Kishijima Maple is just a covert operator!

What is a covert operative?

Covert operatives are operatives who do not have a paper trail.

There is no written record of either the identity information or operational information of the covert operatives, and it is impossible for the corresponding forces to admit the existence of the covert operatives.

Regarding Kishima Mufeng being caught, it is impossible for the Neon Royal Family to admit that Kishijima Mufeng is a secret operative of the Neon Royal Family, and it is even less possible for him to do anything to rescue Kishima Mufeng.

So after Kishijima Mufeng was caught, he was the only one to find a way to solve the problem.

But what can he do?

He originally tried to bribe the other party, but the other party offered him a sky-high price. He could only hope that the confidential information he had could be exchanged for a chance of survival.


More than half an hour later, Angel Apartment.

In Room 101 of Angel Apartments, Kishijima Maple was handcuffed to a chair, with a thick black cloth hood on his head. The room was very quiet, and it seemed that there was no one except him.

Kishijima Maple knew that this was a tactic of the enemy. This method created psychological pressure, making it easier for him to tell the information.

But Kishijima Maple is a professionally trained covert operator. How could he be frightened by such a little trick?

Wearing a thick black cloth hood, Kishijima Maple could not correctly perceive the passage of time. He did not know how much time had passed, but he only felt that a long time had passed. However, those who captured him still did not come to interrogate him. This It made him a little uneasy.

In fact, Kishijima Maple was only captured for an hour!

This is the reason why Kishijima Maple was given a thick black cloth hood, so that he could not correctly perceive the passage of time, thus creating a psychological pressure of worrying about gains and losses.

Warner theme park on the outskirts of Madrid.

Lenore happily watched the familiar movie characters around her put on Halloween-style costumes, including Wonder Woman in a vampire costume, Superman in a werewolf costume, and so on.

At Lenore's strong request, Anliang chose the traditional European prince dress. She naturally dressed like a princess, after all, she was the princess of the Spanish Peninsula.

It's a pity that Warner Theme Park does not have scene-based role-playing activities, otherwise Lenore would still want to play Sleeping Beauty and let Anliang play the prince.

In fact, how is it possible for Warner Theme Park to have a scenario-based role-playing activity in Sleeping Beauty?

After all, do you understand the copyright warning?

It's nearly half past ten in the evening.

Lenore left the Warner Theme Park with Anliang with some unfinished thoughts. In fact, Anliang could play with Lenore until later, but when Anliang found out that Queen Lydia expressed her intention to end it, Anliang ended the Halloween activities sensibly..

After all, Queen Lydia is the hidden controller, and Lenore can only obey her orders.

In almost half an hour, Anliang sent the Lenore sisters and Queen Lydia back to Zarzuela Palace. Qin Tianxiang immediately reported the situation of Kishida Maple.

"BOSS, the other party wants to see you by name. He said that the information is related to you."Qin Tianxiang reported.

An Liang sensed the danger premonition ability but did not send any warning. It seemed that Kishima Maple was not in danger, so An Liang nodded in response,"Since you want to see me, then meet me!"

Under the cover of darkness, Anliang and his party secretly arrived at Angel's apartment. In

Room 101, when Anliang walked in, he deliberately made heavier footsteps.

Kishijima Maple, who was originally quiet, took the initiative to use Xia Guoyu He said,"Is this Mr. An?""

Anliang didn't pretend to be mysterious. He tapped Kishijima Maple in the air and signaled the security personnel of Renyi Security Company to remove the thick black cloth hood.

After Kishijima Maple regained his vision, Anliang asked in neon language,"I'm An Liang, what's your name?"

Kishijima Maple didn't hesitate at all. He responded in Neon language,"My name is Kishijima Maple, a member of the Deserted Village Action Team, a secret operations organization controlled by the Neon Royal Family."

"You are very cooperative!"Anliang said with a smile.

Kishijima Maple replied frankly,"I don't want to die, I want to live. Mr. An, I have important information to tell you!"

"Don't you want to talk about the conditions first?"Anliang asked back.

Kishijima Maple still responded frankly,"I believe Mr. An!"

Actually, Kishijima Maple knows that he is a fish and the other party is a knife. So what if he agrees to him? There are too many things that break his promise and get fat, okay? That's why

Kishijima Maple chooses to tell the answer happily, so as to win peace. tolerance

"Let’s talk about important information."Anliang did not give a promise.

As for whether to deal with Kishijima Maple in secret or really give him a way out, it all depends on what kind of information Kishijima Maple can provide.

If you use a piece of information casually , After dealing with Anliang, how could Anliang let Kishima Maple go?

"The Neon Royal Family is planning to fully target Mr. An. It not only plans to financially impact Mr. An’s Anxin Investment, but also secretly plans to attack people related to Mr. An."Kishijima Maple explained the important information.

An Liang raised his eyebrows, what does the neon royal family want to do?

Attack people related to him?

That would break the rules of the game!

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