Aisha said:"Then what's going on now, why did they start fighting?"

Feiying said:"No one knows why they suddenly started fighting, but this is a good thing!"

"Just let them bite each other, and we can take advantage of the chaos and escape!"

"By the way, why are you two alone, where is Ada?"

The two women shook their heads together.

"oops! What geologist is in trouble?"

"follow me!"

Fei Ying shook his head, complained wordlessly, and ran quickly towards Ada's room. Soon he came to Ada's room and found Ada.

She was taking a bath, and before she could change her clothes, she was covered with blood. She was just wearing a bath towel.

She couldn't care less at this time.

Ada quickly put on a pair of jeans, a sweater, and a coat, and followed Fei Ying downstairs quickly. There was no one at the back door of the hotel.


Feiying shouted low and immediately ran away with the three women.

Although he did not expect this level of melee, he did not make any preparations in advance. A four-wheel drive jeep was parked at the back door. It's well covered.

Just to prevent this kind of unexpected situation, you can evacuate in the shortest time.

Jeep starts


There was another loud noise from the hotel behind me, and the Arctic Fox people had already entered.

The three girls Ada, Aisha, and Taozi were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

"Drive quickly, drive quickly!"

"It's too dangerous here, leave now!"

Feiying stepped on the accelerator and the jeep surged forward. The SG members who were on guard outside immediately reported the situation.

Tian Yangsheng and Wang Jianjun immediately led their men to chase after them.

At the hotel, Huo Wenyao, Li Jie, Abu had already withdrawn.

After the Arctic Fox men entered, they began to carry out a bloody massacre against those guys who did not have much strength but were trying to get gold and become rich overnight.

As long as they encountered the slightest resistance, they would kill them mercilessly..

Even some tourists were not spared.

Top killers like John Wick and Marcus, like Huo Wenyao and others, began to think of ways to withdraw as soon as the melee began. At this time, They all evacuated the battlefield.

Fei Ying and his party had already escaped, and Huo Wenyao no longer had any interest in this desert hotel and allowed them to fight.

He took Li Jie and Abu and rushed to join Tong Tian Yangsheng and others.

I hope they can Successfully captured the Flying Eagle



After Feiying escaped from the hotel with the three women, he drove eastward to meet his people.

Of course, he wasn't the only one involved in this operation.

The earl also equipped Feiying with a mercenary team of 30 people. The leader was named John Xun. They listened to Feiying's command when looking for gold.

But in fact, the count is the one in charge behind the scenes.

Although it was difficult, he kept in touch with John.

Every move of the flying eagle after arriving in Africa was under the earl's supervision.

This is also normal.

The base contains weapons used by the Nazis to make a comeback. If you sell them all, you can make huge profits, not to mention 240 tons of high-quality gold. No one can trust it!

John Xun and Fei Ying were sent to complete the mission together in order to check and balance each other.

Twenty minutes later. in the car.

Seeing that they were finally far away from the desert hotel, the three girls finally let go and let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh God, those guys, they have no humanity, they kill people randomly!"

"It was too dangerous just now!"

Fei Ying drove and said with a smile:"It's not the hotel that's in danger, it's us that are in danger. It's not like they wanted to rob the hotel, it was just because we happened to be there."

"Hurry up and meet John Xun."

The three of them were all relaxed, but at the next moment, two dazzling car lights came from behind.

Tian Yangsheng had led people to kill him!

Everyone's expressions changed drastically!

"Damn it! Feiying

's face became very ugly and he said in a deep voice:"We are smart, but the other side seems to be smarter." They have been spying on us, just waiting for us to escape from the hotel!"

"Maybe it would be safer if we stayed in the hotel.

Ada panicked and said,"Ah, what should we do now?"

Elsa shouted:"Stop talking nonsense!" Just get rid of them quickly!"

"I know."

Feiying responded, and was about to show off his skills, but unexpectedly, two more dazzling lights suddenly shone on the opposite side, making him unable to open his eyes.


Feiying's mood suddenly fell to the bottom. It seems that he is a little I thought too much, and the other party showed up at this time, obviously fully prepared.

Even so, it was impossible to capture him without mercy.

That is not Feiying's style.

In the next few minutes, Feiying drove the jeep out of the way. , dodged left and right, moved around, trying to break through the car formation surrounded by SG, but ultimately failed.

SG formed a circular car formation, and after colliding with each other several times, the jeep of Feiying and others was forced to stop.


Wang Jianjun took the lead, like a night owl, leaping onto the roof of the jeep.

The flying eagle could still struggle, but he thought about it, sighed, gave up the struggle, and stopped the car. Said:"Let's get out of the car."


"This time is different from last time. Those natives kidnapped you because they wanted to sell you for a good price, but they came here for the treasure. Don't talk nonsense or anger the other party, as you may die."

Finally, Feiying thought of something and added solemnly.

The three women nodded in unison.

Then, Meng Bo and others opened the door and got out of the car.

Tian Yangsheng stepped forward.

Wang Jianjun turned over and jumped from the roof of the car. Next.

Several SG members came forward. Wang Jianjun's second group, all six of them, were full of anger. They had collided before, and one of their brothers was almost killed by the flying eagle.

Wang Jianguo directly drew his gun and put it at the flying eagle's head.

Flying. Just as Ying was about to resist, he saw the remaining four members of the second group pulling out their guns. He immediately stopped and did not dare to do anything.

"Damn, you are so awesome, I'm awesome to your mother, if you have the guts, keep hitting me!"


Wang Jianguo yelled and cursed, and hit Fei Ying on the head with a gun. Within a few blows, Fei Ying's head was bleeding. Ada, Aisha, and Tao Zi were holding their heads and screaming. The three women In the middle, Taozi was still brave and said anxiously:"Don't hit, don't hit, he didn't mean it. Aisha also reacted and said anxiously:"You are here for the 240 tons of gold in the base. There is no need to kill people, we are still useful!" Geologist Ada nodded hurriedly and said:"

Yes, yes!" We are still useful! We are still useful! We can take you to the base!"


As soon as these words came out, except Tian Yangsheng, all the SG members present were stunned, stunned by their words.

God, what did they hear?


There are 240 tons of fucking gold!!

Huo Wenyao never told them the true purpose of this trip, and the 36 million given was beyond their imagination.

In this era, even for killers like them, this is an astronomical sum.

But now, suddenly he heard The real purpose of this trip, the 240 tons of gold, made all of their eyes light up!

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