Under normal circumstances, there would definitely be no problem with the secret transportation operation convoy's handling plan at the scene of the second attack, but during the secret transportation operation of thousand-year-old Astragalus, there is definitely a problem if time is wasted in a dangerous situation.

In particular, the coping strategies used when encountering low threats before and the coping strategies encountered now when encountering high threats are simply self-contradictory.

However, this anomaly is not easy to detect.

After all, mainstream moral concepts will automatically ignore this issue, because such things are in line with mainstream moral concepts.

"Kuimulang retrieved the scene images of the second attack on the secret transportation operation convoy."The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator ordered.

The member codenamed 'Kui Mulang' is the member who discovered the abnormal situation before.

"Sorry, Mr. Four, we do not have first-hand imagery. The imagery we have was taken remotely by field personnel after the attack." Kui Mulang reported while retrieving the relevant image data and displaying it on the screen wall. The

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator checked the corresponding image data. Sure enough, just as Kui Mulang said, the secret transport operation convoy was attacked for the second time. There was something wrong with the reaction afterwards.

"Did our field staff discover anything unusual at the scene?"Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 asked.

Kui Mulang shook his head in the negative,"No abnormalities have been found yet."

"What's the situation over there now?"Tianji Shensuan No. 4 asked again.

"It was temporarily blocked by the Winter Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department, and all the bodies were removed. The Winter Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department also arranged for three personnel to guard the scene."Kui Mulang reported.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator thought for more than ten seconds,"Do we have field personnel over there?"

"some."Kui Mulang nodded.

"Arrange for our field personnel to once again investigate the situation at the scene, investigate carefully, but pay attention to safety."Instructions from No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator

"receive."Kui Mulang responded affirmatively.

When Kui Mulang went to arrange the second investigation, No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator reported the latest situation to Anliang. Anliang attached great importance to this matter. After all, this operation may lead to the death of the Neon Royal Family. Stealing a thousand-year-old astragalus!

Although Anliang owns Golden Tai Sui, and the effect of golden Tai Sui is even more than that of thousand-year astragalus, it does not mean that the thousand-year astragalus loses its value, but is more valuable.

Because Anliang can use the thousand-year astragalus as a Favor!

"…The above is the latest situation."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 reported all the situations in detail.

"Since there is an accident, investigate it carefully."An Liang casually ordered

"receive."Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 responded.

After An Liang and Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 ended the call, they received a call from Huang Guoxiang. An Liang first secretly guessed the other party's intention, and then answered the call.

"Lao Huang, what's the matter?"An Liang asked casually

"How is the situation over there in Neon?"Huang Guoxiang asked straight to the point.

"It’s not clear at the moment, it’s a mess anyway, and no one knows what’s going on."An Liang responded

"I do not believe! Huang Guoxiang directly expressed his disbelief,"I have an intuition. I think you are the final winner. Did you grab the opponent's thousand-year-old Astragalus?""


"What the hell?"An Liang complained.

How could this old Huang accuse someone of his innocence out of thin air?

"Don't be nervous, we really didn't contribute this time, and we definitely won't share the benefits."Huang Guoxiang expressed his attitude in advance.

"You don’t have to deny it, I trust my intuition. Huang Guoxiang added,"You are always very lucky, and good things will always happen to you. We have noticed this countless times.""

An Liang raised his eyebrows. Did Huang Guoxiang observe so carefully?

In fact, Huang Guoxiang is right. An Liang's luck is always very good. With the help of the winner system in life, An Liang can always become the final winner.

Even if there are koi fish Hu Xiaoyu, also known as the native carp, is no match for Anliang in the game of luck.

After all, Anliang has both Hebi's blessing and a little vixen to accumulate blessings and luck for him. Shouldn't he be lucky?

"You guessed wrong this time! An Liang said negatively,"We highly suspect that what happened this time was a joint act between the Neon Country and the Bald Eagle Country.""

"What's the meaning?"Huang Guoxiang was confused.

"They are afraid that others will miss Millennium Astragalus! An Liang explained,"After all, there is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days. If the Neon Royal Family obtains the Millennium Astragalus, they will definitely be remembered by all kinds of people, so we might as well come up with a fish in troubled waters plan to make the whereabouts of the Millennium Astragalus a mystery.""

"Do you think I'm a fool?"Huang Guoxiang complained

"I don't believe this reason." Huang Guoxiang added.

"I just want to ask, can you sell the thousand-year-old astragalus you obtained?"Huang Guoxiang added

"Did someone ask you?"An Liang asked back.

Huang Guoxiang is a poor man. There is no way he can afford Millennium Astragalus. As long as he dares to buy Millennium Astragalus today, someone will investigate Huang Guoxiang's source of funds tomorrow.

So someone can only ask An Liang through Huang Guoxiang.

"Let me say it again, Lao Huang, we really didn’t get the thousand-year-old astragalus this time!"An Liang complained

"If you are worried about the retaliation of the Neon Kingdom and the Bald Eagle Kingdom, don’t worry. Our buyers are all from the imperial capital circle and they are kept strictly confidential."Huang Guoxiang promised and continued to test.

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