At nearly 11:30 in the morning, An Liang arrived at Li Xiyan's house.

Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing had already arrived first, and they were sitting on the sofa in the living room chatting with Li Xiyan.

An Liang walked into the living room, greeted the two of them first, and then asked,"Baby, is Auntie not at home?"

Li Xiyan responded,"I told her that Qiqi and Yuqing were coming, so she hurriedly They went out to buy groceries, and they said they would cook at home to entertain Qiqi and Yuqing at noon."

An Liang couldn't help but laugh,"Hahaha, classmate Yao, and Nuxia Guo, congratulations!"

Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing Having tasted Liu Ling's cooking skills before, they could only smile bitterly.

"When we came, Auntie had already gone out. What should we do?"Yao Qi was helpless.

Guo Yuqing seconded,"Anyway, you are with us."

Li Xiyan took the initiative to sit next to An Liang. She took An Liang's arm and shook it,"An Liang, please tell mother that we won't eat at home at noon. Guo

Yuqing complained,"I'm begging you, please stop being such a jerk and be considerate of the single nobles?""

Yao Qi didn't react at all, she even had a calm smile on her face. An

Liang responded with a wicked smile,"The singles were killed!"

After An Liang's words fell, the door opened. Liu Ling came back with a bag of ingredients. An Liang came over to check it, and then took the initiative to go over and help carry the bag.

Liu Ling didn't refuse, because refusal made it more deliberate.

An Liang carried Walking towards the kitchen with a bag of ingredients, he jokingly said,"No, Auntie, are you really ready to cook? Liu

Ling's face turned red and she retorted,"Today is Xi Yan's birthday. I'm going to cook to celebrate Xi Yan. Is there any problem?""

"There's a little problem! An Liang responded,"Auntie, do you have any misunderstandings about your cooking skills?""

To be honest, Liu Ling's cooking skills are indeed very poor!

Faced with An Liang's straightforwardness, Liu Ling responded helplessly,"In fact, it can also be eaten."

"No, no, no, aunt, I have already made a reservation at the restaurant. Let’s go there now." An Liang stopped Liu Ling.

An Liang didn't want to try Liu Ling's dark cuisine again.

That was too bad!

Li Xiyan immediately seconded,"Yes, mom, An Liang didn't know you were going to cook. He made a reservation at the restaurant in advance. , even the deposit has been paid, let’s not waste it."

Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing breathed a sigh of relief. It seems like they should go out to eat at noon, right?

Even if they go out to eat hot pot at noon, Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing are willing.

Liu Ling looked helpless,"My cooking skills Is it that bad?"

"The salad is still pretty good!"An Liang responded with praise.

Liu Ling couldn't help but roll her eyes at An Liang.

Li Xiyan laughed heartlessly,"Yes, yes, mom is very experienced in making salads."

"Which restaurant did you book?"Liu Ling changed the topic.

"Tsukishima."An Liang responded

"The one you've been to specializes in puffer fish."An Liang added.

Li Xiyan said happily,"I remember that restaurant, I like to eat puffer fish!"

Liu Ling didn't refuse either.

"It's a bit far over there. It takes almost an hour to drive there. How about we set off now?"An Liang suggested.

"good."Liu Ling agreed.

Everyone went out together to the underground garage.

Today An Liang drove an Audi A8L, because the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz Maybach S680 only has two seats, but after adding Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing, there are five people, so An Liang replaced an Audi A8L.

In the underground garage, An Liang was naturally responsible for driving. Li Xiyan took the initiative to open the back door and signaled Yao Qi to get in the car first, then she got in the car herself, and finally let Guo Yuqing get in.

Li Xiyan chose to sit in the car by herself The middle position in the back row is the most uncomfortable position. This little fool sometimes does things that make people laugh or cry. It’s not that he doesn’t understand the world.

Liu Ling naturally sat in the passenger seat; While driving, his heart beat a little faster.

An Liang glanced at Liu Ling, the co-pilot, and met Liu Ling's eyes. Liu Ling quickly changed his gaze. An Liang didn't look at Liu Ling anymore. He started the vehicle and set off.

Yue Island Restaurant is outside the main city of Shengqing, and it takes about an hour to get there from Fanhuayuan.

On the way, Li Xiyan and two best friends whispered this in the back row.

Guo Yuqing asked in a low voice,"I heard Pufferfish is poisonous, and eating pufferfish food is risky. Aren’t you afraid?"

Yao Qi said negatively,"This statement is wrong."

Yao Qi continued to explain,"First of all, the chef who cooks puffer fish must be professional, otherwise something would have gone wrong."

"The second issue is the improvement of puffer fish species. Today’s edible puffer fish have been improved by artificial breeding, and their toxins have long been removed, and they are completely free of the toxicity of wild puffer fish. Yao Qi added.

Obviously Yao Qi has eaten puffer fish, so he knows the situation of puffer fish dishes so well.

Li Xiyan added,"Don't worry, he has a special way."’

"What special method?"Guo Yuqing was curious.

Yao Qi was also curious,"Is there any way to verify the toxicity of puffer fish? Li

Xiyan responded,"He will let the restaurant owner try it first, and he also said that if it is poisonous, then a restaurant owner will die first.""

"Ha ha ha ha!"Guo Yuqing couldn't help laughing.

Yao Qi couldn't help but laugh. This kind of operation is indeed a bit showy.

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