Matisse was actually worried that Ralph would take advantage of others. After all, he was from the Bear Country!

Now Ralph's response has dispelled Mattis's doubts. At least Ralph has revealed his sincerity and chose a location where Mattis feels safe.

About half an hour later, Matisse took all the brothers back to their lair, where they were waiting for Ralph.

In less than ten minutes, Ralph arrived at the scene with people.

Ralph still only brought three people, one of whom was carrying a black suitcase.

Matisse stared at the black suitcase with burning eyes, and he took the initiative to ask,"Did you bring the money?"

Ralph nodded and asked Grian to show the one million euros in cash to him for inspection.

Grien opened the black suitcase and took out some of the cash to show that it was real euros and not just white paper.

"Where are people?"Ralph asked.

Matisse clapped his hands, and Kishijima Maple was brought up immediately.

Ralph looked at Kishima Maple, and he took out the photo to compare, and then used his mobile phone to take a photo of Kishima Maple. Send photos to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan

"Wait a moment, we need to verify your identity."Ralph responded

"Can."Mattis was not in a hurry, because this is their home base and there is no problem in terms of security. The

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan received the photo sent by Ralph, and he immediately performed human facial feature recognition for identity matching, which took less than two minutes. At the time, the Neon Branch of Renyi Security Company reported back the matching results.

Although the results fed back by the Neon Branch were not definite identity information, they had already matched that the other party was a Neon person and was related to the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau.

‘Command Center: Target identified’

‘Falcon: The target claims to have important intelligence, please indicate next steps. '

Important information?

‘Command Center: Transport the target to Room 101 of Angel Apartments’

‘Falcon: Got it. '

After Ralph received the feedback from No. 4, he immediately said to Matisse,"We have determined the identity of the target. You did not arrest the wrong person. Congratulations on winning the reward of one million euros!"

Green He took a few steps forward and placed the suitcase on the ground.

"We’ll give you ten minutes to check. Is that enough time?"Ralph asked.

Matisse took a deep breath. He originally didn't expect the other party to give them time to verify the banknotes. Now it seems that the other party is really prepared to abide by the rules of fair trade?

"Completely enough, please wait."Mattis responded quickly.

Mattis's men had prepared two currency detectors and quickly counted them.

Two bundles of 100-euro banknotes were quickly verified under the counting machines. Each bundle was It was a hundred pieces, totaling 10,000 euros.

Matisse personally randomly selected two bundles of euros and put them into the banknote detector for quick verification. When the verification was completed, Matisse said grandly,"The verification is completed, we believe that your Excellency credit."

Ralph nodded without pretentiousness,"Give us the goal, and we will have nothing to do with it in the future, not even this transaction. Do you understand?"

"Sorry, Your Excellency, who are you and why are you here with us? Matisse said jokingly as he escorted Kishijima Maple towards Ralph.

Ralph caught Kishijima Maple and turned around to leave.

After Ralph escorted Kishijima Maple away, Paul Then he asked,"Boss, should we let them leave?"

"idiot!"Mattis snorted softly,"Those people from the Northern Bear Country are not simple, they may be desperadoes!"

"Okay, this time we got one million, everyone has a share, but remember not to talk nonsense!"Mattis said warningly. He is a smart man and knows very well what can be said and what cannot be said.

In a black Saban bulletproof car, Kishijima Maple asked tentatively in English,"Who are you? ?"

"You'll find out later."Ralph had no intention of revealing his identity.

"You must have been hired by that Xia guy, right?"Kishijima Maple said thoughtfully,"No matter how much money he pays, I will give you double it!"

"Really?"Ralph asked teasingly.

Unfortunately, Ralph's English was poor and he did not express his teasing tone.

"real!"Kishijima Maple was secretly happy, he thought he could bribe Ralph

"How much bounty do we have?"Ralph asked Green.

Green quickly calculated,"If you include this guy, it will be about 37 million US dollars. If he is willing to give double, it will be 74 million US dollars."

Ralph looked at Kishijima Maple and asked repeatedly,"Are you willing to give double?"

When Kishijima Maplewood heard about 74 million US dollars, his face was extremely ugly.

Although they dispatched nearly a hundred people to deal with Anliang this time, the reward offered by Anliang was too high, right?

37 million US dollars?

‘that guy...’Kishijima Maple suddenly remembered that Anliang owns Anxin Investment Company, which is a very famous investment company in the global financial community.

"It seems you have no money!"Ralph teased again.

Kishijima Maple said nothing more. He could only pray that the information he had could give him a chance of survival!


Update time: December 26, 2021 00:04:54, good night

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