Soros sadly left Hong Kong Island, becoming the straw that broke the camel's back.

International speculators collapsed!

Soros left on a private jet and kept strict confidentiality before leaving. However, he underestimated how crazy the Hong Kong media and the paparazzi could be for performance.

Since Soros is the soul of the national speculators' attack on Hong Kong, his every move is closely watched by the Hong Kong media.

In the past, Soros was quite enjoying it. oh.

Not because of enjoyment, but because the more exposure, the easier it will be to defeat Hong Kong Island, and the more benefits he will earn.

But now, the situation is completely opposite.

The media attention bonus he had enjoyed before, now he has to spit it out all at once!

What Soros did not discover was that even though he kept his trip strictly confidential, the media in Hong Kong, where the entertainment industry is extremely developed, was a pervasive and terrifying presence.

The moment he boarded his private jet, the paparazzi were so keen that they captured several photos.

He was making a phone call to Huo Wenyao, looking bleak from behind.

After he finished the phone call, he turned around and looked meaningfully at the bustling city of Hong Kong Island, where he felt sad.

What's more, he looked lonely and let out a long sigh.

In just half an hour, these photos of Soros were on the front pages of major media outlets in Hong Kong.

Didn't you take the photo?

It doesn’t matter!

Buy it!

As long as it is not exclusive, a photo can cost anywhere from a few thousand to tens of thousands.

The media can still afford this amount of money.

This little money is nothing compared to the popularity these photos bring and the income generated by the popularity!

By the way, the paparazzi who took these photos became rich overnight!

The guy took a total of 6 photos, each with an average price of 300,000. Just 6 photos sold for 1.8 million Hong Kong dollars!

Got a house!

When these photos appeared on the front pages of major media outlets in Hong Kong, all the people in Hong Kong went crazy!

The world was shocked again, and all eyes were focused on Hong Kong Island!

In the streets and alleys of Hong Kong Island, people excitedly exclaimed, roared, sang and danced in various ways to celebrate this unimaginable and unprecedented victory!



The sensation was not only in Hong Kong Island, but also in the Lighthouse Country on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

《Fortune" headquarters.

In the office, all the staff were busy.

What are you busy with?

What else to do, of course, is to collect all the details of the sniper attack on Hong Kong Island.

They have decided to publish a special topic on this matter, reporting the causes, consequences, and specific process of the whole matter in detail.

In fact, such work has already begun.

But what they didn't expect was that Soros surrendered so neatly, which greatly exceeded their expectations.

Originally, they thought that the financial war taking place on Hong Kong Island would not come to an end until at least the end of September, but they never expected that it would end a month early! quick!

The situation is ahead of expectations early, everything changes too fast!

"Damn it, Green, Green!"

A tall, lean, bald Caucasian man in his sixties walked out of his office and came outside. He was eager and irritable, and shouted:"Have you investigated all of Huo's operations?"

"I've given you 4 hours, you have to complete your work!"

The project leader named Green, his forehead covered with sweat, hurriedly said:"I'm extremely sorry, Mr. Steve, 4 hours is not enough. Please give me another 4 hours. Steve

's eyes widened and he shouted:"Damn it, where did your efficiency go?"!"

"4 hours is not enough?!"

The man named Green opened his mouth to explain, but was interrupted by Steve, who shouted:"Don't give me excuses, don't waste your time, hurry up and investigate!"

"I will never allow other newspapers to report this matter before Fortune!"

Green nodded repeatedly, saying that he would never let such a thing happen, and hurried away.

Similar situations not only happened in"Fortune", but also in"Forbes"》、《era》、《daily finance》、《The Wall Street Journal and many other news media.

The global news media, like the Hong Kong Island media, are going crazy!



At this time of chaos and excitement, the Huo family in Hong Kong Island, in the center of the storm, was extremely calm.

This kind of calmness is brought by the person at the helm.

When everyone regarded Fok Wenyao as the great hero who saved Hong Kong Island, Fok Wenyao chose to stay behind closed doors and began to deliberately reduce his contact with the media.

Just two words - low-key!

As a result, the Hong Kong media went crazy again.

Oh shit!

What kind of international joke are you kidding? It’s a hot spot and the protagonist!

One by one, they all wanted to interview Huo Wenyao to talk about his understanding of this historical event, his psychological journey, and what he did during the sniper attack.

Even Huo's Starlight Newspaper Group is no exception.

Well, it doesn’t matter what we talk about specifically, the important thing is to interview Mr. Huo!

What Mr. Huo represents is traffic!


The best in the world! none of them!

But at this moment, Huo Wenyao chose to forge ahead bravely and declined all interviews.

Even Huo's Starlight Newspaper Group was no exception. Yang Du was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He felt that his hairline had moved up a lot and he was almost bald.

Huo Wenyao smiled and joked:"Going bald? That's great. A strong man starts by becoming bald.""

"You have become bald and stronger."

Yang Du:"???"

What the hell?

Well, in this era, there is no such thing as becoming bald. After all, it is still about ten years before the birth of"One Punch Man".

Seeing that his boss was struggling to make money, Yang Du, the helmsman of Starlight Newspaper Group, could only sigh and leave it at that.

———— ps: At this point, Huo Wenyao’s story is almost over, and there are still about 10 chapters left to wrap it up, remembering that passionate era.

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