Four large investment companies in the Bald Eagle Country united to buy out the security team employed by the Golden Garden Mining Company, and they also got the returns they wanted.

Because they received the soil sample exploration results from Golden Garden Mining Company, the relevant project leaders of four large investment companies held an online meeting.

Richard Lewis, senior vice president of investments at Berkshire Hathaway, spoke first,"Do you believe the soil sample data from Golden Garden Mining Company?"

Jack Smith of Rod Albert Investment Company responded. He said,"Whether you believe it or not, we have to arrange our own geological experts to take samples and investigate, right?"

Jack continued to add,"We have discovered the exploration team arranged by the three of you."

Andy from Merrill Lynch responded with a smile,"Everyone An exploration team has been arranged, which shows that everyone is very cautious and our interests are the same. How about future intelligence sharing?"

Richard was the first to agree,"I agree."

Jack replied with a smile,"Me too."

Luo BazeNaturally they agreed,"I have no objection."

However, all four of them knew that the so-called intelligence sharing was a complete joke. Their interests were indeed the same, but they were competitors.

Regarding intelligence sharing, if it is information that everyone knows, they naturally don't mind sharing it with each other, but if others don't know it, then they definitely won't share it.

After the project leaders of the four large investment companies held an online conference, they sent the order to the exploration team in Pallas City, asking the exploration team to find a way to obtain soil samples.

If the soil samples obtained by their exploration team are consistent with the results of the Golden Garden Mining Company's samples, then they will squeeze the shares of the Golden Garden Mining Company.

When the exploration teams of the four large investment companies in the Bald Eagle Country began to take action, the No. 2 manager also took corresponding actions. They selectively allowed the four exploration teams to collect soil samples, so that the other parties were completely within the scope of their regulations. Take a soil sample and let the other person go.

But before the four exploration teams entered Pallas City, the No. 2 manager ordered the pursuit, thus indicating that they had discovered the actions of the four major investment companies.

In the city of Pallas, an exploration team owned by Berkshire Hathaway was analyzing soil samples. After some analysis, geologist Jonathan determined the grade information of the gold mine.

But when Jonathan was about to report the news, the security personnel of Renyi Security Company had already entered the small building where they were hiding and quickly controlled the situation.

The security team members of Renyi Security Company all wore full-coverage helmets. One of them walked towards geologist Jonathan and then looked at Jonathan's analysis results.

Jonathan did not dare to move at all, because the security personnel of Renyi Security Company were fully armed and even killed two security personnel.

Under such circumstances, how dare Jonathan prevent the other party from viewing the research results?

"Jonathan Watt, geologist, is married with an eleven-year-old daughter, right?"The security personnel headed by Renyi Security Company who stood next to Jonathan to check the research results asked.

Jonathan's face changed slightly,"What do you want to do?"

"We want to make a deal with you!"The leading security officer took the test report and added,"We hope you will modify the results to show that the soil samples you obtained do not contain gold mines at all, but are just ordinary soil."

Jonathan was silent.

The leading security guard continued,"If you agree, we will give you 1 million US dollars and let you and your family go."

Jonathan remained silent.

The leading security guard added,"If you don't agree, you will die, your wife, your daughter, all of them will die!"

Jonathan gritted his teeth,"Even if I modify the results, they won't believe it because they want to ask the security personnel about their situation."

"We give them the same conditions."The leading security officer responded.

The other two security officers who were controlled immediately agreed, as if they had no backbone at all.

"Jonathan, now it's your turn to choose. How do you choose?"The leading security guard stared at Jonathan.

Jonathan was not as tough as he expected. He agreed directly and said,"I agree!"

In less than ten minutes, all the data modifications were completed, and Jonathan contacted Richard Lewis of Berkshire Hathaway under the supervision of the security personnel of Renyi Security Company.

"Mr. Lewis, we have examined the soil samples and we have determined that those soil samples are just ordinary soil and we have not found any gold deposits."Jonathan said quickly

"I have sent the relevant inspection results to your email, you can check the details."Jonathan added.

Richard asked,"Is Johnny here? I want to talk to Johnny."

"No problem, Captain Johnny is here. I'll put Captain Johnny on the phone right away."Jonathan handed the phone to security captain Johnny.

After Johnny got the phone, he took the initiative and said,"Sorry, Mr. Richard, the soil samples we obtained did not find gold deposits."

"Find a way to continue to obtain soil samples, but you must pay attention to safety and pay attention to the intelligence of other companies' exploration teams."Richard responded

"receive."Johnny responded.

When Richard hung up the phone, Jonathan, Johnny, and another security guard all looked at the security guard headed by Renyi Security Company, fearing that the other party would be like killing a donkey.

But these people couldn't see through it. Puzzle!

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