The astragalus plant image recognition system developed by Bald Eagle is very advanced. It can analyze image information within a range of 10 meters by 10 meters in 0.2 seconds and identify the appearance characteristics of the astragalus plant with an accuracy of over 90%.

Although the accuracy rate seems a bit exaggerated, in fact, this accuracy rate is specially set to avoid missing fish due to pursuing an excessively high recognition rate.

When the image recognition system carried by the drone discovered the appearance characteristics of the astragalus plant, the portable computer on Dylan's arm immediately received the information

"Barlow!"Dylan looked at Barlow.

Barlow held a tablet computer to view the information fed back by the drone, and individually enlarged and displayed the information found by the astragalus plant shape characteristic image recognition system.

"It seems like it really is the goal! Barlow handed the tablet to Dylan.

Dylan took the tablet and checked it. He nodded slightly,"It does look like Astragalus, and the surrounding growth environment is also suitable for Astragalus. Immediately arrange a drone to observe it closely.""

"receive."Barlow took back the tablet and directly controlled the drone through the tablet to observe the astragalus on the Kona Peak of the Nais Mountains at close range.

The drone used by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was equipped with an ultra-high-definition camera. When shooting at close range At this time, not to mention the appearance characteristics of the astragalus plant, even the tiny dewdrops on the leaves are clearly visible!

"Send the image back to headquarters for secondary confirmation."Dylan ordered

"clear."Barlow once again used the tablet to operate and directly sent the close-up video captured by the drone to the headquarters. The

Bald Eagle's information system was very good. Even in the barren mountains of India, Barlow used the tablet to When the computer opens a confidential communication channel, it only takes a few seconds to connect to the headquarters of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, and then upload the video information.

For this operation, the Bald Eagle Nation mobilized a geostationary satellite to hover over India The sky above Asia provides communication support for field operations anytime and anywhere.

Therefore, Barlow uploaded information very quickly. In just two or three minutes, he uploaded an ultra-high-definition video.

Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau Headquarters, Asian Affairs Division.

When Technology After Director Andy Weir received the video image sent by Barlow, he immediately forwarded it to a team of botanical experts recruited by the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. In just five or six minutes, the team of botanical experts recruited by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau determined The plant in the video may indeed be a high-age Astragalus membranaceus.

In addition, the Kona Peak of the Naïs Mountains is an inaccessible cliff and has the conditions to form a thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus.

Therefore, the team of botanical experts recommended that field personnel remove this plant The astragalus dig at Kona Peak will dig out the soil and send it back to the bald eagle. If it is a thousand-year-old astragalus, then use it directly. If it is not a thousand-year-old astragalus, then find a suitable place to plant it.

Barlow looked at the information fed back from the headquarters, He couldn't help but roll his eyes!

"BOSS, these guys in the headquarters are sick!"Barlow complained.

Dylan looked at the feedback information from the headquarters. His face was a little ugly, because Dylan knew very well how difficult it would be for them to dig out the target if they followed the recommendations of the botany expert team! The botany expert team gave The specific plan proposed is to dig a cylinder with a diameter of 50 cm and a depth of at least 50 cm, and it can only be larger but not smaller.

According to the volume formula of a cylinder, a cylinder with a diameter of 50 cm and a depth of at least 50 cm has a total volume of approximately It is 98,000 cubic centimeters. The density of mountain soil is generally between 2.6 grams and 2.7 grams. The total mass exceeds 255 kilograms, that is, more than 510 kilograms!

Not to mention the difficulty of excavation, just the difficulty of transportation is very high!

After all, science and technology The top of Mount Kona is an inaccessible cliff. If you want to transport this cylindrical piece of soil from the top of Mount Kona, there is no other way except flying.

However, there is no similar third-generation flying motorcycle in the Bald Eagle Country. Long endurance and stable flight platform, ordinary drones cannot carry such a huge weight

"Those guys in the office really only give random orders and don't care about the difficulty of execution on our front lines!"Dylan couldn't help complaining.

If it was just the difficulty of transportation, then there would be no problem!

After all, the difficulty of transportation is the smallest problem.

In addition to transportation, the second problem that needs to be solved is the problem of excavation.

This strain is suspected to be The target astragalus is on the cliff of Kona Peak at an altitude of 2,766 meters. Although it can be seen from the high-definition video captured by the drone that it is surrounded by gentle slopes and has a certain working space.

But the problem is that it is an inaccessible cliff. There is no power supply system, no large excavation machines, and the operating conditions are extremely difficult. How can we meet the conditions to dig out the target?

Dylan has to suspect that the guys at the headquarters have not considered the difficulty of execution by frontline field personnel.

"BOSS, the maximum take-off load of our drone is only 60 kilograms. I calculated that at least 12 drones are needed for joint transportation to be able to transport the target that meets the regulations."Barlow said remindingly.

"It shouldn't be that heavy, right?"Dylan asked back. Although he didn't calculate it in detail, Dylan felt that the target couldn't be that heavy!

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