Huo Wenyao and Peng Yixing fired, and Meng Bo was saved.

He is brave, but he is also not a fool. He knows that he is no match for McDonald's, so he retreats decisively, running wildly and rubbing his arms and legs crazily, which is funny and funny.

There was nothing I could do, he was beaten too hard by McDonald's.

Meng Bo also wants to save face. If there are so many people here, he must endure it, but he just can't bear it. pain!!

Not ordinary pain, but super, super pain!

Meng Bo ran to Huo Wenyao and started to complain like crazy:"Ah Yao! I beg you, didn't you see how hard that bastard beat me? You didn't even do anything? Shame! We are friends! You can't do this to me." , otherwise you will lose me as a friend!"

Huo Wenyao:"???"

Damn it, when did we become friends? Why didn’t I know?

This guy Meng Bo is really not an ordinary Jilai familiar.


Huo Wenyao laughed dumbly, shook his head and said,"Shut up, leave this matter to me."

After that, he raised his hand and pointed the gun at McDonald.

The same goes for Peng Yixing!

McDonald instinctively took out the iron rod, protected his head, and shouted angrily:"Wait! Wait! Mr. Huo, you can't do this! This is too disgraceful and inconsistent with your status as a gentleman!"

"I want to challenge you to a duel. As long as I win, you will let me live. Do you dare to agree? Huo Wenyao said:"

I don't dare.""


Grass!! next moment.

Huo Wenyao handed the assembled gun to Peng Yixing, looked at McDonald's with a chuckle, and said:"It's weird if you don't dare. I was teasing you just now. Do you want to challenge me? Okay, after all, this is your last wish, I Of course you have to be satisfied."

Damn it, that idiot, he actually agreed?

McDonald was ecstatic.

Except for Peng Yixing and Luo Tianhong, everyone else looked at Huo Wenyao in surprise. In addition to being surprised, they even looked like an idiot.

What the hell?

You have a gun, but that McDonald's guy is still a scumbag. He puts a"gentleman" hat on you, and after a little provocation, you accept his challenge?

Isn’t it such a child’s play?

Meng Bo immediately shouted:"I'm sorry! Ah Yao, please don't be impulsive! Didn't you not see how powerful that guy is, why would you challenge him in a duel? If you want to lose, why don't you really let him go?" , he is a scumbag!!"

Meiko said coldly:"I'll make it clear in advance that it's none of my business if you two fight each other, but no matter what the outcome is, I will never let McDonald's go! He has dirt on his hands. If you lose a lot of blood, you must accept the punishment!"

Gundam advised:"Mr. Huo, I think he also knows that even if he wins, he can't leave. This is just an excuse! He just wants to use you as a hostage, you must- —Holy shit, you can’t even listen to what he said so clearly?"

But it was Huo Wenyao who jumped down from the auditorium and went straight to McDonald’s.

Qingzi looked nervous and couldn't help shouting:"Yao, be careful! You must be careful!"

Huo Wenyao rushed forward quickly, like a sensitive cheetah, which made everyone stunned.

McDonald's was also startled, instinctively feeling that something was wrong.

When he got close, Huo Wenyao picked up a seat from the side and threw it at McDonald's with great force.

McDonald waved his two sticks and smashed the chair open, making a loud"clang" sound. At this moment, Huo Wenyao flew up and kicked him in the chest!

McDonald had already taken precautions. The moment the iron rod smashed open the chair, he immediately retracted it. Although he did not have time to swing it out again, he could immediately cross it and"X"He put his body in front of his chest to resist Huo Wenyao's fierce kick.

He was wrong!


But hearing a sound like thunder, McDonald's color changed in horror and he exclaimed:"You guy!——"Before he could finish his words, the man flew out and fell heavily to the ground. strength!

What he didn't say was, how could you have such terrifying power?

After a successful blow, Huo Wenyao took advantage of the victory and pursued him, approaching again. His fists rained down on McDonald. McDonald could only defend passively and had no chance at all. After receiving several punches, he turned over. And rise.

He didn't fight again, turned around and ran away!

"idiot! Can you escape?"

Huo Wenyao sneered, but this was also what he expected. If McDonald's slave didn't escape, then he would let him go and give him a chance to escape. Otherwise, how could he create the illusion of falling into the water and quietly killing him? Take him away?


McDonald smashed the glass and ran for his life with a face full of fear.

Huo Wenyao followed closely.

Seeing this, Luo Tianhong knew that he should take action. He had been ready to take action for a long time, and he reacted immediately, He then ran outside, while Gao Da, Meng Bo, Meazi and others were stunned by Huo Wenyao's fierce fighting style.

For a while, they didn't react.

When Huo Wenyao, McDonald and Luo Tianhong all ran away After leaving the cinema, they came to their senses and immediately chased after him.

Peng Yixing didn't know Huo Wenyao's true purpose, and he didn't care.

He only knew that McDonald's could never escape. This matter was over, and he didn't bother to chase out to watch the fun. , planning to stay with Qingzi and wait for Huo Wenyao to deal with McDonald's before returning, but Qingzi was worried about Huo Wenyao.

Then he had no choice but to go out with her.

A few minutes later, on the deck


But there was a loud noise, and it was Huo Wenyao who kicked the unconscious McDonald into the sea. Luo Tianhong, who was at the bottom, was already ready, leaned forward, caught McDonald accurately, and then kicked the next one into the sea. He turned around and ran away with the heavy object carrying McDonald's.

Everyone's attention was attracted.

On the other side, Zhan Mi, Zhan Mi and others had already arrived. After Luo Tianhong carried McDonald's onto the yacht, Li Jie, Zhan Mi , plane and others immediately started the yacht and left without anyone noticing.

One-third of the gang-eating-black plan has been successful, and the other two-thirds need to pry open McDonald's mouth.

Meng Bo, Gundam , Meiko and others chased to the deck.

TheySeeing that McDonald was beaten by Huo Wenyao until he vomited blood, he almost fainted. Now he was kicked into the sea by Huo Wenyao. What was not said was that he would definitely die!!

Meiko let out a long sigh of relief, maybe this is the best result.

Scumbags like McDonald are not worthy of being human at all, so there is no need for a trial. It is best to be killed directly like now.

Everyone stood at the white railing of the deck, looked down, shook their heads repeatedly, and said:"Dead! Dead! Now that bastard is really dead! Ayao, you are really fierce, and even more so. It's fierce!"

Gundam wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, well, not only McDonald, but even him was frightened by Huo Wenyao's terrifying fighting power.

That move was so fierce that it left people speechless.

Huo Wenyao looked at Meazi and said,"Miss Le, the matter has been resolved, you can do your own work."

Meiko looked at Huo Wenyao deeply, said nothing more, and turned around to arrange the aftermath.

Although the McDonald's Group has been wiped out, her work has just begun. She must not only appease the tourists, but also contact the headquarters to report the situation here.

Of course, the more important thing is - return!

If such a big thing happens, even if the McDonald's Group is completely wiped out, they will definitely have to return to Hong Kong as soon as possible. The police still need to conduct post-mortem investigations, and there are still many things to be busy with.

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