In the Internet world of Xia Kingdom, An Liang posted a new Weibo using the Dream Future Graphene official blog account.


Dreaming about future graphene: our new products are coming soon!

This is a public welfare product, everyone is welcome to support it!

For details, see: [Promotional Video].

If you forward this Weibo, we will not conduct any lottery, we will only thank you for your love!


Some melon-eaters started commenting directly without watching the promotional video.


It’s so weird:

I’m so forward and don’t draw any prizes. As expected of this PipiXia blogger, I’m so stupid!

But I forwarded it anyway, after all, I am also a caring person!


This reply quickly became the most popular reply. A large number of melon-eaters directly forwarded the dream of future graphene on Weibo without even watching the promotional video.


Duke Vader:


Love the promotional video!

Thanks to Dream Future Graphene Technology Group for its contribution to the visually impaired!

My mother is visually impaired. When the new products of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group are launched, she will definitely buy one!


The popularity of the second most popular comment increased very quickly, and a large number of comments were"teary", obviously moved by the promotional video.

People who have not watched the promotional video should check it immediately.

When the promotional video was opened, the sounds of busy traffic could be heard, and these sounds were very obvious, but the picture was dark and there was no image content at all.

The dark image lasted for nearly five seconds, the sound of traffic disappeared, and a line of white words appeared.

‘What does a dark world look like?’

‘In such a dark world, how to deal with the dangers of the modern world?’

‘The constant flow of cars, electric vehicles driving recklessly, hurried passers-by, even a staircase, a sewer without a manhole cover, or a brick may all pose a threat to the visually impaired. '

As the white text disappeared, an electronically synthesized voice sounded.

"Hello, I am here, 3.2 meters in front of you and 1.3 meters high. You can continue to move forward. You can extend your right hand. There are no obstacles or dangers around you."

"Hello, your right hand is still 0.3 meters away from me. Please continue to take a step forward. You will touch me. You can feel that I am a cold helmet-shaped object."

"Hello, you can wear me on your head, I will be your beacon, lighting up your dark world"

"real?"A decadent middle-aged male voice came.

"I have finished charging. I will bring you a bright world for at least twenty-four hours. Please wear me and adjust with my voice."

"good!"The decadent middle-aged male voice responded.

However, the screen was still dark, with only the conversation between the two going on and the sound of objects rubbing against their hair. The electronically synthesized voice continued to prompt,"Please adjust the helmet slightly to the right to obtain Best results."

Another sound of objects rubbing against hair came.

"Please wait, the system is ready and the first environment scan is about to start."An electronically synthesized voice came.

The next moment, the pitch-black video changed, and a large number of tiny light blue light points appeared. These light points quickly formed a living room, including everything in the living room.

The whole process only takes three seconds!

"I have identified the scene. This is a living room. Could you please set this place as a family living room scene? If it is set as a family living room scene, I will permanently record the information of this place to provide you with the fastest information feedback.."The electronically synthesized voice prompts

"Yes, this is my living room."The middle-aged man responded

"The presence of headphones is detected. If you need to go out, the system recommends that you wear headphones so that you can hear my voice in a noisy environment. I would like to ask if you need to wear headphones. If so, I will guide you to obtain headphones."The electronically synthesized voice prompted again.

"Yes, I need headphones."The middle-aged male voice responded.

After the middle-aged male voice responded, a red square box appeared in the image composed of a large number of light blue light points, and the text information was marked: 'Item: Headphones’

"The earphones are on the sofa 1.7 meters in front of you. You need to take a few steps forward and stretch out your left hand to fumble around to get the earphones. Please rest assured that I have identified the scene and there is no danger. You can fumble with confidence. If you need more precise guidance, please prompt me and then follow my guidance to get the headphones accurately."The electronically synthesized voice prompts

"I would like more accurate guidance."The middle-aged man said without hesitation.

As the middle-aged man's voice fell, the video changed.

The video screen was divided into two. The left side is still an image composed of light blue light dots, and the right side is the image of the camera. In the image, a middle-aged man was photographed for the first time, with his eyes covered, thus proving that there was no cheating through the visual abilities of the eyes.

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