"grass!! Wang

Jianguo's eyes flashed, and he asked excitedly:"You didn't fucking lie?" Are there really 240 tons of gold?

Ada nodded hurriedly and said,"Yes!" have! Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, at least the current information is like this. Aren't you here for these 240 tons of gold?"


The heads of all the members of SG Group 1 and 2 exploded. They were completely blank, filled with 240 tons of gold. They could no longer think about anything else.

Feiying rolled his eyes and seemed to understand something.

Tian Yangsheng's expression was as usual. , said calmly:"Viper, put the gun away."

Venomous snake" is Wang Jianguo's code name.

He did not respond and was still caught in the shock of 240 tons of gold.


Tian Yangsheng's eyes flashed coldly and he said coldly.


Wang Jianjun slapped Wang Jianguo and took away his gun at the same time. Only with this slap did Wang Jianguo wake up.

Wang Jianjun grabbed his brother's neck and gritted his teeth. He said:"Didn't you hear what the instructor said? What are you thinking about? Give me a straight attitude!"

"Oh, okay, okay."

Wang Jianguo responded blankly.

Tian Yangsheng ignored the two brothers, looked at Fei Ying calmly, and said calmly:"Jackie, my boss asked me to say hello on my behalf, and also asked me to pass on the message. I hope you can cooperate."

"If you don't cooperate, then kill your three companions in turn, and finally kill you."

"Like now."

After that, Tian Yangsheng took out his gun. Although his eyes were still looking at the flying eagle, the muzzle of the gun turned and pointed at Ada who was aside.

"ah!! Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Ada screamed and was so frightened that she hurriedly hid behind Aisha and Taozi.

Aisha did the same.

In the end, the one standing in front turned into Taozi, but Taozi was also trembling with fear and almost collapsed in the next moment.

"don't want!

Feiying knew that Tian Yangsheng was not joking, and immediately said:"I cooperate!" Whatever you want, I agree!"

"I have only one request, and that is don't hurt us"

"Since your boss allows you to say hello to me on his behalf, it means that he is a decent person, so I believe that you will keep your promise, and I am willing to bet this time"

"Don't worry, I will never make any small moves."

Tian Yangsheng said:"You are very smart and knowledgeable."

"As for your request, it is not excessive at all. My boss also told me in advance that as long as we can find the base, we will not kill you."

"As for small actions, it doesn’t matter"

"Don't take chances. If you dare to make any small move, you will all die."

"Don't use gold as a threat, because as long as we have a map and without you, we can still find the base, it's just a little more difficult."

After a pause,

Tian Yangsheng looked at Fei Ying jokingly and continued:"If you don't believe it, you can try it next and see if I dare to kill you."

After the words fell, Tian Yangsheng put away the gun.

The three women were even more afraid.

Feiying shook his head and said with a bitter look on his face:"It's better not to do it.

Tian Yangsheng said:"Hand over the map and keys.""

Flying Eagle did as he was told.

"Ada!"He shouted.

Ada didn't have any idea and hurriedly threw the backpack to Fei Ying.

To her, that backpack was like a hot potato.

Tian Yangsheng opened the backpack and found the key and the map.

But he didn't know whether it was true or false.

He He wasn't Huo Wenyao, and he didn't have the ability to tell the difference, but it didn't matter at all, because he had no intention of distinguishing it.

Tian Yangsheng glanced at it casually, then closed the zipper again and said:"Let's go! Have a night's rest and let's go find the secret base together tomorrow.

Fei Ying said:"Okay.""

At this moment - bang!

A crisp sniper bullet sounded, and a certain SG member fell to the ground.

There was someone else!!

Tian Yangsheng's face changed and he shouted:"Withdraw!!"

Everyone reacted immediately. As for the poor guy who was knocked down, he was dragged to the car by a friend with a relatively good relationship. The next moment, intensive gunfire rang out.


SG's deployment was very smart, but they Not the only one.

The people in EK are also very smart.

The other major organizations have not yet reacted. The Arctic Fox people are sweeping the hotel, and EK International, like SG, is also closely monitoring the outside of the hotel. Until now, Take action.

The gun battle begins again!

"Turn off the lights!"

"Plan B!"

After Tian Yangsheng got in the car, he immediately issued a combat order.

All the car lights were turned off immediately.

Africa is no better than Hong Kong. It is so poor that even the most developed cities have rubbish and few street lights. It's pitiful, especially in the wilderness.

When the car is closed, everything suddenly becomes pitch black.

You can't see your fingers. When

Tian Yangsheng boarded the car, he pulled Tao Zi over and treated him as a hostage. Then he ignored Fei Ying and drove away. Evacuate.

Without even thinking about it, Fei Ying immediately followed closely for fear of losing him.

Bang, bang, bang, bang - there were loud gunshots everywhere, but more of them were angry vents, and no one could be found at all.

"fuck! fuck! fuck!!"

"Damn guy!"

"Who are these bastards? Arctic fox? Those idiots are still in the hotel, it's not them!"

More than ten killers from EK drove up and chased them. They yelled and cursed in anger. Due to the terrible environment around them, they could only watch everyone in SG evacuate. There was nothing they could do to them.


What the hell? Eight taels of jeep off-road. They ran in six or seven directions respectively. How to chase?

Which car should be chased?

John Wick and Marcus finally arrived.

After listening to their subordinates' report on the situation, the two couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

For a long time.

Marcus Si couldn't help but sigh:"Night Demon, it seems that we have really met our opponent this time. That oriental man should be the boss of this group of people. His kick is still lingering in my mind."

"I feel like he doesn't look like a human being at all. This time it's more dangerous than anything."

John Wick had a solemn expression and did not answer Marcus. He was thinking about something intently.



Evacuation route. in the car.

Fei Ying concentrated on following the car in front of him for fear of losing him.

Ada's lips moved slightly and she said weakly:"Jackie, actually we can leave now. This mission is too dangerous. If we continue like this, we will die at any time.""

"Leaving now is the best option.

Feiying looked solemn and flatly refused:"No!" Tao Zi is still in their hands, if they leave now, Tao Zi will definitely die!"

"I know what you want to say, but it just doesn't work"

"Whether it's Taozi, you, or Elsa, it's the same for everyone! I don’t have to make money, but I will never give up on my companions!"

Ada sighed softly and said no more.



More than an hour later, Tian Yangsheng drove to a camp where several SG members were stationed.

Everyone else is basically back.

A few miles away, the SUV of brothers Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo stopped.

The two walked far away.

After making sure no one was around, we started talking about business.

Wang Jianguo's face was full of excitement and he said excitedly:"Brother! Did you hear it, 240 tons of gold! That's 240 tons of gold! No wonder Huo Wenyao was willing to pay 36 million Hong Kong dollars!"

"Damn him for being numb!"

"Isn't he too damn greedy? The value of 240 tons of gold is at least over 10 billion, or even 20 billion. For such a big order, he only took a measly 36 million Hong Kong dollars. Does he want to get rid of us?"

"What do we think we are, beggars?"

After the excitement and excitement, it is natural to be annoyed and angry.

Wang Jianjun did not answer, and was thinking about something.

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