The current first-generation lighthouse's image processing chip uses 28nm technology, although this technology seems very 'backward'.

After all, mainstream mobile devices have begun to use 7nm, and are even conquering the cutting-edge technology of 5nm. Various computer processors and graphics cards are also using 7nm, and Nth generation 14nm technology.

In comparison, 28nm technology seems to be really lagging behind?

But it’s not!

In the industrial field, 28 nanometer technology is already quite good.

Dark Core Technology produces its own 28nm chips, so that the cost of each image processing chip is only 100 Xia Guoyuan.

According to Hanzhenglong's estimation, if the image processing chips are outsourced to other companies for small-scale production, the price of each chip will increase by at least 20 yuan.

Maybe 20 yuan a piece sounds quite small.

But based on the calculation of 50,000 pieces per month, that means the cost price has increased by 1 million. This is a cost issue that cannot be ignored.

"Director An, if you balance the R&D expenses and include the profit that you are satisfied with, what do you expect the selling price of the first-generation lighthouse to be?"Eric got straight to the point.

Facing Eric's direct inquiry, Anliang was silent for a few seconds before responding,"It's not easy to balance R&D costs. You are a pharmaceutical company. You should understand. R&D is difficult.

Eric sighed,"Yes, research and development is too difficult, and you have to bear the risk of research and development failure."

An Liang agreed,"Yes, there is still a risk of R&D failure.""

Both parties lamented the difficulty of research and development again, and then returned to the issue of price.

"Our publicly disclosed bill of materials costs 2,550 yuan. We deliberately wrote the battery cost as 150 yuan, but the actual cost is more than 1,000 yuan. If we balance the R&D cost based on the sales volume of 1 million units, the cost of each unit is 3,000 yuan.."An Liang explained.

"So you spent 3 billion Xia Guoyuan to develop the lighthouse?"Eric asked casually

"2.98 billion to be exact."Anliang replied with a more precise number, thereby increasing credibility.

"After all costs are combined, the cost of the lighthouse will be close to 7,000 Xia Guoyuan. We must ensure sufficient profits in the early stage. Just like your new drugs, the profit margins of your new drugs are very high in the early stage, right? An Liang asked back.

Eric responded,"I have a suggested retail price, how about $3,999?""

This price, converted to Xia Guoyuan, has exceeded 25,800 Xia Guoyuan, which is equivalent to more than ten times the current selling price.

"Can your people accept it?"An Liang asked back.

"If you are willing to sell it to us for US$2,000, and we sell it for US$3,999 in Bald Eagle Country, I believe the people of Bald Eagle Country will definitely accept it."Eric explained.

"In addition, we will bear all the infamy. For example, we proactively announced that the pricing power in Bald Eagle Country is determined by us, and the specific selling price has nothing to do with you."Eric added.

An Liang laughed. This Eric is indeed a representative of the pharmaceutical company. He will do anything for profit. It's just a bad reputation. Amgen company just takes it. What's the problem?

Make money. Well, not shabby!

"We are Xia Guoyuan's company, and we prefer to use Xia Guoyuan for transactions. We are happy to sell your lighthouse at a price of 15,000 Xia Guoyuan, and provide you with the adaptation of Bald Eagle Country's native English."An Liang explained.

Eric thought for a moment before responding,"What about supply?"

"Based on your order decision, we can entrust external chip production to produce the chips, and we can purchase the rest from outside."An Liang added

"Our image processing chips only use 28-nanometer technology, and we have a large number of chip manufacturers in Xia that can produce them, so there is no need to worry about the output."An Liang explained

"So when will you be able to deliver our first batch of 100,000 units?" Eric asked

"Not sure, but it could be resolved in two months at most. Three days later, we have the second batch of lighthouses on the market. The total number is 10,000 units. We can give you 5,000 units."An Liang explained

"Can the language system solve it?"Eric asked back

"Hahaha, Representative Eric is kidding! An Liang laughed.

In this era, is the language system still a problem?

Eric also laughed,"Director An, can we sign a contract today?""

"Are you in the imperial capital?"An Liang asked

"certainly! Eric responded affirmatively,"Our Amgen Asia-Pacific headquarters is in the imperial capital of Xia Kingdom.""

"That’s it. Welcome Representative Eric to our Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to sign a contract."An Liang extended the invitation.

Eric added,"Can I contact the media reporters?"

"sure!"An Liang responded

"What is the specific signing time?" Eric asked

"Two o'clock in the afternoon, how about?"An Liang proposed a time

"good!"Eric agreed.

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