The next day.

Before seven o'clock in the morning, An Liang was woken up by the vibrating sound of WeChat messages. In the Didu friends group, Qian Xiaogang was sending messages non-stop.

‘Qian Xiaogang: @安梁: Is Brother Liang awake?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: @李cunyuan: @云海海: Brother Yuan, Brother Haiyang, get up and eat!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Don’t you all get up?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: It’s almost seven o’clock, and I want to share some good news with you!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: My Nobel Prize is guaranteed!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: This Alpine Ziziphus Seed is simply invincible. After our testing, we found that the Alpine Ziziphus Kernel contains a brand-new Ziziphus Seed Saponin. It is different from the ordinary Ziziphus Seed Saponins A and B. It has better effects and almost no side effects.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: This brand new jujube kernel saponin, we temporarily named it jujube kernel saponin Y, which represents the origin of Ziziphus jujube kernel saponin from Yunpo Village.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Liang, what do you think of this name?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: We have preliminarily verified Ziziphus saponin Y. The mice used in the experiment did not have any adverse reactions or toxicological reactions.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Late last night, Professor Zeng and I had discussed that we would launch Chinese patent medicines based on the formula of Ziziphus Seed, as well as medicinal diet, to test the effect of Ziziphus Semen Saponin Y. '

Xia Guo has a regulation that starting from 2018, in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, as long as it is a classic prescription, it does not require clinical verification.

Ziziphus seeds are naturally a classic prescription for lowering blood pressure, thus eliminating the need for expensive and lengthy clinical trials.

‘Qian Xiaogang: As long as we prove the effect of Ziziphus saponin Y, we can overcome the problem of hypertension and have a high probability of winning the Nobel Prize in Medicine.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Just thinking about it makes me so excited that I can’t sleep!’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: Brother Gangzi, you are poisonous!’

‘An Liang: In your situation, it’s a bit like you’ve just met the woman and you’ve already thought of the name of your child.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: No, Brother Liang, this is a completely different situation.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: The effect of Ziziphus saponin Y is indeed very good. We will soon be able to make a Chinese patent medicine and prove its efficacy.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Just like a supercar, we already know its parameters and have driven it on the track for lap testing. Just because it has not won the event honors does not negate its strength.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: It will take up to one month!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: We can 100% verify the effect of Ziziphus saponin Y within one month!’

‘An Liang: Okay, okay, as long as it works, so I should arrange for someone to protect the wild jujube forest?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I think we should protect it’

‘Qian Xiaogang: If it is stolen or damaged, it will definitely be a huge loss.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: We are currently studying the growth environment of high mountain wild jujube forests to determine whether the growth environment of high mountain wild jujube forests is an isolated case or is universal.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: If it is universal, can be transplanted, and maintains good results, the value of this wild jujube forest will be unparalleled! '

An secretly smiled, transplantation and breeding? joke!

The winner system in life has long been restricted and cannot be transplanted or reproduced.

Qian Xiaogang and Zeng Bojun’s research is doomed to failure

‘An Liang: Well, please study it carefully and I will immediately arrange for personnel to establish relevant protection.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I stayed up all night, and now I suddenly feel a little sleepy. I’ll go to bed first. Brother Liang, see you tomorrow.’

‘An Liang: OK, see you tomorrow. '

When An Liang and Qian Xiaogang finished their exchange, neither Li Cunyuan nor Yun Haiyang woke up. It seemed that Li Cunyuan was high in the bar too late, and Yun Haiyang was reviewing too late?

An Liang yawned. It was now past seven o'clock and he was no longer sleepy, so he checked his email and checked the design plan that Alek sent him.

The second-generation flying motorcycle designed by Alek was a bit rough and could not meet Anliang's needs, so Anliang asked Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to recruit professionals for secondary design.

An Liang asked Huang Guoxiang to entrust military personnel to conduct a secondary design to select the best design.

Now Alek has made a new design plan, and Anliang clicks on the email to check it out.

The design plan that Alek made this time was not an optimization of the previous design plan, but a new design plan based on An Liang's requirements.

Flying motorcycles are destined to be unable to be fully applied in cities because they involve too many control and legal issues.

However, in the commercial field, its application range is very wide, and it has very huge uses.

An Liang had previously asked Alek to design a brand new flying motorcycle, which was a plan for the commercial field.

The first solution is the long-life stable version, which improves battery life, improves stability, and reduces flight speed.

This version is not suitable for flying in the city. Its design direction is not to adapt to urban commuting, but to stay in the air stably for a long time and provide an aerial hovering working platform.

After An Liang read the new design plan sent by Alek, he sent Huang Guoxiang a message.

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