Neon, Kyoto.

Tonight, Kyoto has lost its former prosperity, with a large number of areas plunged into darkness, and only a very few commercial buildings maintaining power supply.

The Kyoto Police Department is extremely busy and strives to maintain public order in Kyoto.

In the investigation section of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the rebellious third-in-command Naoto and Hiroga Kozaburo were estimating the losses of this [Kyoto power outage]. Although they chose to become insiders of Renyi Security Company, they did not know about the Dark Night Plan.

"Section Chief, the loss is too great this time!"Hokaga Kozaburo whispered.

"Yes, the loss of just four electric propulsion mechanisms exceeded 10 billion yen."Naoto the third officer sighed.

Kozaburo Hiroga lowered his voice,"Does the section chief have any guesses about the attackers this time?"

Sanguan Naoto responded negatively,"No!"

In fact, Naoto Sanguan knew the hint of Kozaburo Hiroga, and Kozaburo Hiroga suspected that it was Renyi Security Company, but Naoto Sanguan felt that the other party had no motive.

Naoto Sanguan had dealt with Renyi Security Company many times. Judging from past experience, Renyi Security prefers defensive counterattacks

"Report our estimated losses."The third officer Naoto said as he ordered.

"Is it an estimate of 80 billion yen to 120 billion yen?"Hokaga Kozaburo asked back

"Um!"San Guan Nao Ren said with certainty,"Our estimates will only be used as reference data. More detailed data will be processed by others. They will make statistics district by district."

"clear."Hokaga Kozaburo responded


Neon Intelligence Bureau.

In a certain confidential conference room, the dim lights could not illuminate the faces of the participants.

One of them asked,"Is there any information on the dark web?"

Another person replied,"No information has been found yet, and no one or organization has acknowledged what happened this time."

"Have the motorcyclists who attacked the Electric Power Wide Area Operation Promotion Organization been investigated?"The person who spoke first asked again.

Another person replied,"Because the power system collapsed, our monitoring system also collapsed, so we cannot track these motorcyclists through the monitoring system."

"Our Kyoto Police Department also conducted an investigation. Although some witnesses said they had seen these motorcyclists, they disappeared mysteriously."The representative of the Kyoto Police Department, Inagawa Yoshihin, also spoke.

"Focus on investigating the source of the opponent's graphite bomb!"The person who spoke first ordered,"The source of the graphite bomb is our key breakthrough."

Inakawa Ryohin responded,"Okay, we have blocked four electric propulsion engines and are trying to collect graphite fiber filaments from graphite bombs, then analyze the graphite fiber filaments, and then determine the source of these graphite bombs."

"Mr. Suzuki, please investigate the international arms trading black market and find out if there are any graphite explosives on the international arms trading black market.Transaction Record."The person who spoke first gave another order.

Suzuki Kanaya is the section chief of the Second Investigation Section of the Overseas Affairs Division of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau. He responded affirmatively,"Hi!"

"Nagai-kun, posted an anonymous reward on the deep web to find the real culprit of the Kyoto power outage. As long as the real culprit is found, we will reward you with a reward of 10 million US dollars!"The person who spoke first ordered.

Shota Nagai, the director of the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau, responded immediately,"Received, I will make arrangements immediately after the meeting."

The person who spoke first let out a long sigh,"According to various estimates, the losses we suffered from this Kyoto power outage were at least 100 billion yen. We must give an explanation to the cabinet and the people. An explanation!"

"All gentlemen, encourage each other!"The person who spoke first stood up and saluted.





Everyone also stood up and saluted, and responded in the affirmative.

As the meeting ended, everyone took action.

A reward for investigating the truth about the Kyoto power outage immediately appeared on the deep web. As long as the real culprit is investigated and there is evidence, a reward of 10 million US dollars can be obtained.

If you think about it with your toes, you will know that it was officially released by Neon, so it attracted the attention of some experts in the deep web.

No. 4 immediately reported this piece of information to An Liang.

‘No. 4: Neon has currently issued a reward. If there are no accidents, they should be able to catch some clues.’

‘Number Zero: What clues?’

‘No. 4: The origin of graphite bombs’

‘Number Zero: Then take the initiative to contact the person offering the reward and ask how much money they can give us for providing us with information on the source of the graphite bomb. '

An Liang planned to betray himself and reveal the source of the graphite bomb, thereby defrauding Neon of the reward.

No matter how the source of the graphite bomb was revealed, it would be impossible to trace Renyi Security Company.

Besides, if Neon were to investigate on their own, they could also analyze the source as long as they collected the graphite fibers on the transformer equipment of the electric propulsion mechanism.

So wouldn’t it be nice to defraud an additional bounty?

Even if it’s a reward for mosquito legs, it’s still an extra bonus!

An Liang explained his thoughts, and then ordered No. 4 to implement this plan to defraud the reward.

‘No. 4: Okay, received, I will contact the other party immediately’

‘Number Zero: Pay attention to safety’

‘No. 4: Guaranteed to be foolproof! '

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