The promotional video is still going on.

The video screen was split into two, and as the middle-aged man made his choice, an electronically synthesized voice replied,"Okay, I will guide you in detail. Now please slow down a little, take six steps forward, and raise your left hand."

In the video screen split into two, it can be seen that the light blue light spot is close to the earphones. In the normal image video, it is also a middle-aged person approaching the earphones.

"The headset is 20 centimeters in front of and seven centimeters below your left hand. You need to move your left hand and I will correct the position for you."The electronically synthesized voice prompted.

The middle-aged man moved his left hand based on his feeling, and was reminded by the electronically synthesized voice that he quickly found the earphones.

After getting the earphones, the electronically synthesized voice prompted again,"The headphone jack is on the left side of the helmet. There are front ends on both sides. Sorry, I cannot detect the specific location. Please explore by yourself."

The middle-aged man quickly found the location of the headphone jack, connected the headphones, and then put them on.

"Hello,Ask if you can hear it. If the volume is not suitable, you can adjust it through voice commands. If you don't respond, I will automatically switch to an external voice reminder."The electronically synthesized voice prompts

"A little louder."The middle-aged man responded

"The current volume is 37%, and the volume has been increased by 5% for you. Do you need to continue adjusting?"Electronically synthesized voice asks

"Okay, I want to go out now, can you give me directions?"The middle-aged man asked

"No problem at all."The electronically synthesized voice responded.

In the image composed of light blue light spots, another red mark appeared,"I have detected the existence of the guide cane. Do I need to guide you to obtain the guide cane?"

"unnecessary."The middle-aged man walked towards the guide stick familiarly and picked up the guide stick.

"I have discovered that you have obtained a guide stick. I will cooperate with you in using the guide stick and provide you with accurate guidance information."The electronically synthesized voice prompted.

The middle-aged man walked out of the house. When he was in the elevator, he accurately pressed the elevator button with the help of the electronically synthesized voice.

While waiting for the elevator, the electronically synthesized voice prompted,"Wait a minute. When the elevator arrives, I will detect the situation inside the elevator. Please wait one to three seconds."

The middle-aged man did not speak.

Ten seconds later, the elevator arrived. When the elevator door opened, the electronically synthesized voice sounded a prompt almost simultaneously,"There is no one in the elevator, please feel free to enter.""

The middle-aged man walked into the elevator, and the electronically synthesized voice reminded the middle-aged man of the floor represented by the elevator button, which obviously accurately identified the number.

If it were the previous situation, if there was no one in the elevator, it would take a certain amount of time for the middle-aged man to Only by groping can he determine the location of the button on the first floor, and it can only be identified if it is in the elevator where he lives. After all, the button position on the first floor of the elevator is not necessarily the first one. The first button may be on the underground floor.

Among middle-aged people from When I came out of the elevator and used the guide stick to walk in the community, the electronically synthesized voice did not give any prompts. It was not until I reached the door of the community that the electronically synthesized voice gave new prompts.

"If I detect that I am about to enter a complex environment area, I will try my best to remind you through behavioral prediction and judgment. If you want to cross the road, please tell me in advance and I will identify zebra crossings and traffic lights for you."Electronically synthesized voice reminder

"OK"The middle-aged man walked out of the community.

The electronically synthesized voice prompted again,"A blind road has been identified. Please follow the blind road. If you encounter obstacles, I will remind you in advance."

The middle-aged man walked onto the blind path under the prompt of the electronically synthesized voice, and issued a prompt,"I want to cross the road, I want to go to the convenience store opposite."

"Okay, I have detected the zebra crossing. It is more than a hundred meters ahead. I cannot detect the specific distance. Please move on. When it enters the range of one hundred meters, I will get more accurate information."The electronically synthesized voice issued a prompt.

It also indicated that the detection limit was 100 meters.

The middle-aged man continued to move forward and arrived at the zebra crossing under the guidance of the electronically synthesized voice. The electronically synthesized voice continued to prompt,"Please wait, it is currently a pedestrian crossing. When the light is red, you need to wait for 68 seconds. There are two people on your right, and they are more than one meter away from you. There are seven passers-by waiting on the opposite side of the zebra crossing. Please use your guide stick when crossing the road to remind the other person that you are It is the identity of a blind person."

