Close to the sky realm.

An Liang was sitting in the back seat of the Audi A8L, and he said to Qin Tianxiang,"The mystery has been completed, let's start the dark night plan!"

"Okay, Mr. An."Qin Tianxiang responded

"Make sure your dark night plan is foolproof!"An Liang added.

The Dark Night Project is related to a previous reward!

The reward of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant has not been fulfilled because the key person had his own ideas and made corresponding requirements, so the Dark Night Project was born.

"receive."Qin Tianxiang answered affirmatively

"By the way, how is our arrangement in Corea going?"An Liang asked

"It didn't go well. Qin Tianxiang added,"The representative we selected had an accident. He has some problems with his life style. Although we have tried our best to cover it up, from now on, he should have lost his chance.""

"It doesn't matter, I didn't expect to succeed the first time, so I informed XDSS for further activities, we need Corea."An Liang added.

"OK"Qin Tianxiang responded.

When it was close to nine o'clock, An Liang returned to his home in Sky Realm. An Shengyu and Sun Xia were not at home. An Liang was not surprised at all, because he found that when he was not at home, his parents' lives were likely to change. Life is better than he imagined.

Parents are true love, he is just an accident?

In his bedroom, An Liang is sending a message to Wu Chunsheng who dreams of the future graphene technology group

‘An Liang: Lao Wu, have you seen the information on the official blog?’

‘Wu Chunsheng: Yes, Mr. An, are we going to develop a medical version of the flying motorcycle?’

‘An Liang: Of course!’

‘An Liang: Is it difficult?’

‘Wu Chunsheng: There is no difficulty. It only requires secondary development based on the long-endurance stable version of the flight platform. The simplest way is to fix a streamlined cabin underneath.’

‘Wu Chunsheng: Based on the space calculation of three meters in length, two meters in width and two meters in height, if ABS plastic material is used to construct the cabin, it should be completed within half a month.’

‘Anliang: Is the safety of ABS plastic materials guaranteed?’

‘Wu Chunsheng: There is definitely no problem when used in the medical field, but there are definitely problems when used in the fire protection field.’

‘Wu Chunsheng: In addition, with the addition of additional cabins, the wind resistance coefficient has been further increased, and coupled with the increase in passenger weight, the overall performance will be further reduced.’

‘Wu Chunsheng: Including maximum speed and maximum endurance time’

‘An Liang: How much will the top speed drop?’

‘Wu Chunsheng: About 20%’

‘An Liang: Totally acceptable’

‘An Liang: You make a plan first, and then we’ll talk about it after the plan is completed.’

‘Wu Chunsheng: No problem’

‘An Liang: The weather has not been very good recently. Please pay more attention to your health.’

‘Wu Chunsheng: Thank you, Mr. An, for your concern. '

Actually, this is the code word agreed upon by An Liang and Wu Chunsheng. The so-called bad weather means that someone is following Wu Chunsheng, asking Wu Chunsheng to pay attention to safety and not to leave the core area of ​​the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

An Liang had just finished explaining to Wu Chunsheng when he received a message from Li Xiyan

‘Li Xiyan: Are you back?’

‘An Liang: Well, I just got home’

‘Li Xiyan: I’m so hungry. I only have fruit and toast at home. It’s so hard for me.’

‘An Liang: Do you want me to bring you some food?’

‘An Liang: Barbecue? crayfish? Spicy snails?’

‘Li Xiyan: You must be poisonous!’

‘Li Xiyan: I refuse!’

‘Li Xiyan: I practiced yoga for two hours in the afternoon, swam for an hour, and practiced yoga for another two hours in the evening. I finally lost a little weight, but you want to harm me!’

‘Li Xiyan: Forget it today, eat at lunch tomorrow’

‘An Liang: How much weight have you lost, baby?’

‘Li Xiyan: I have lost several pounds recently. Isn’t it amazing?’

‘An Liang: Of course my baby is amazing!’

‘An Liang: What do you want to eat for lunch tomorrow?’

‘Li Xiyan: I want to eat...’

‘Li Xiyan: Forget it, we’ll have steamed fish tomorrow. It’s delicious and we won’t gain weight. ’

Looking at Li Xiyan’s reply, An Liang couldn’t help laughing.

Isn't this little fool too miserable?

‘An Liang: OK!’

‘Li Xiyan: No more, I want to drink a glass of hot water and then go to bed quickly. I won’t be hungry when I fall asleep. An Liang laughed out loud again. He's not hungry when he falls asleep. Is that okay?


Imperial capital.

Huang Guoxiang looked at the second video sent by An Liang again. He contacted the military representative. After waiting for the call to be connected, he asked first,"Xiao Zheng, have you investigated the news? Is this video true? , or is it a fake?"

Zheng Jiacong responded in a solemn tone,"Based on our analysis, I'm afraid it should be true."

"We urgently investigated the situation in India. According to reports from our intelligence personnel, such a thing did happen in Krishan yesterday." Zheng Jiacong added

"Is it really not you who did it?"Huang Guoxiang couldn't help but ask again.

"really not. Zheng Jiacong responded helplessly,"We have handed over the video to our technical experts for analysis. If there are follow-up results, I will notify you as soon as possible.""

"Fine!"Huang Guoxiang sighed.

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