IFC Center, Ming Restaurant.

An Liang and his party of six ordered food in the private room. Considering that everything was ready but the only thing left was the east wind, An Liang ordered a dozen Ginado N0 grade oysters first. As the Hermès among oyster brands, the quality of Ginado oysters is very good.

Anyway, An Liang prefers Ginaduo to Veron.

Maybe it’s because Veron’s taste is stronger?

As for oysters, Ginado is more delicious with its fresh salty sea water flavor and a hint of milky aroma.

The heavy-flavored Peron, even though it is known as the king of oysters, is a bit too strong!


He was clearly describing oysters, but Anliang suddenly felt a strange feeling, as if something strange had gotten in?

The private room in the Ming restaurant has a long Western-style table, not a neon style.

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin are sitting on either side of Anliang, and their three besties are opposite.

Xia Ruyi took the menu and asked,"Jiajia, did you order the Australian red lobster?"

Kang Yujia actually wanted to order it, but looking at the price of 3,888 yuan, she was embarrassed to do so.

Although she said she wanted to be a rich man and knew that An Liang was very rich, at this moment, Kang Yujia began to feel embarrassed again.

Kang Yujia responded,"Not yet. I read the menu description and the Australian lobster weighs about three pounds. I don't know if you guys can eat it. I can't finish it by myself, so I haven't ordered it yet."

Xia Ruyi guessed Kang Yujia Feeling embarrassed, she ordered an Australian red lobster, a shrimp and three meals, including sashimi, steaming, and cheese gratin.

An Liang recommended,"He Xin, Antarctic deep-sea crayfish are quite delicious. The meat is delicate, sweet and delicious, without any fishy smell. Would you like to try it?"

Xia Hexin responded,"Okay."

An Liang ordered it smoothly. 24 pieces, because they are high-grade first-size chilled Antarctic deep-sea crayfish, the price of each one is as high as 188 yuan.

The Antarctic deep-sea langoustine that ordinary mid-range neon restaurants provide in unlimited quantities is actually a relatively low-end product, such as the small size version No. 5, which may even be passed off as Norwegian langoustine.

Although Antarctic deep-sea langoustines and Norwegian langoustines are very similar, their prices are very different.

Taking No. 1 Antarctic deep-sea langoustine as an example, a pound of langoustine may cost more than 1,500 yuan, but the price of Norwegian langoustine may only be 100 yuan a pound.

With such a price gap, it is no wonder that merchants resort to fraud.

After ordering, Kang Yujia took a look at the ordered menu on her tablet. The current total price was 17,658 yuan, which was far more than 1,000 yuan per person.

Sure enough, per capita consumption is meant to be exceeded?

Looking at such per capita consumption, Kang Yujia sighed secretly. The gap between people was too big. If Anliang hadn't treated her to a treat, she would never have consumed such food and beverages in her life.

Lin Lin is the monitor of Class 6 of the Department of Education. She also saw the price of the ordered menu displayed on the tablet. She said half-jokingly and half-seriously,"The prices at Ming Restaurant are indeed too expensive!"

An Liang responded casually,"They The situation at home is actually pretty good. For normal consumption, around two thousand for two people is no problem at all." For normal consumption, I won’t order too much seafood. There must be other fried, boiled, grilled, sushi and rice balls, etc. Wait, if seafood sashimi is used as the main dish, the consumer price will drop.

An Liang and his party mainly ordered seafood, and the prices were of course different.

Xu Nuo, who is a little chubby, said,"When I was in high school, I accidentally heard about the critical minority rule. I didn't think it was true at the time, but now it seems that the critical minority rule is very correct!"

The so-called 'critical minority rule' is actually the famous one. The original meaning of the '28/20 rule' is no longer important. The 28/20 rule is more commonly used to describe economic conditions.

The meaning of the 80/20 rule is: 20% of the people control 80% of the wealth; 80% of the people only control 20% of the wealth.

As a student in the School of Economics, how could Anliang not know the famous 80/20 rule?

Before An Liang responded, Kang Yujia also seconded,"We are the 'eight' part, and the life committee boss is the 'two', right?"

"Yeah! Xia Ruyi responded with a smile.

Xia Hexin seconded,"Jia Jia is right!""

This statement seems right at first glance, but after thinking about it carefully, An Liang thinks there is something wrong with Kang Yujia. Is she using yin and yang magic?

"Classmate Kang Yujia, I think you are up to something!"An Liang looked at Kang Yujia.

What do you mean he is 'two'?

The imperial capital has become An Liang's second hometown, how can he still not know the meaning of 'two'?

Kang Yujia responded,"Don't get me wrong, boss of the Life Committee, I said It is 20% of the cases in the 80/20 rule, not really two."

As Kang Yujia explained, both Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin laughed.

An Liang gave each of the Xia sisters a headache, and then looked at Kang Yujia,"Your thinking is outdated now. It’s the era of 2020, do you think there is still the 80/20 rule?"


Times have changed!


Update time: December 4, 2020 03:04:25, the humble author is a little tired...

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