The 68-second waiting time at the red light passed quickly. After the red light ended, an electronically synthesized voice quickly reminded the middle-aged people to cross the road. Everything went smoothly, without any problems, and they arrived at the convenience store accurately.

"Please tell me what you need to buy and I will help you identify the relevant information."The electronically synthesized voice prompts

"I want to buy instant noodles. I want the pork ribs flavor and the big soup brand. Can you identify it?"The middle-aged man asked

"Okay, please enter the convenience store. It will take me about three seconds to initially scan the interior, and then I can provide you with detailed route guidance."The electronically synthesized voice issued a prompt.

The middle-aged man entered the convenience store. The clerk saw the middle-aged man and confirmed that he was blind. He asked,"Hello, do you need any help?

The middle-aged man responded negatively,"Thank you, I want to take a look for myself.""


The clerk looked puzzled.

Can he see it by himself?

How can a blind man see it?

However, under the clerk's puzzled gaze, the blind man really looked at the shelves one by one.

In the headphones, an electronically synthesized sound sounded. ,"In front of you is a shelf with a large number of products. Do you need to identify the corresponding products?"

"If you need to identify the corresponding product, I will identify the product for you based on the center point of focus on your face."Electronic synthesized sound supplement

"OK, please identify."The middle-aged man responded

"You are currently looking at a chocolate, the brand is Dove, the weight is 72 grams, the price is 13.8 yuan, the outer packaging is plastic, the touch is smooth, the color is pink body, with dark brown."The electronically synthesized voice prompts

"According to my scan, no instant noodles were found in this shelf. Do you need me to direct you to another shelf?"The electronic synthesized voice added a prompt.

Under the prompt of the electronic synthesized voice, the middle-aged man came to the instant noodles shelf. The electronic synthesized voice prompted again,"I have found the Datuang brand pork rib instant noodles you need, and identified the discount information. , if you buy two boxes of Datang brand pork rib instant noodles, the second box only costs 4 yuan at half price."

This kind of picture information is the absolute weakness of the visually impaired!

And store clerks generally won't remind them!

After all, one less thing is better than one more thing, right?

However, the hardware assistive device for the visually impaired automatically recognizes the corresponding information and issues a prompt to help the visually impaired. Provides people with one more choice

"If you need two boxes of Datang brand pork rib instant noodles, I will guide you accurately to get them. Please note that please do not fumble around at will. According to my analysis, if you fumble around at will, it may cause some products on the shelf to fall to the ground, thus Cause unnecessary trouble."Electronic synthesized voice sounds caring reminder

"I need precise guidance."The middle-aged man responded

"OK, please listen to the voice message prompts and I will provide you with precise guidance."The electronically synthesized voice responded.

After a while, at the checkout counter, a middle-aged man was holding two boxes of instant noodles to check out. He took out a banknote and handed it over. The electronically synthesized voice had already issued a prompt,"You paid for a 50 yuan note. , the price of two boxes of instant noodles is 12 yuan, the other party will ask you for 38 yuan, and I will identify the currency information for you."

A line of text message suddenly appeared in this video, indicating that the clerk would deliberately ignore the discount information and settle at the price of 16 yuan, thus embezzling four yuan. However, it stated that this incident was to test the hardware assistive equipment for the visually impaired and was only It's a plot arrangement, not a real problem with the clerk's character.

When the clerk took out the 34 yuan note, the visually impaired hardware auxiliary device immediately issued a prompt,"The amount of currency the other party wants to change is 34 yuan. Please remind the other party to express There are discounts on instant noodles."

The middle-aged man immediately explained the situation according to the prompts, and the clerk gave him another 4 yuan in change. The next video shows a smooth journey home, just like ordinary people, whether it is crossing the road or avoiding the small vendors occupying the blind lane, all It's all very easy.

At home, the middle-aged man made a bowl of instant noodles smoothly according to the guidance of the electronically synthesized voice, without any danger caused by the hot water.

"I have detected the charger. I have adopted the dual mode of wireless charging and wired charging. I recommend you to use wireless charging. I still have 94% power. If you wantI'm charging, and I'll direct you to get a wireless charger and charge it for me."The electronically synthesized voice prompts

"OK"The middle-aged man responded.

When he took off the helmet of the visually impaired hardware assistive device, the promotional video fell into darkness again. About three seconds later, an electronically synthesized voice came again.

"Welcome to use the lighthouse, I will illuminate your dark world and protect your safety."

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