name of Herrick.

This is a huge honor in Herrick's eyes!

Because If Herrick announces its aluminum-ion battery technology in India, it is impossible for this technology to be 'developed' by Herrick, let alone register the patent in Herrick's name. Not to mention that Bald Eagle has agreed to directly Giving Herrick US$1 billion allowed Herrick to achieve financial freedom in an instant.

All things considered, how could it be possible for Herrick to stay in India?

Of course, India’s tradition is like this, high-end talents and technical geniuses I always yearn for the Bald Eagle.

After all, India's high-end talents and technical geniuses have achieved great success in Bald Eagle and have become senior personnel of various large companies.

For example, the CEO of Tianpai Hardware Company and the CEO of Google A lot of India's high-end talents such as the Chief Technology Officer of Motorola and others have gained a foothold in Bald Eagle.

Therefore, the first choice of India's high-end talents and technical geniuses is always Bald Eagle.

Now we have developed aluminum ions Harik Sharma of battery technology, he also chose the bald eagle!

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