Newark has no international airport or domestic airport, only a small private airport, but even the private airport is still waiting for its arrival.

Because New York and Newark are very close!

The straight-line distance between Newark's private airport and Newark International Airport is less than 30 kilometers. At such a close distance, how could those hunters hiding in the darkness not discover the movements of the Fipzel Company's private plane? ?

Fipzel Company indeed deployed security personnel at the Newark Private Airport, a total of twenty-four people, and eight Chevrolet Suburban bulletproof vehicles.

The Bald Eagle Country is a country filled with guns. All the security personnel arranged by Fipzel Company carried firearms and also prepared spare firearms, because the security personnel returning from Xia Country did not have firearms.

At 8:25 pm local time in Bald Eagle Country, the private plane of Fipzell Company successfully landed at the private airport in Newark. Lawrence and Ai Peng entered the Chevrolet Suburban bulletproof vehicle under the cover of security personnel.

It all went very smoothly, as if the hunter hiding in the darkness had given up.

However, this is all an illusion!

When eight Saban vehicles started up and tried to leave from the private airport, a large van blocked the exit of the private airport, blocking the eight Saban vehicles in the private airport.

Nathan did not hesitate to remind through the wireless headset,"There is a situation! Pay attention to safety!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Saab class at the front was immediately attacked, but the Saab class prepared by Fipzell Company were all bulletproof vehicles. The first round of probing attacks has no effect

"Breakout!"Nathan ordered again through the wireless headset.

The bulletproof Saabban fleet retreated, and then tried to break through the barbed wire guardrail of the private airport to escape.

But a sudden change occurred!

The windshield of the bulletproof Saabban at the front suddenly cracked, and the driver The driver died without even screaming. A big hole appeared in his chest. The security guard in the back seat let out a miserable wail because he was also hit by a bullet.

"There are snipers!"The surviving personnel in the bulletproof Saban vehicle at the front reported,"The other party used a large-caliber sniper rifle!"

The bulletproof Saber class is indeed bulletproof, but it only protects against ordinary firearms, such as pistols, submachine guns, and some assault rifles. It is similar to a sniper rifle, or a large-caliber sniper rifle, and ordinary bulletproof cars cannot protect it at all!"

"The snipers are in the houses on the west side!"A security guard hired by Fipzell Company reported that when he was about to report again, a sharp interference sound suddenly came from the wireless earphones. In the fourth bulletproof Saber class, Nathan also took out the wireless earphones. His face was gloomy,"The other party used radio interference!"

Lawrence and Ai Peng both took out their mobile phones immediately, and then found that the mobile phone signal was also interfered with, which meant that they could not contact the outside world.

In the second bulletproof Chevrolet Saab class, the driver was carefully controlling the vehicle and driving erratically, but There may seem to be no rules for driving, but in fact there are traces to follow. After all, the Sababan is a large full-size off-road vehicle and cannot change directions flexibly.

‘Wow! '

There was a sound of breaking glass, and then the driver of the second bulletproof Saber was shot dead, and the security guard in the back seat got smart and didn't sit behind the driver again, thus escaping.

Nathan saw the second Saberban suddenly lose control, and he understood what was happening, so he immediately ordered,"Sound the horn to signal everyone to break out together!""

"receive!"The pilot responded immediately.

If they continue to be trapped in the private airport, they will definitely be defeated one by one. Now the only way to survive is to try to break out!

When Nathan was arranging the breakout, Lawrence suddenly missed being in Xia Kingdom At that time, he was full of worries about his safety, fearing that he would be intercepted when he returned to Shengqing International Airport.

After all, in Lawrence's view, he was carrying a valuable treasure, so being intercepted was the right thing to do, okay?

What happened in Xia Country ? Nothing happened.

Now that I have returned to Bald Eagle Country, I have indeed been intercepted by force, and even a large-caliber sniper rifle appeared.

‘In terms of public security environment in our country,...Is it so bad?...’Lawrence felt bitter.

Ai Peng, who was sitting next to Lawrence, was even more frightened and turned pale at this moment. Where had he ever encountered such a situation?

"Captain Nathan, are we in danger now?"Ai Peng couldn't help but ask.

Nathan held the pistol in his right hand, and he responded optimistically,"There should be no problem. The company headquarters has lost contact with us, and they will definitely contact the NYPD as soon as possible. As long as we persist, there will be no problem.."

Ai Peng breathed a sigh of relief. Although the current situation looks very dangerous, and even two bulletproof Sabbans have been paralyzed by snipers, but overall it should be a near miss, right?

However, the next moment Ai Peng was optimistic Can't get up...

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