As expected by everyone, the news spread very quickly. In just one night, everything that happened on Niushou Mountain had already spread among the rich circles of the Yan Kingdom.


This is like an extraterrestrial meteorite that has not experienced friction in the atmosphere, but still maintains a huge size. It fell from the sky and suddenly crashed into the pond formed by the upper circle of Yan Kingdom.

Huge waves followed.






All kinds of emotions, like viruses, quickly spread throughout the circle.

Everyone who heard this incident was shocked!

Oh my God!

Ye Donglai, Ye Zhirong, one The No. 1 young man in Binhai and the No. 1 young man in Handong actually ended up like this, being humiliated so unscrupulously by a guy from Hong Kong Island? It's just humiliation. What's more terrible is that, if you really want to talk about it, it really has nothing to do with anyone else..

Because Ye Donglai and Ye Zhirong asked for this!

They want to play with Huo Lingyun and compete in drag racing. They think they have a chance to win, but they don’t know that they have already become fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

How do you say that? Come on... humiliate yourself!

Yes, these two guys, Ye Donglai and Ye Zhirong, are completely humiliating themselves!

In the end, it turned into four words - ruined!!



From Binhai to Handong, and from south to north in the vast land of Yan Kingdom, all the dandy circles are hotly discussing it.


"Holy shit, holy shit, holy crap!"

"Damn, what kind of international joke are you kidding? Everyone has heard about what happened that night at Niushou Mountain. It can’t be true, right?"

"Shit, of course it’s true!"

"That night, there were more than 300 people present, including more than 200 dandies. They all saw it with their own eyes. If one person can lie, so can two people. Is it possible that all of them are lying?"

"How can it be?"

It's indeed impossible, but isn't this thing too magical?

"My God, what happened that night is absolutely true. As the saying goes, 'A skinny camel is bigger than a horse.' Even if Shuangye loses face, his strength is still there. Who dares to orchestrate them?"

"Nonsense, of course it’s true. That gentleman from Hong Kong Island even set a record for the fastest descent."

"How much is it?"

"13 minutes and 48 seconds!"

The eyes of a second-generation rich man who ran across Niushou Mountain widened, his cheeks flushed, and he shouted excitedly,"Nima, if Huang Laojiu hadn't said that, even if he beat me to death, I wouldn't believe it."

"It’s not like I’ve never run up Niushou Mountain before. It took me a full 18 minutes."

"In the past, when Ye Donglai ran into 15 minutes, I thought it was very exaggerated. Now Mr. Huo actually ran into 14 minutes, and I heard that this was his first time running, which is really outrageous. The others rolled their eyelids and said angrily:"Damn, although Mr. Huo's record for the fastest descent of Niushou Mountain is indeed an exaggeration, but what the heck, that's not the point at all, okay!""

"North and south leaves!"

"He directly ruined Futaba's reputation. This is the point, right?

Everyone immediately echoed:"Damn, what else is there to say? Absolutely!""

"I'm so fucked. Mr. Huo's slap in Ye Zhirong's face was already exaggerated before. I didn't expect that now he's even more aggressive. He even doesn't let Ye Donglai go. There's no one else."

"Hehe, just wait, there will be a good show to watch next, it is really a fight to the death!"

This time, all the dandies in the north and south of the country have reached a consensus.

First, the two bodies of the north and south have been ruined!

Second, this is still a dead end, and the next scene will be extremely exciting!

Of course, In addition, there is one most important thing.

That is -

Huo Lingyun completely sings in the Dandy Circle of Yan Kingdom and becomes famous all over the world!

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