Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, Cybersecurity Division.

After Shota Nagai arranged the bounty on the Deep Web, he continued to pay attention to the situation in the Deep Web, and the entire Cybersecurity Department was also paying attention to this matter.

Kenta Otani, a technical elite at the Cyber ​​Security Department, is discussing the Kyoto power outage in a community on the Deep Web, trying to gather intelligence.

In this deep web community, a user with the ID [Pure Darkness] suddenly sent messages in English.

‘Pure Darkness: I know the source of the graphite bomb in the Kyoto blackout, but I don’t know any more information or who planned the Kyoto blackout.’

‘Pure Darkness: If the Neon Court has this bounty, I would be willing to tell them some information. '

Kenta Otani just saw this message!

However, Kenta Otanizu did not reply immediately because they did not offer a reward for this piece of information.

Kotanizu Kenta quickly reported the situation to Nagai Shota,"Nagai-dono, there is something unusual here."

"What anomaly?"Shouta Nagai asked back.

Kenta Otanizu quickly explained the specific situation.

Shota Nagai immediately made the decision,"Set up a reward of 100,000 US dollars for information on the source of the graphite bomb. You should contact the other party immediately. You can decide the specific method yourself."

"Hi!"Kenta Otanizu should be.

In the deep network community, Kenta Otanizu immediately tried to contact the [Pure Darkness] user. He did not directly identify himself, but pretended to be an information broker.

‘Wandering Soul: Hello, I have a cooperation proposal, are you interested?’

‘Pure Darkness: What?’

‘Wandering Soul: Neon released a reward to find the source of the graphite bomb in the Kyoto power outage.’

‘Wandering Soul: I have already won this bounty. I saw before that you know the source of the graphite bomb, so how about we cooperate?’

‘Wandering Soul: The reward is $100,000, and we will split it in half. '

Pure darkness is actually No. 4's vest. Faced with Kenta Otani's posing as an information broker, he saw through the disguise at a glance, but No. 4 accompanies him to act.

‘Pure darkness: I want 90,000’

‘Pure Darkness: The information is mine’

‘Wandering Soul: I have 40,000 and you have 60,000. '

After some bargaining, the final split was 8:2, and No. 4 did not ask for any additional price, because No. 4 also knew that the graphite fiber filaments of the graphite bomb were covered with the transformer equipment of the four electric propulsion engines, and they only needed to be extracted. Identify the source.

So Neon is willing to offer a reward of US$100,000, which is already an unexpected surprise.

Mosquito legs are also meat!

After the transaction between the two parties, Kenta Otani reported the specific information to Shota Nagai

"Mr. Nagai, I have obtained the information that the graphite bomb came from thirty years ago."Kenta Otanizu explained the situation.

"Nani? Nagai Shota was stunned for a moment,"What does thirty years ago mean?""

"Thirty years ago during the Sea Bowl War, the Bald Eagle Nation used graphite bombs against Ilaco, causing a power outage in 85% of Ilaco. At that time, graphite bombs leaked out."Kenta Otanizu explained.

"Is there any evidence?"Nagai Shota hesitated.

"Yes, that guy got the transaction record."Otani Tsu Kenta is sure

"I will report this piece of information."Shouta Nagai responded,"If the information is confirmed, you will have made a meritorious service!"

Shouta Nagai reported the corresponding intelligence. The Kyoto Police Department also collected graphite fiber filaments from four electric propulsion agencies. After material analysis and testing, and then comparing the technology of graphite bombs, it was finally determined that the technology of these graphite bombs was"backward." ', should be the technology from thirty years ago.

In order to further verify, Neon asked the Bald Eagle Country for help. Neon is the younger brother of the Bald Eagle Country. The Bald Eagle Country even deployed an army in Neon!

The Bald Eagle Country does not Hiding secrets, they helped Neon determine that the graphite bomb was indeed their country's technology thirty years ago.

However, this piece of information ended there.

Because it was impossible to track it further, even through transaction records, but both parties to the transaction They are all anonymous transactions, and there is only one transaction record and no other clues. How can we track it?



An Liang checked the information fed back by No. 4. Although he only got 80,000 US dollars, An Liang was still very satisfied.

This neon sign is a steal, right?

‘Zero: Continue to pay attention to the situation of Neon’

‘No. 4: Received. An

Liang finished communicating with the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan. He was thinking that according to the situation of the dark night plan, Neon should not be able to investigate Renyi Security Company.

After all, the mastermind behind the scenes is not Renyi Security Company!

Renyi Security Company plays the role of executor at most. The real mastermind behind the scenes is Sato Mirai. He is the mastermind behind the scenes. He planned all the actions of the Dark Night Plan.

Sato Mirai has now left Neon with the help of the Golden Chan Plan. How can Neon possibly investigate the truth?

Besides, who would have thought that the motive of this Kyoto power outage was simply Sato Mirai's revenge for the hatred he had committed ten years ago?

It can only be said that the power of hatred is really very powerful!

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