An Liang and Eric ended the call, and An Liang laughed after putting down the phone.

Chen Siyu was playing the piano. She asked curiously,"Master An, what's the matter?"

An Liang walked over and hugged Chen Siyu from behind. He smiled and said,"Just now a guy from the Bald Eagle Country gave me money. , we negotiated a cooperation worth 1.5 billion Xia Guoyuan, and the profit is huge!"

In fact, the total cost of the lighthouse is 2,550 yuan!

Even if outsourcing the production of image processing chips increases the cost of image processing chips by 20%, 100,000 sets of lighthouses will only increase the cost by 2 million.

The overall profit still exceeds 1.2 billion Xia Guoyuan.

This is not a profit obtained by the stock market, but a profit obtained by the real industry. Behind these profits is the benefit of a series of industrial chains.

For example, depth-of-field camera manufacturers, laser ranging radar manufacturers, Imperial Precision Manufacturing Company, which is responsible for OEMs, etc., all can benefit.

This way of making money is more comfortable than the stock market, because it drives more people to make money, which also means a higher social status.

Ning Ruoshuang, who was practicing yoga, was curious,"How much profit did you make?"

"Lower ten digits!"An Liang responded with a smile.

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang both looked surprised.


It's nearly three o'clock in the afternoon.

At the headquarters of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, Eric came to sign the contract in person, but An Liang did not attend the signing ceremony because Eric called a lot of news media reporters.

So Li Cunyuan became the scapegoat!

Li Cunyuan is also a director of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. The lighthouse is under the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. The interests are distributed among everyone, so Li Cunyuan naturally has to do something.

Witnessed by a large number of news media reporters, Li Cunyuan pretended to sign a contract with Eric.

In fact, the real contract has already been reviewed by the legal personnel of both parties, and the contract has been officially signed. Now it is just a show in front of the camera.

Any contract signed at a press conference may not be 100% false, but 99% of it is false and there is no problem at all.

The contract of a large-scale cooperation project is of great importance. What if there is a problem with the on-site signing?

For example, the contract was secretly changed?

In order to avoid such trouble, the formal contract must be signed in advance. Just pretend to be in front of the camera, but is there really an on-site signing?

It’s just a joke!

After the two parties signed the contract in a pretentious manner, they began to accept interviews with the news media together.

Yang Xiaoxiao, a local news reporter from the Imperial City, first asked,"Hello, Director Li, I am Yang Xiaoxiao from the Imperial City Evening News. I would like to ask you about your cooperation with Amgen on the lighthouse project. At what price do you sell the lighthouse?"

Facing the face Yang Xiaoxiao asked, and Li Cunyuan responded in a formulaic manner,"Sorry, that's a matter of commercial confidentiality.""

"What about the price of a lighthouse in Bald Eagle Country?"Yang Xiaoxiao added the question.

Eric responded on behalf of Li Cunyuan,"Although each reporter friend can only ask one question, I am willing to give reporter Yang preferential treatment. After all, beautiful women have preferential treatment."

Yang Xiaoxiao glanced at Eric in particular. His Xia Mandarin was really standard!

Eric continued,"According to our cooperation with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, we have the pricing power of Lighthouse in Bald Eagle Country. And without the consent of the Dreaming Future Graphene Technologies Group."

Li Cunyuan responded in agreement,"What Representative Eric said is true."

After the two people answered, the host asked a news reporter to ask a question.

"Director Li, Representative Eric, I would like to ask how many lighthouses are involved in your cooperation. According to the information once announced by the Dream Future Graphene official blog account, the production of lighthouses is limited, and it is only available in Xia Mandarin version. How about this question? overcome?"This reporter did not identify himself and just asked questions.

Li Cunyuan responded calmly,"You have two questions. Eric answered,"Director Li, please be patient. Let me answer. The total number of lighthouses involved in the cooperation is also a commercial secret and we will not disclose it."

Eric continued,"As for the language system problem, our Amgen company will be deeply involved in cooperation to solve the language system problem.""

"Finally, let’s make a small advertisement. Three days later, on July 15th, our Amgen company will sell 5,000 sets of lighthouses at 12 noon local time in Bald Eagle Country."Eric advertised.

Li Cunyuan answered,"We dream that in the future, Graphene Technology Group will also release 5,000 sets of lighthouses at 12 noon, summer time. The subscription reservation conditions are the same as the last time. Another reporter provided at the scene, mainly asking Eric how his Amgen company sells lighthouses in the Bald Eagle Country and the sales price in the Bald Eagle Country.

Faced with this question, Eric smiled and said,"I just said Let’s just say that our Amgen company has independent sales rights in the Bald Eagle Country. Both the sales price and the sales strategy are set by our Amgen company and do not require the consent of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group."

This article sounds like the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has suffered a loss?

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