Huang Guoxiang just hung up the call with Zheng Jiacong. Less than three minutes later, Zheng Jiacong called again. Huang Guoxiang answered immediately.

"What's new?"Huang Guoxiang asked first.

Zheng Jiacong responded,"Our experts just determined the problem with the video."

"Is the video fake?"Huang Guoxiang guessed

"No!"Zheng Jiacong denied Huang Guoxiang's speculation,"The video is true!"

Zheng Jiacong continued,"Master Huang, as I just said, our intelligence personnel in India have confirmed the authenticity of this information."

"So what problems did you find in the video? Huang Guoxiang asked back.

Zheng Jiacong explained,"There is something wrong with the drone in the video!""

"The batteries carried by these drones are definitely not graphene batteries."Zheng Jiacong continued.

Huang Guoxiang responded cautiously,"Tell me the details."

"Let’s talk about the first question first. According to the man wearing a hijab to cover his face behind this video, four drones killed eleven people, right?"Zheng Jiacong explained

"Yes. Huang Guoxiang said with certainty.

"We analyzed from the video that it took 1 minute and 6 seconds from the time the drone started to lower its altitude to killing eleven people and then flying back to patrol."Zheng Jiacong explained

"Then what? Huang Guoxiang asked back

"Mr. Huang has not been exposed to the application of graphene batteries in the field of weapons, so he does not know how powerful graphene batteries are in the field of electromagnetic weapons. If those four drones were really equipped with graphene batteries, how long would it take for them to kill eleven people? , no more than ten seconds at most."Zheng Jiacong said with certainty.

"Mr. Huang, we have sent a video file to your email. Please take a look at the situation first."Zheng Jiacong reminded me

"OK"Huang Guoxiang hung up the phone directly, and then opened the email on his mobile phone to view the video.

The video sent by Zheng Jiacong was also a video of a drone.

In the video, a matte-painted drone was floating quietly on the ground. Eleven human-shaped targets were set up, and with an order, the suspended drone immediately opened fire.

This drone was equipped with electromagnetic weapons. When it fired, there was no explosion sound, just a blast of air. With a muffled sound, the shooting was completed.

The humanoid target on the ground was hit immediately. From the first to the last one, it took a total of 22 seconds, with an average of one target every two seconds.

Huang Guoxiang also discovered Question!

In the second video provided by An Liang, four drones targeted eleven targets, and it actually took 1 minute and 6 seconds. However, in the video sent by Zheng Jiacong, one drone targeted ten targets. A target only took 22 seconds.

This shows that the performance gap of drones is very huge!

Huang Guoxiang called Zheng Jiacong again.

After Zheng Jiacong got through, he spoke first,"Master Huang should have seen the problem, right?""

"Yes. Huang Guoxiang said with certainty.

"According to our analysis, there is a high probability that the drone in the video is not equipped with a graphene battery, so there must be a third-party person sowing discord."Zheng Jiacong concluded

"We will follow up and investigate."Huang Guoxiang explained.

Zheng Jiacong seconded,"We will also investigate from multiple parties. If Mr. Huang finds any clues, we also hope that Mr. Huang will share them."

"no problem."Huang Guoxiang responded.

After the two parties hung up the phone, Huang Guoxiang secretly thought about who was planning this incident. Huang Guoxiang did not think about An Liang.

Because he could not imagine what benefits An Liang would have in this matter. To put it simply, It is said that An Liang has no motive for committing the crime.

But is there really no motive?

This case will consume a lot of the National Security Investigation Bureau's energy, thereby reducing the National Security Investigation Bureau's attention to An Liang and its investigation of Renyi Security Company.

This is the meaning and Motivation!

The next day, Monday.

Liu Ling went to work at Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank. An Liang drove over early in the morning in a Mercedes-Benz S450L. Li Xiyan didn’t like the Porsche 911 Turbo S because she felt that the tuning of the Porsche 911 Turbo S was too sporty and lacked all For comfort.

In the yoga room at Li Xiyan’s home, Li Xiyan was practicing yoga again.

An Liang greeted,"Baby, why are you working so hard?"

"Aren't we going out to eat at noon? I'll practice in advance."Li Xiyan responded.

An Liang looked at Li Xiyan's information through the interpersonal relationship scanning system. Compared with the last time he checked the data, Li Xiyan's weight has dropped by nearly four kilograms.

"Does practicing it have any effect?"Of course An Liang knew it worked.

Li Xiyan nodded affirmatively,"Of course it does!"

More than half an hour later, after careful inspection by An Liang, Li Xiyan had indeed lost a little weight, and she had lost just the right amount of weight..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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