When night fell, An Liang returned to Linshan Residence first. Yang Maoyi was still busy with filming work. She sent An Liang a message and she would not be back until around ten o'clock in the evening.

The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator is reporting information to Anliang, and has reported all the relevant situations of Fipzell.

‘Number Zero: Who is the other party?’

‘No. 4: I guess King is the family power of the former commander of the Bald Eagle Kingdom.’

‘No. 4: He should be a subordinate of the former leader of the Klin family.’

‘No. 4: I heard that the condition of the former commander-in-chief Mr. Klin is a bit bad. It seems that he was too sensual when he was young and is now in poor health.’

‘Zero: Pay close attention to this one thing, I don’t like Fipzell’

‘No. 4: Received’

‘Zero: By the way, Heart-Breaker, when will they come to pick up the goods? '

Heart-Breaker is the vest of the Queen of Great Britain. Now the former Prime Minister of Neon and Fipzel have come to pick up the goods. Isn't there any movement from the Queen of Great Britain?

‘No. 4: Wait a moment, I’ll send the message right away. '

A moment later, No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator sent the corresponding screenshot. After reading it, An Liang raised his eyebrows because the Queen of Great Britain was actually planning to come to Xia Kingdom in person.

There are only a few days left for Xia Kingdom's national celebration day. The Queen of Great Britain is preparing to participate in Xia Kingdom's national celebrations. The other party hopes that the delivery location will be in the imperial capital.

An Liang thought that the Queen of Great Britain was going to eat thousand-year-old astragalus on the spot!

It must be said that the Queen of Great Britain is very cautious.

This move is so stable!

I ate thousand-year-old astragalus on the spot, so I naturally don’t need to worry about being intercepted halfway.

‘Zero: Tell the other party, no problem, we will deliver the goods in Imperial Capital’

‘No. 4: Received. '

An Liang is not prepared to cheat. Even if he wants to trick Fiputzel, he would be betraying the other party's information and letting others engage in cheating. No matter whether the other party succeeds or fails, what does that have to do with An Liang?

At nearly eleven o'clock in the night, Yang Maoyi finally came back. She looked at An Liang apologetically,"Sorry, Your Majesty, I have a lot of work today. I came back late.""

"What are you shooting today?"An Liang asked curiously.

"The production process of hot pot base. Today we re-photographed how Shengqing hot pot base is made. We filmed the entire process from beginning to end."Yang Maoyi explained

"Which hotpot did you choose?"Anliang is curious.

"I didn't choose a specific hot pot restaurant, but took the photo at the Hot Pot Museum. It's not a secret recipe, just an ordinary hot pot base recipe."Yang Maoyi added

"Those hot pot bases with exclusive secret recipes all refused to be photographed by us. Yang Maoyi said regretfully.

An Liang responded with a smile,"They should refuse.""

After all, some exclusive secret recipes cannot withstand scrutiny and research. Once the entire process is recorded by a camera, even if the wrong proportion of ingredients is deliberately used, the secret recipe may still be cracked and the taste advantage will be lost.

"Okay, okay, anyway, I just record the process of making hot pot base. If there is no secret recipe, there is no secret recipe."An Liang said with relief.

Since Yang Maoyi spent a day filming making hot pot base, she must wash up first. Taoist An, a giant of righteousness, only subdued the demon once and then stopped.

The next day.


It was close to eight o'clock in the morning. An Liang and Yang Maoyi were both sleeping, but the Bald Eagle Country across the sea was not peaceful, because the information that Fipzel had obtained the thousand-year-old Astragalus had been leaked.

Originally, only King purchased the information, but when King was arranging the interception operation, he The arranged operators leaked the news again, and the well-informed people in the Bald Eagle Kingdom received the news.

So a lot of people were ready to intercept Fipzel's private plane to fight for the thousand-year-old Astragalus.

In such a bad situation, even Fipzel Zell Pharmaceuticals itself had received the news, and the company's top management could only contact Lawrence urgently via satellite phone.

"Mr. Oriya, good evening."Lawrence received a call from Fipzel Vice President Oriya Rice. He was very happy now because he was about to arrive in New York.

Oriya said quickly,"You changed your route immediately, and your whereabouts were exposed. , now many people know that you are returning to New Yao Ke with thousand-year-old astragalus."

"this..."Lawrence was surprised,"How could that happen?"

"Our decision was wrong and we should not have used the company's private jet. These people should have discovered our company's private jet and thought of the Thousand-Year-Old Astragalus incident." Oriya made a reasonable guess.

"We contacted Newark Airport for you, and we arranged more security forces there and bulletproof vehicles for you to land there. Oriya added.

Lawrence breathed a sigh of relief,"Okay, Mr. Oriya, I will notify the captain immediately.""

However, Fipzell underestimated the appeal of thousand-year-old astragalus!

Although two thousand-year-old astragalus were exposed in neon this time, it seemed that there were quite a lot of thousand-year-old astragalus, and the highest auction price was only 399 million Xia Guoyuan.

But if Anliang If Thousand-Year Astragalus is not sold, there is no other way to obtain Thousand-Year Astragalus.

Therefore, Thousand-Year Astragalus is very precious!

Fipzel misestimated the preciousness of Thousand-Year Astragalus. They thought that there would be no problem if they avoided New Yorkers. However, in Newark there are also Someone is waiting for the rabbit...


Update time: September 28, 2021 00:02:21, good night.

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