The official blog of Dream Future Graphene is positioned as a happy sand sculpture type, and there are very few serious posts on Weibo.


Suona Astronomy:


Is this sand sculpture actually a real official blog?

Can you also make an announcement on behalf of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group?

I thought it was a fake official blog!


The number of likes on the first popular comment has exceeded 100,000. It is obvious that everyone is making fun of the information released by the Dream Future Graphene official blog account.

The vast majority of melon-eating people prefer to watch official blogs that are happy and funny, rather than official blogs that make serious announcements.

Less than three minutes after An Liang posted the latest Weibo account using the Dream Future Graphene official blog account, Amgen contacted the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and was eventually transferred to An Liang.

"Hello, Mr. An, I am Eric Watt, the representative of Amgen Pharmaceuticals Xia Guo. Eric introduced himself in Xia Mandarin.

An Liang greeted politely,"Hello, Mr. Eric, what can I do for you?""

"Regarding the price increase of lighthouse projects, has your company confirmed it? Eric asked.

An Liang naturally responded affirmatively,"Yes, this resolution has been finalized and made public."

An Liang added,"Mr. Eric, rest assured that the 100,000-unit contract signed between us will still be provided according to the contract supply price, but subsequent lighthouses will be implemented according to our new supply price."

Eric breathed a sigh of relief,"Okay, thank you Mr. An.""

"You're welcome."An Liang responded.

After Eric ended the call with An Liang, he first contacted the headquarters of Amgen Pharmaceutical Company, explained the specific situation, and asked the headquarters to adjust the sales strategy, and then used the official blog of Amgen Pharmaceutical Company to publish information on Weibo



Our company is very understanding of @DreamFuture Graphene’s price adjustment plan and will provide maximum support.

At the same time, in view of the soaring costs in the transportation process and the increase in sales costs, from now on, the price of our company's sales of lighthouse projects in Bald Eagle Country will increase from US$3,999 to US$4,999.

Notice hereby!


Amgen’s official blog originally attracted no attention at all, but since it was combined with the Dream Future Graphene official blog, it has attracted a lot of attention.

The melon-eaters also know that Amgen has obtained the agency rights for lighthouses in Bald Eagle Country.

Originally, someone on the Internet was leading the charge, saying that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group was maliciously targeting consumers in the Bald Eagle Country.

People who eat melons thought that Amgen should just go along with the situation. Not to mention standing up to fight against the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, at least it should secretly add fuel to the flames, right?

In the end, who knew that Amgen would jump out and launch a backstab? The target would still be those 'friendly forces' targeting the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group?

Good guy!

The information released on Amgen's official blog is like a slap in the face to those netizens who clamored that lighthouses are too expensive in Bald Eagle Country.

Some unwilling melon-eaters left messages on the latest Weibo of Amgen’s official blog


Everlasting Victory:

As a pharmaceutical company from Bald Eagle Country, your market in Bald Eagle Country has been so discriminated against by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Why don’t you protest?

You even joined the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group in raising prices and doing evil. Are you worthy of the people of Bald Eagle Country?


This reply quickly became the first popular comment by interested people. It is obviously a tempo and even a moral kidnapping.

However, these rhythmic guys only know one thing but not the other.

Amgen is indeed a company from Bald Eagle Country, but as a company from Bald Eagle Country, doesn’t it make money?

That is impossible!

Bald Eagle Country is a country where money is paramount!

Amgen’s official blog account posted another Weibo post



Regarding @DreamFutureGraphene’s price increase for lighthouses, our company reiterates its support.

In response to some biased remarks, our company will give a unified reply. As a commercial company, our company naturally needs to protect its interests.

Secondly, lighthouses are already very cheap.

Our company has conducted a survey in Bald Eagle Country and found that the auxiliary effect of lighthouses on the visually impaired far exceeds that of guide dogs. All visually impaired people who have used lighthouses say that the auxiliary effect of lighthouses is better.

A standard guide dog costs more than 30,000 US dollars in our Bald Eagle country. Now you can buy a better lighthouse for only one-sixth of the price. Aren’t we a vision that benefits the Bald Eagle country? Disabled people?

Without our negotiations with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and successful acquisition of agency rights, how would the visually impaired in Bald Eagle Country have access to the lighthouse?

The lighthouse project of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group contains a large number of advanced technologies, and the cost of these invisible technologies is very high!

Dreaming of the Future Graphene Technologies Group doesn’t publicize these costs, but they don’t exist!


The latest Weibo of Amgen’s official blog account is actually whitewashing Dream Future Graphene Technology Group?

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group itself has not whitewashed itself!

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