Faced with Dylan's question, Barlow quickly explained,"If calculated according to the theoretical parameters given by the headquarters, and then refer to the density of the mountain soil here, the final result will be between 250 kilograms and 280 kilograms."

"However, when UAVs jointly transport targets, the maximum takeoff weight cannot be simply added, so the joint cooperation of the entire UAV team is required. Barlow added.

Dylan frowned,"If the entire drone team is mobilized, other intelligence agencies and the guys from that company will definitely discover our actions."

Barlow sighed and agreed,"This is the biggest trouble!""


How to avoid being discovered by other intelligence agencies and Renyi Security Company is the biggest trouble.

Whether it is digging targets or transporting targets, although there are various problems, these problems can It's just that there are some troubles.

But external threats are a problem that cannot be overcome.

Because of external threats, the field personnel of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau cannot launch drones on a large scale, nor can they excavate targets. After all, whether it is Large-scale mobilization of drones or direct excavation of targets on Kona Peak may expose the operation.

So now the field personnel of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau are trapped in an endless loop!

A high-profile operation, right?

That will expose the operation!

If you want to Avoid exposing your actions, right?

Then you won't be able to complete the task as required!

Isn't this an endless loop?

"BOSS, what should we do now? Barlow asked.

Dylan sighed,"Our action this time is for the target. Now that we may have discovered the target, we must take action.""

"That...What if it's exposed?"Barlow asked cautiously.

"I have a plan! Dylan said,"We use logging chainsaws to excavate the target. We arrange two teams to work together, let eight logging chainsaws dig together, and equip them with lifting tools to complete the excavation within ten minutes.""

"When excavating, we will dispatch drones to ensure that when the drones arrive at the site, two groups of field operators will have completed the pre-transportation preparations to achieve seamless docking." Dylan added

"The remaining field teams are responsible for interdicting the operators of other intelligence agencies and that company. As long as we leave Silang with the target, we can be completely hidden."Dylan told the whole plan.

Barlow nodded in agreement,"Okay, I will convey the boss's order immediately."

However, when the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau started taking action, the first field team of the Indian branch of the Renyi Security Company in Silabon discovered the abnormal behavior of the Bald Eagle.

Feng Kai, who was in charge of the investigation operation, took the initiative to report,"Old Xu, I discovered an anomaly. The guys from the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau were actually buying logging chainsaws, and they bought eight of them directly."

"Logging chainsaw? Xu Wencong, leader of the first field team, raised his eyebrows,"Did we think of something together?""

"Hehe, I discovered the problem before. These guys from the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau actually mobilized a large number of people to search for Silabang. Could it be that they discovered the location of the thousand-year-old Astragalus?"Feng Kai explained

"Now that they are buying logging chainsaws, I suspect they are preparing to use them to dig out thousand-year-old astragalus! Feng Kai added.

Xu Wencong seconded,"I doubt it too!""

Previously, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan arranged a misdirection plan in Sirabon, which not only misled the intelligence agencies of various countries, but also kept it strictly confidential.

Although there has not yet been any betrayal at Renyi Security Company, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan is very cautious and takes precautions.

Therefore, the field personnel of the Indian branch of Renyi Security Company did not know that the search for the Thousand-Year Astragalus was fake. They really thought that there was a Thousand-Year Astragalus.

"Lao Feng, report the location, we will come and follow you." Xu Wencong ordered.

Feng Kai immediately sent the location information to Xu Wencong, and then asked additionally,"Should we report the situation first?"

"Let's follow it up first to see what's going on, and then consider whether to report it, so as to avoid any oolong incident."Xu Wencong said calmly.

Almost an hour later, they followed the personnel of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau to the Nais Mountains and determined the location of the operation of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau on Kona Peak.

"Feng Kai, how many people from the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau are around us?"Xu Wencong asked

"Much! There are at least five groups! Feng Kai lowered his voice and replied,"Old Xu, we'd better report the situation quickly. These bald eagle guys must have found the target.""

"Xiaotian, immediately report the situation to the superiors and report the details here."Xu Wencong ordered Cheng Yuntian, a technician from the first action team.

Cheng Yuntian responded,"I suggest that we move back a little distance. The communication equipment has been interfered with. I suspect that the guys from the Bald Eagle Country have set up signal jammers. If we send information here, , I'm worried that the other party will find out"

"withdraw!"Xu Wencong ordered without hesitation

"I cover." Long Hao, the last member of the first action team, explained that he was a sniper, and it was his job to be responsible for covering. The four of them retreated for more than ten kilometers before stopping.

Cheng Yuntian checked the communication equipment,"The interference has disappeared, I Report the situation to your superiors immediately."

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