"Hello!! Lu

Zhixin glared at Hong Qingyu dissatisfied and shouted:"Classmate Hong Qingyu, please correct your attitude!""

"Do you know what we are talking about now?"

"13 minutes and 48 seconds!"

"What we are talking about now is the fastest downhill record in Niushou Mountain, and this is only the first time running without falling. The car is not familiar, the terrain is not familiar, and it is still manned."

"If he were allowed to run more than a dozen times to become familiar with the terrain, his performance could be improved by another 2 minutes."

"Even 3 minutes!!"

"Do you know what this means?"

Hong Qingyu was helpless, shook his head and said:"Okay Zhixin, of course I know what this means, but this is not the point now, don't tell me that you don't understand!"

"cut! Lu

Zhixin curled her lips, returned to her original position, and said angrily:"Of course I know what you mean, but what you think is completely unnecessary.""

"Because you can't change anything"

"Just like tonight, we tried our best to stop it, but still couldn't stop it. The conflict should break out or break out."

"In this case, why should we think so much? This is just a fuss, okay?"

Hong Qingyu was stunned.

Lu Zhixin continued:"When we divided the cars just now, the four guys were in one car, and we and Apple were allowed to drive two cars. What's the purpose of this?"

"It’s not like those four guys want to talk about how to deal with it next, but they don’t want us to know."

"It's already obvious what their attitude is."

"First, they think they can handle this kind of thing themselves, and there is no need to trouble us. Second, they naturally don’t want to embarrass us both."

What Lu Zhixin said made Hong Qingyu startled, and he actually felt a sudden realization.

That's right!

As Hong Qingyu spoke, he turned his face and looked at Lu Zhixin strangely.

Lu Zhixin stared at her big bright eyes and said:" What's wrong? There are flowers on my face? Don't look at me, look at the road! Hong

Qingyu said calmly:"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Others don't know about my skills. Don't you know?""

"Although there are no flowers on your face, there are flowers in your heart."

"Classmate Lu Zhixin, I always thought you were big-hearted and brainless, and didn’t have many ideas, but today I realized that I was wrong. It turns out that you have so many ideas."

"Tonight, you also gave me a big surprise. Lu

Zhixin snorted and said:"Bah, you are so big-hearted and brainless. You are obviously smart outside, but you can hide your wisdom, okay?""

"I didn't show any performance before, that's because I didn't want to hurt you!"

"Classmate Hong Qingyu, let me tell you, although you have discovered it now and I can no longer hide it, you should not feel inferior. As my best friend, I will not dislike you."

Hong Qingyu's pretty face darkened, and she gritted her teeth and said,"Lu Zhixin, I see you are itchy again!"

Lu Zhixin giggled.

The atmosphere between the two of them changed and they became more relaxed.



On Huo Lingyun's side, both men and women were extremely relaxed.

Feel good!

But on the North and South Futaba side, it was a completely different situation.

Ye Donglai and Ye Zhirong each took a car and returned to their villas. The auras and expressions of the two people in the car were all surprisingly consistent.

The same goes for the atmosphere in the car, of course.

Dead silence!

Depressed to the extreme!

From the moment they got on the bus, Ye Donglai and Ye Zhirong remained silent and released unspeakable violence from their bodies. The two drivers were so frightened that they did not dare to breathe and their hearts were clenched together.

The overwhelming anger and murderous intent poured out from the bodies of Ye Donglai and Ye Zhirong.

Huo Lingyun has already sentenced them to death in his heart, and their attitude towards Huo Lingyun is the same - must kill!!

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