Technology is advancing, times are changing, the Qing Dynasty has long since perished, and things like the 80/20 rule have also long since ceased to exist, okay?

The era when the 28/20 rule existed was probably before 2000. In that simple era, the 28/20 rule only existed.

Ten years later, in the era of 2010, the Internet and mobile Internet technology exploded, and the 28-20 rule suddenly collapsed, entering the era of 20-98.

Two percent of the people control 98% of the wealth!

But is this an exaggeration?


The times are progressing faster than anyone imagined!

Five years later, in the era of 2015, the mobile Internet personal finance industry kicked off. Starting from Ali's flower shells, like fireworks, it became extremely prosperous in an instant.

The law of two and ninety-eight is once again eliminated, and wealth is further concentrated.

In the era of 2020, the law of wealth has been upgraded to 0.02% and 120%!

The concept is that 0.02% of the population controls 120% of the wealth.


Do you find it difficult to understand that the concentration of wealth has exceeded 100%?

It’s just because a large number of people have debts.

99.98% of people can just bear 20% of the debt. Is there any problem?

In 2019, the closest to the real data released by the Xia State Bureau of Statistics was that the national per capita income was only 2,560 yuan, and the number of people in the income group with a monthly income of more than 5,000 yuan was about 90 million.

There are only five out of 10,000 high-income people with an annual salary of more than one million, but those with an annual salary of one million have just stepped into the high-income threshold. The group of people who really control wealth and the people with an annual salary of one million are basically two different worlds. gap.

After all, talking about salary and annual salary means that you are still within the framework of capital. Since you are within the framework of capital, what qualifications do you have to escape the control of capital?

"The 80/20 rule has ended for twenty years, and now it has entered a new era!"An Liang explained the specific situation with a smile, and told all the 0.02% and 99.8% theories.

Kang Yujia, Xu Nuo, and Lin Lin all fell silent.

Almost ten seconds later, Kang Yujia spoke first. ,"When the boss of the life committee said this, I suddenly felt that it was like this. A large number of flowery people in the circle of friends entered the society with mortgage loans and car loans, and then had to face the problem of raising future generations, and then faced the problem of aging. Life suddenly seemed hopeless. An

Liang responded,"Classmate Kang, you are wrong. Only by recognizing the existence of these problems can we work harder instead of being defeated by these problems." An

Liang continued,"In an extremely restrictive environment, using relatively limited resources, trying to achieve higher expectations, but getting worse results, isn't that what life is like?""

"Only by recognizing the nature of life and the existence of problems can we solve problems more rationally and efficiently."An Liang added

"The strong strive for self-improvement, students, come on! An Liang said encouragingly.

Kang Yujia responded helplessly,"I have to do this bowl of chicken soup from the Life Committee boss!"

Lin Lin agreed,"I'll do this bowl of chicken soup too!" Xu

Nuo answered,"Fortunately, I don't want to be rich, I just want to be able to eat and drink." An Liang responded,"

That's good too.""

An Liang told the truth!

Xu Nuo's idea is really good.

Because of the existence of the Internet, it brings the poor and the rich closer...

If you can't accept such terms, then replace them with 'low net worth individuals' and 'high net worth individuals'!

The Internet has narrowed the distance between low-net-worth people and high-net-worth people, making low-net-worth people feel that high-net-worth people are nothing more than that. The gap between them and themselves is very close, which leads to some unrealistic fantasies.

This is a typical example of ability not matching ambition.

Most of the results can only be the wail of a defeated dog!

It's approaching nine o'clock.

After dinner, Kang Yujia and the other three were expressing their gratitude to An Liang.

"Thank you to the boss of the Living Committee. Today I not only had a seafood dinner, but also drank a bowl of chicken soup prepared by the boss of the Living Committee. I am full of hope for the future!"Kang Yujia explained.

Xu Nuo ate the most, and she sighed,"These seafood are so delicious, thank you, boss of the Life Committee."

Lin Lin also expressed her gratitude. She said jokingly,"The three of us will leave first so as not to disturb the good things of the life committee boss. Thank you again."

Facing Lin Lin's teasing, Xia Ruyi responded first,"Linlin, what are you talking about? I have to go back too. I have morning classes tomorrow. My sister's first day of practice as a substitute teacher also has morning classes. Lin

Lin still teased,"If you want to go back, let the boss of the life committee see you off. The three of us have other things to do, bye." Kang

Yujia and Xu Nuo also waved goodbye, and then the three of them left together.

An Liang held Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi in his hands, and he asked casually,"Where are we going now?""

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin looked at each other. The two sisters had a tacit understanding. They understood each other's meaning.

Xia Hexin spoke first,"Send me back first, and then send Ruyi to school."

Xia Ruyi agreed,"Yeah, in that case, I can accompany you when you come back from Xijiao."

An Liang secretly laughed. He saw through the tricks of the two sisters in one second.

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