The times are constantly changing, and in the face of the tide of the times, an individual's power is minimal.

Even if he is as strong as Anliang, it is impossible to reverse the trend of the times.

After all, that is the choice of the times!

"Then let’s go to Xia Guo Restaurant!"Ma Long suggested.

"I think it works!" Lu Wenshan seconded the proposal.

An Liang naturally agreed,"Okay, Wenshan, you are a local, you can recommend a restaurant.

Shen Shizhong said in agreement,"If locals recommend it, you can basically go wrong.""

Lu Wenshan said distressedly,"You won't believe it, but the Xichuan restaurant I used to eat in is now closed. If I were to recommend it, I would definitely recommend the private restaurant of Brother Liang's girlfriend's house.

Lu Wenshan looked at Shen Shizhong with a smirk,"Gentleman, your pocket is going to bleed!"

Shen Shizhong said confidently,"Brother Liang wants a discount, right?"

An Liang shook his head,"There is never any talk of discounts over there.""

"..."Shen Shizhong was helpless

"Ha ha ha ha!"Lu Wenshan and Ma Long both burst out laughing.

"If there is no discount, there will be no discount. Let’s go! Shen Shizhong took a deep breath and said,"By the way, Brother Liang, we also called Wenshan's girlfriend, is that okay?""

A smile appeared in An Liang's eyes, and the dog's son's legs were exposed!

"OK!"An Liang said in agreement.

An Liang had already guessed Gouzi's trick, which was just to drink.

Sorry, when it comes to drinking, An Liang didn't look down on anyone. He just felt that everyone here was a jerk!

After nearly an hour, An Liang said four They arrived at the Ruyi private restaurant.

Han Xin looked at An Liang with bright eyes, and she greeted warmly,"Mr. An, good evening.

An Liang nodded slightly,"Is there still a place?""

"The hall is gone, and there are still more than ten tables lined up in the back, but box number four has just been vacated. Han Xin said quickly.

An Liang looked at Shen Shizhong,"Gentleman, the usage fee for our No. 4 box is 3,000, can you afford it?""

"no problem!"Shen Shizhong said.

An Liang patted Shen Shizhong's arm,"You've spent a lot of money, don't worry, I'll take care of your problems."

"that..."Shen Shizhong was slightly embarrassed,"Brother Liang, I can't help it. The main reason is that Fang Mei's best friend was a really good drinker, and she killed the three of us randomly."

Lu Wenshan was also a little embarrassed,"Yes, Brother Liang, us...well!"

Ma Long shrank his neck like a quail,"I'm afraid of her too."

An Liang shook his head. These three sons of dogs really ordered the food. He wanted to see what kind of alcohol capacity made the three sons of dogs so cowardly.

In the fourth box, the four of An Liang waited for less than a quarter of an hour. Lu Wenshan's girlfriend Fang Mei arrived with three girls.

One of them was Fang Mei's high school classmate Chen Jiajia. Lu Wenshan had previously matched Chen Jiajia with Ma Long, but the other party felt that Ma Long was too tall and strong, which made Ma Long almost autistic.

Shen Shizhong Sitting next to An Liang, he introduced An Liang in a low voice,"The one on the left is the target, her name is Liu Jiao, Fang Mei's roommate, I like her very much."

An Liang used the interpersonal relationship scanning system to check Liu Jiao's information.


Liu Jiao:

Age: 19

Height: 168cm

Weight: 56kg

Appearance: 81 Figure

: 96

Friendliness: 59

Purity and Essence: 100

Character and Morality: 82

Physical Health: 89


Liu Jiao's appearance is one of the best in a thousand, and her body score is as high as 96. She is indeed a gentleman's choice, right?

Although Liu Jiao's moral character score is slightly lower, her purity is still 100 points, which is quite good.

Shen Shizhong quickly introduced another girl,"The one on the right is Tao Xiaoli, Chen Jiajia's classmate and roommate. She was a little embarrassed when she rejected Brother Champion before, so she is trying to match Tao Xiaoli with Brother Champion."

? ? ?

An Liang's mind was filled with questions. Is this okay?

An Liang used the interpersonal relationship scanning system to look at Tao Xiaoli's information. Compared to Liu Jiao, Tao Xiaoli was much more ordinary. Her appearance score was only 69 points, almost reaching the level of one in a hundred, which was probably the feeling of Xiaojiabiyu.

Tao Xiaoli's height reaches 1.7 meters and weighs 125 kilograms. Her purity is also 100 points, and her moral character reaches 89 points, which is a bonus.

This time, the girls Shen Shizhong and Ma Long contacted were relatively reliable, at least they were 100% pure in nature.

"Brother Liang, please wait a moment. Liu Jiao has a good drinking capacity. Please help me create an opportunity for me to send her back."Shen Shizhong said please.

An Liang nodded slightly.

"Brother Liang, let me introduce it to you." Lu Wenshan began to introduce An Liang face-to-face, and then introduced An Liang to the four girls. After the introduction was completed, An Liang said hello,"It's nice to meet you all. We are gentlemen treating you today. Don't be polite, just be casual! Lu

Wenshan agreed,"Yes, yes, please don't be polite. The food in this restaurant is delicious. Our gentleman is not short of money, so we don't have to save for him.""

An Liang and Lu Wenshan's slightly joking words immediately narrowed the distance between them.


Update time: September 7, 2021 00:03:23, good night

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