Sun Xia wants to resign?

This is something new!

‘An Liang: Huh?’

‘An Liang: After resigning, will you play mahjong full-time?’

‘Sun Xia:? ? ?’

‘Sun Xia: You bastard, in your eyes I can only play mahjong? ' this...

An Liang thought about it, Sun Xia could also cook, but she couldn't let Sun Xia open a private restaurant, right?

‘An Liang: Mom, why do you suddenly want to resign?’

‘Sun Xia: I figured it out recently!’

‘Sun Xia: Accounting work is too energy-consuming. I am still affiliated with the company, but I no longer do specific things. I mainly manage the accounting overview of Lingqu Gold Mine.’

‘Sun Xia: I have already planned my life after resignation.’

‘An Liang: Curious!’

‘Sun Xia: Mainly fitness, including yoga and swimming, beauty care, and management and review of AXA’s finances. '

Anliang understands instantly!

Sun Xia wants to make herself better so as to avoid unnecessary problems

‘An Liang: You must support your mother’s work!’

‘An Liang: Mom, I will notify Jingcui Pharmaceutical Company immediately and ask them to guarantee a daily supply of one bottle of Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum.’

‘Sun Xia: You are a sensible kid!’

‘Sun Xia: Will you go home tomorrow?’

‘Sun Xia: If you go home tomorrow, I will cook you a good meal’

‘An Liang: Then we must go back!’

‘An Liang: Mom, prepare more dishes. I want to bring my friends back.’

‘Sun Xia: How many friends? '

Li Cunyuan and three others are in Shengqing. The three of them are Anliang's core partners and have a very stable relationship with each other, so Anliang plans to invite the three of them home for dinner.

Followed by Li Xiyan.

The cooperation between Ansheng Construction and Gongshang Bank Beiyu Branch made both An Shengyu and Sun Xia aware of Li Xiyan, so An Liang naturally wanted to invite Li Xiyan.

Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing are also coming to Shengqing today and have invited Li Xiyan. By the way, they are also invited

‘An Liang: Six friends in total’

‘Sun Xia: Do you have a little girlfriend of yours?’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: What is a little girlfriend?’

‘An Liang: Mom, that’s a serious girlfriend!’

‘An Liang: She and I were high school classmates!’

‘Sun Xia: OK, OK, dinner tomorrow, okay?’

‘An Liang: No problem’

‘An Liang: Mom, I am the best at smoked fish. My girlfriend likes to eat fish.’

‘Sun Xia: OK!’

‘Sun Xia: I won’t go to work tomorrow. I’ll prepare the dishes in advance.’

‘An Liang: Thank you, Mom!’

‘Sun Xia: My wife and I went to dig up the root of the ear.’

‘An Liang: Okay, pay attention to safety. '

After An Liang and Sun Xia finished chatting, he sent a message to Li Xiyan

‘An Liang: Baby, are you awake? '

Li Xiyan did not reply to the message and was obviously still sleeping.

An Liang thought for a moment and then sent a message to Yao Qi

‘An Liang: When will you arrive in Shengqing?’

‘Yao Qi: [Location information: Shengqing International Airport Expressway]’

‘Yao Qi: I just took a taxi online’

‘An Liang: I should tell you in advance that I will arrange for someone to pick you up.’

‘Yao Qi: It’s just a small matter, don’t worry about it’

‘An Liang: Okay, I’ll arrange a hotel for you’

‘Yao Qi: No, no, we have agreed with Xiyan that we will stay at her house’

‘Yao Qi: We are going to see the Forest of Fireflies tonight. Can you go with us?’

‘An Liang: No problem’

‘Yao Qi: Then...See you at Xiyan’s house later?’

‘An Liang: OK! '

On the expressway of Shengqing International Airport, in a black Audi A6L car, Yao Qi and An Liang finished their exchange. She said to Guo Yuqing beside her,"I made an agreement with him, and he will accompany us to the Forest of Fireflies in the evening."."

Guo Yuqing said jokingly,"Aren't you still giving up?"

Yao Qi sighed and responded,"The Forest of Fireflies is really beautiful!"

"Yes, Xi Yanfa’s video is so beautiful!"Guo Yuqing seconded the proposal.

Yao Qi sighed again and said,"Actually, the most important thing in the Forest of Fireworks is the intention. This birthday surprise is full of heart. This is the most important thing. He is willing to think about Xiyan, and It’s not just about spending money."

Guo Yuqing understood what Yao Qi meant, and she said enviously,"That's why I envy Xiyan. That guy is so lucky. He must have saved the Milky Way in his previous life, right?"

Yao Qi did not respond to this question. She just lowered her voice and said,"If you had the opportunity to be with him, even if it was secretly together, would you be willing?"

"Are you crazy?"Guo Yuqing was secretly shocked.

"If it were you, would you do it? Yao Qi asked again.

Guo Yuqing fell into silence.

"Can't decide, right?"Yao Qi sighed,"This is his charm, he can always eat away at your will to resist step by step."

"But..."Guo Yuqing wanted to refute.

Yao Qi stopped him directly,"That's why I said it was a secret."

Guo Yuqing remained silent.

She couldn't help but bring herself into it. If she really had such a chance, she would...

As Yao Qi said, she really couldn't decide.

After all, this is all a hypothetical situation, so how do you make a decision?

But deep down, she actually knows the answer

"Qiqi, you can’t..."Guo Yuqing looked at Yao Qi with a questioning expression.

Yao Qi smiled and said,"I don't know either, just let nature take its course!"

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