Faced with No. 13’s inquiry, Seven Sins Organization’s arrogance thought for a moment before responding,"We can’t determine which situation it is."

"The value of a thousand-year-old astragalus root is too high, no matter what the situation is possible!"arrogant sigh

"Based on the previously discovered thousand-year-old astragalus, it is speculated that the value of a thousand-year-old astragalus may exceed 10 billion U.S. dollars, and it is not that there is no market for it, but the supply exceeds demand."Arrogant Analysis

"At such a value, we won’t be surprised no matter what arrangements the Neon Royal Family makes."arrogant sigh

"So the current situation is very complicated. It is possible that the Neon Royal Family deliberately released the information that the Millennium Astragalus is fake. It is also possible that the Neon Royal Family directly transported the fake Millennium Astragalus without telling everyone. It is also possible that it was really someone else. Captured the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus. Arrogance analyzed.

No. 13 asked the most critical question,"Then do we still have a chance to obtain Thousand-Year Astragalus now?""

"The hope is very slim."arrogant sigh

"So what do we do?"No. 13 asked again

"While you are pretending to be following us, you secretly investigate the Neon Royal Family's secret transportation plan to determine whether it is a conspiracy of the Neon Royal Family."Arrogant commanded

"What are you going to do?"No. 13 asked back.

Arrogance did not hide it. Although the partner is a fool, after all, the cooperation has been carried out. What else can be done?

"We search the web for clues. If other organizations obtain Millennium Astragalus, they may sell it on the deep web and gain profits."Arrogant explanation

"Okay, we are each responsible for our own affairs, and we will contact you when we have new information."Arrogance expressed the intention to end the exchange.

After the two parties ended the exchange, the Seven Sins Organization began to operate in the Deep Web.

As Arrogance explained, the Seven Sins Organization speculated that other organizations had obtained the Millennium Astragalus, which was very likely to be liquidated in the Deep Web After all , the price of Millennium Astragalus is too expensive. Although the supply exceeds demand, there are only so many buyers. In addition, the seller must be worried about the identity being exposed, so the transaction can only be carried out through the deep network.

When the Seven Sins Organization cooperates with While the partners were communicating, the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan led the team to analyze the entire process of the secret transportation operation convoy.

Just like the arrogant analysis of the Seven Sins organization, when the secret transportation operation convoy entered Winter Kyoto and before arriving at the Capitol, there was no Any opportunity to start.

So if there is a plan to exchange the Millennium Astragalus, it must be before entering Winter Kyoto.

Therefore, the key target of the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation investigation is placed before the secret transportation operation convoy enters Winter Kyoto, and the focus is on the secret When the transport operation convoy was attacked

"Your Excellency No. 4, we discovered something unusual."A member of the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan's team [Everything is successful] reported the situation.

The team established by the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan is called [Everything is successful], which means that everything is a little more smooth than everything is going well.

"what's the situation?"No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation Inquiry

"The two attacks on the covert transport operation convoy were handled differently."The person who discovered the abnormal situation reported it while displaying the relevant information about the attack on the secret transport operation convoy on the screen wall.

"When the covert transport convoy first encountered the attack, we didn't have complete imagery, but we were able to piece together the information."The person who discovered the abnormal situation added

"The secret transportation operation convoy was attacked by personnel on high-horsepower motorcycles, and then directly blocked the attack with the advantage of the bulletproof body, and emergency drove into the opposite lane to escape."Explanation of the person who discovered the abnormal situation

"During the second attack, we did not have complete image information, but according to the road safety monitoring system, we can still analyze some things. For example, the personnel of the second attack used a van to block the road, thus completely stopping the attack. Covert transport operations convoy."The personnel who discovered the abnormal situation analyzed the situation of the second attack.

"Then the image information provided by the road safety monitoring system still allowed us to understand that the personnel of the first attack attacked the personnel of the second attack, thus benefiting the secret transport operation convoy. Later we found out that it was the Desperate Hell Organization Infighting with the Dragon Slayer Warriors."The person who discovered the abnormality joked

"But after the internal fighting between the two organizations, our field staff observed the incident scene from a distance, and we discovered an anomaly that was easily overlooked."The person who discovered the abnormal situation pointed out the key

"This anomaly that is easily overlooked is that after the secret transport operation convoy was attacked for the second time, it actually stayed at the attack site for almost two minutes!"Reminder to those who discover abnormal situations

"Let's compare it now. When we encountered the attack for the first time, even though the threat of the attack was very small, the secret transportation operation convoy ran away directly, and even chose to drive in the dangerous opposite direction."Personnel who discover abnormal situations will focus on

"However, after the second attack, the CTA convoy actually stopped, and our field personnel later discovered that the CTA convoy personnel had moved the bodies of the attackers to clear the road."The personnel who discovered the abnormal situation once again focused on

"At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this situation. After all, you have to push the body away before you can drive. But under the circumstances, why did you do this instead of just running over it with the car?"The person who discovered the abnormal situation raised questions.

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