Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has indeed not whitewashed itself.

When faced with moral kidnapping, An Liang never thought about clearing his name.

Why clean up?

If Dream Future Graphene Technology Group had chosen to wash its hands when faced with moral kidnapping, it would have likely encountered endless types of moral kidnapping in the future.

Therefore, when Dream Future Graphene Technology Group faced moral kidnapping, it directly chose to morally kidnap other companies, dragging other companies into the water together, and everyone formed a team to fight against moral kidnapping.

This operation was very successful. Dream Future Graphene Technology Group did not need to launder the money itself. Other companies helped launder the money together.

This is the case again!

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group announced that the price of lighthouses would increase by one-third, but Amgen, as the purchaser, stepped forward to whitewash Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

For people who eat melons, this is incredible.

But for Amgen, this is a matter of interest.

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group announced a price increase of 5,000 Xiaguo Yuan. They announced a price increase of 1,000 US dollars. Anyway, the final selling price needs to be paid by end market consumers, so after comprehensive calculation, they still made a profit, okay?

Amgen is right about one thing. Even after the price increase, the price of a lighthouse is still only one-sixth of that of a guide dog.

Some neutral melon-eating people also released relevant information about Xia Guo’s guide dogs, making a large number of netizens aware of the problems of the guide dog industry for the first time.

According to relevant statistics, in 2019, there were less than 200 guide dogs nationwide in Xia.

The reason for the scarcity of guide dogs is not only their high price, but also the lack of awareness of guide dogs.

In Xia, pets are prohibited from entering most public transportation, including buses and rail transit; pets are also prohibited from entering some public places, including shopping malls, supermarkets, etc.

Although guide dogs are not pets, most people have insufficient knowledge of guide dogs and directly treat guide dogs as pets. There are similar reports in the news.

Because of this, the number of guide dogs in Xia Country is very small.

In addition, the visually impaired are a vulnerable group. They have very little right to speak and it is almost impossible to express their voices. Therefore, there are obviously more than 17 million people, but in real life, they seem to be invisible.

The lighthouse solves the pain points of guide dogs very well!

First of all, there is no misunderstanding about the identity of a guide dog. The lighthouse is shaped like a motorcycle helmet, so there is no problem of misunderstanding.

Secondly, the training cycle of guide dogs is long, and there is some controversy about the guide dogs themselves.

The training process for guide dogs is quite lengthy.

The period from birth to two months is the early childhood period for guide dogs.

After two months, the guide dog will be sent to a foster home. From 2 months to 1 year old, the guide dog needs to learn a lot of knowledge in the foster home.

Including how to get along with humans, such as not eating human food, not jumping on furniture, and not demolishing homes, getting used to various public places, and taking public transportation.

When a guide dog turns one year old, it will be sent to a guide dog training center for professional training.

Guide dogs will undergo rigorous and professional training at the training center for one year. Only after passing the assessment can they enter the homes of the visually impaired to assist the visually impaired.

This period of time will be the longest time in a guide dog's life.

Starting from the age of two, guide dogs work for different periods of time depending on the type. Most of them work for 8 to 12 years.

During this period of time, the guide dog and the visually impaired will establish a very close bond.

Because the visually impaired people regard the guide dog as their own eyes, the visually impaired person will absolutely trust the guide dog. How can the relationship established between the two parties be explained clearly in a few words?

But here comes the problem!

Human life span far exceeds that of dogs.

Take the star dog Labrador among guide dogs as an example. The life span of a Labrador is 8 to 12 years. Because of their strict training and strict eating habits, guide dogs can almost live for more than ten years.

However, the working life of a Labrador guide dog is set at 8 years, plus the previous two years of training, which is equivalent to Labrador retiring when he is 10 years old.

When Labrador guide dogs are retired, a new problem arises.

What should I do with my Labrador guide dog that has worked hard for 8 years now?

Will we continue to provide guidance for the visually impaired?

That's a powerless thing.

Because the ten-year-old Labrador guide dog has entered the elderly stage, all aspects of physical functions are declining, whether it is the safety of assisting the guide dog or the energy to work, both have dropped significantly.

So Labrador guide dogs retire at the age of ten.

Under normal circumstances, the retired Labrador guide dog should be left to the visually impaired. After all, they have been together for eight years and have a very deep relationship with each other.

However, what the visually impaired need is a guide dog that can assist the guide and work normally.

So what should we do with a guide dog that has worked hard for 8 years and retired with great success?

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