Gundam and Meiko arrived and were slightly startled when they saw Huo Wenyao and others, but they still walked forward quickly.

Meazi looked at Huo Wenyao, stretched out her hand to him, and said generously:"Hello, Mr. Huo, nice to meet you. My name is Le Huijie, inspector of CIB Intelligence Investigation Section. Many people call me Meazi, you can do the same Call me."


Le Huijie? Le Hui Zhen? Then even if you think about it with your toes, you already know what the relationship between the two is.

Huo Wenyao stretched out his hand, shook Yazi's hand lightly, and said:"I also know a reporter named Le Huizhen, do you know him?"

"We know each other, we simply can’t know each other anymore. Meiko said angrily,"She is my sister, dear. She is one year older than me, but she has some whimsical ideas, and I can't say much about her." Mr. Huo, if my sister is offended in any way, please don’t take it to heart."

"She is naive and even a little arrogant, but she is not malicious. If someone does something bad to her, I will not give up even if I risk my life."

Obviously, Meazi not only knew Huo Wenyao, she also knew about her sister's feud with Huo Wenyao. She was afraid that Huo Wenyao would deal with her silly sister, so she couldn't hold back and made a small threat.

Huo Wenyao laughed dumbly and wanted to say , Beauty, your threat is really not threatening at all.

He shook his head and said:"Don't worry, I haven't done anything to your sister before, and I won't do it in the future. As you said, she has a bit of a funny mind and I won't argue with her. Meako frowned, feeling a little unhappy instinctively.

This feeling is actually easy to understand. She can complain about her sister's innocence and stupidity, but it's not okay for other people to speak ill of her sister!

But she also Knowing the gap between myself and Huo Wenyao, I could only endure it no matter how unhappy I was. I could only tell myself that I would see that idiot sister when I got back and tell her how scary Huo Wenyao was and how far away he would be from now on.

Gundam and Meiko fought side by side. We all know each other.

Gundam looked at Huo Wenyao and sighed softly:"Mr. Huo, to be honest, I didn't know you before and I had never heard of you, but now I know everything. But these are not the key. You really Genius!"

"Do you know how long it took me to learn the art of flying cards?"

"Four years!! Not a minute is missing!"

"It took me four years, studying and practicing day and night, to develop the corresponding arm and wrist strength, but you... my God! Just by reading my book and fifty minutes of my guidance, you can learn it!"

"Moreover, your current flying card skills are far better than mine. It is really incredible and impressive!"

As he spoke, Gao Da smiled bitterly and said,"I just saw you using the Flying Card Technique. I felt like a joke for a while. I also felt that all my efforts in the past four years were spent on dogs, and I couldn't compare with you at all."

Hearing this, Peng Yixing and Yao Zi both opened their eyes, and even Qing Zi was shocked.

Just two words: exaggeration!

In such a short time, it is worth the other party's four years of hard work, and you have to know Gundam is not an ordinary person. Whether it is gambling or flying cards, he can be regarded as a genius, far superior to ordinary people.

But this is such a person, compared with Huo Wenyao, he actually calls himself a joke?

Is there anything more exaggerated than this?

Peng Yixing exclaimed:"Ayao, I only know that you are extremely talented in marksmanship, but I don't know that you have other talents?"

After a pause.

Peng Yixing thought for another two seconds, shook his head and said:"No, this is not talent, but learning ability! right! This is definitely the case. It has nothing to do with talent, but a very terrifying learning ability! you really surprised me"

"Being friends with you is so stressful."

At the end, Peng Yixing joked, and his analysis was absolutely correct. This is not some bullshit talent at all, but the super learning ability brought by plug-ins.

This is Huo Wenyao's trump card!

"It's not that exaggerated."

Huo Wenyao chuckled and didn't say much. He looked at McDonald's and Meng Bo who were fighting fiercely on the big stage and said,"Look, Meng Bo doesn't seem to be McDonald's opponent."

Hearing this, everyone's attention was immediately attracted to the fight between the two men.

Meng Bo and McDonald were fighting fiercely. It was the same as the original plot of the movie. Halfway through the battle, Meng Bo was hung up by McDonald and was beaten so hard. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, so miserable. The difference was that in reality, he did not have the halo of the protagonist. If he continued to fight like this, he would definitely lose, and there was absolutely no possibility of a comeback. There was a huge gap in strength between the two. Even if they had to do it over again, Meng Bo would not be able to win. He may be McDonald's opponent, but this guy is really interesting. Even if he is at an absolute disadvantage, he still smiles playfully and carries on bravely.

Peng Yixing nodded repeatedly and praised:"He is very good, with good skills and an even better mentality. Positive and optimistic, never give's like nothing can stop him and no one can knock him down."

As he spoke,

Peng Yixing sighed softly:"If I hadn't seen someone like him with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe him even if he beat me to death. Frankly speaking, I have never thought that such people actually exist in the world. This is something I cannot do or learn from."

"Rick, don't think so. Huo

Wenyao patted Peng Yixing on the shoulder and said,"He has his own character, and you have yours. There is no need to imitate him." You are you, you are fireworks with different colors, just live your own wonderful life"

"You should think this way, this world is so wonderful just because there are so many completely different people. Isn't it?"

Peng Yixing thought seriously for two seconds, chuckled and nodded.

That's right!

He said silently to himself.

At this moment, Huixiang came rushing over, and angrily put his hands on his hips and glared:"You are disgusting people. guy! Did you come here just to watch the show? Meng Bo was almost beaten to death by that bastard, and he was still watching the show?!"

Seeing Meng Bo beaten half to death by McDonald's slave, she was worried and angry. She didn't care about Huo Wenyao's identity.

Huo Wenyao and Peng Yixing looked at each other, smiled together, and turned to look at Huixiang at the same time, saying seriously:"That makes sense!"


Huo Wenyao and Peng Yixing raised their hands at the same time and fired a shot to the top of their head. McDonald was so shocked that his eyebrows jumped. He held two sticks and immediately retreated. He was afraid that if he beat Meng Bo again, the two guys would shoot him.

If someone else , he is fighting with Meng Bo, and he will never worry about this problem.

But in the hall earlier, he has seen how abnormal the shooting skills of these two guys are, and they are more abnormal than anyone in the Fang Team, so of course he is afraid!

In fact, when Huo Wenyao and Peng Yixing appeared, he caught a glimpse of Meng Bo from the corner of his eye. He also allocated part of his energy to pay close attention to the two of them.

If it weren't for this reason, and he was worried about their superb marksmanship , Meng Bo had been killed by him long ago.

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