Faced with No. 4’s suggestion, Manager No. 2 directly rejected it.

"Although BOSS lets us act according to the situation, we don't want to cause trouble!"Manager No. 2 reminded

"The other party has obtained soil samples from a specific area according to our plan, and the soil samples were taken from a location two kilometers away from the original intelligence location. This information is completely sufficient."The second manager added

"Starting tomorrow, we will expand our patrol scope and include the places where the other party collects samples into the closely patrolled area."Manager No. 2 ordered.

Tianji Divine Calculation No. 4 responded affirmatively,"Okay!"

"What about the exploration teams arranged by the four investment companies?"Manager No. 2 asked

"They are all in the nearby Pallas City area and have not taken any action for the time being."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation responded.

Sunset Canyon is located forty kilometers west of Pallas City. Due to the bad traffic conditions, it takes about two hours even if you drive.

"Monitor closely."The No. 2 manager ordered

"clear."Tianji Divine Calculation No. 4 responded.

On the other side, in a hill corner about 20 kilometers west of Pallas City, the ever-changing Enchantress No. 9 was waiting in a tent.

Matthew and the security team rushed back overnight, and Matthew immediately Response,"Joy, we’ve got the soil sample, now we better get going.

No. 9 looked at Matthew,"What's the condition of these soil samples?""

Matthew shook his head and said,"I don't know yet, we need instruments to detect it. Joey, we need to go into the city overnight. I'm worried that the other party will find out that we dug up soil samples and come to cause trouble for us. Bob, the security team leader, agreed,"We were just in a hurry, and we did not deal with the holes and traces left after drilling the samples. Even if they are not discovered tonight, they may be discovered tomorrow. In order to ensure safety, we went into the city overnight. most"

"Well, let's go into town now."The Variety Enchantress No. 9 agreed.

Everyone returned to Pallas City overnight. In the hotel where they stayed, Matthew used portable instruments to check soil samples overnight, trying to determine the information about the gold mine as soon as possible.

After Matthew and his group returned At that time, they were not only targeted by Renyi Security Company, but also by the spies of the four large investment companies in the Bald Eagle Country. The investigation teams of the four large investment companies in the Bald Eagle Country did not act immediately because they were also under the radar. Waiting for the action of Golden Garden Mining Company, they only need to wait for the results of Golden Garden Mining Company and then consider how to verify it.

There are many conspiracies of Wall Street elites. For example, in order to obtain the detection results of Golden Garden Mining Company, They jointly bribed the security team hired by the Golden Garden Mining Company.

Once the situation on the Golden Garden Mining Company's side is determined, the security team will pass the information on, allowing them to reap the benefits. It is close to six o'clock in the morning.

Ma Xiu stayed up all night analyzing soil samples. He had already obtained preliminary results. Looking at the test results he had made, Matthew began to hesitate.

Because such results were very magical!

He suddenly understood why Sirami was being hunted. I also understand that if their excavation of samples is discovered, I'm afraid they will also be hunted down.

"Dong Dong~"

Matthew knocked on the door of No. 9 Variety Enchantress, and said in a low voice,"Joy, are you awake?"

The Variety Enchantress No. 9 quickly entered the disguise state,"I just woke up, is there any result?"

"It did work, and the results were great."Matthew handed a piece of A4 printing paper to Variety Enchantress No. 9.

Variety Enchantress No. 9 checked it quickly, and then immediately asked,"Are you sure the grade of this gold mine can reach 500 grams per ton?"

"I am sure."Matthew responded affirmatively,"I have repeatedly checked three samples, and the results of each sample are similar. Even if the final grade cannot reach 500 grams, it is at least more than 400 grams."

"We immediately prepared, and when it was working time, we immediately contacted the local court in Palos City and purchased all the ownership, exploration rights, and mining rights of the area north of Sunset Canyon."No. 9 said quickly.

"Matthew, can you estimate the size of the gold mine over there?"No. 9 guided Matthew and asked him to make a guess on the gold reserves.

Matthew said thoughtfully,"According to the analysis of the samples I extracted, starting from 20 to 50 centimeters underground, there is a gold mineral layer. , there is no change in the gold content at a depth of two meters"

"Secondly, there is a distance of two kilometers between the location where we extracted the sample and the location where Sirami obtained the sample. If all the locations between the two points are gold mines, then the gold reserves will be huge!"Matthew analyzed the response.

However, Matthew did not realize that this topic was completely brought up, and Matthew did not know that a button on his clothes had been replaced by Bob with a button-type bug.!

Due to the presence of bugs, the conversation between Matthew and Joey was completely known to Bob, and was immediately passed on to four large investment companies in the Bald Eagle Country.


Update time: July 10, 2021 00:01:28, good night, treasure.

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