For those who follow the footsteps of Fok Wenyao and are bullish on Hong Kong Island's finance, as well as those who do not trade in stocks but live on Hong Kong Island, this super victory is undoubtedly worth celebrating.

For people like Huo Jingliang, Yip Rongtian, and Xu Wenbiao who see Hong Kong Island in decline and follow Soros to empty Hong Kong Island, it is naturally a tragedy.

Oh no, it's not just a tragedy, it's not an exaggeration to say it's hell.

Suddenly, this is what the citizens of Hong Kong are like!

On the other side, today's super victory quickly spread around the world and became a global sensation in an instant!

Many Western countries in Europe and the United States were shocked!

Damn it!

What on earth is going on? Soros, the giant sniper crocodile, actually failed even though he had the upper hand? amazing! incredible!

In the eyes of ordinary people, they saw the efforts of the Hong Kong Island government, and even saw Huo Wenyao's terrifying and terrifying influence.

The main thing is Huo Wenyao!

In the eyes of many high-level officials in Western countries in Europe and the United States, nature is a different landscape.

It was not until this moment that they suddenly discovered that the Yan Kingdom, the Eastern Lion with five thousand years of civilization that has been passed down uninterrupted to this day, has awakened!

Oh, God!

In Asia, East Asian countries such as Goguryeo and Sang have countless fans of Huo Wenyao.

They were happy to see this.

The idiot followers of Goguryeo have been trying every means to turn Huo Wenyao into a Goguryeo.

What about Sangguo?

They don't have this tradition, but many believers express it as a hindsight:"Damn, that's Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo who has been arrogant and domineering all his life and is victorious in every battle.""

"Isn't it reasonable and natural for him to defeat Soros? Isn't there anything to make a fuss about?"

Southeast Asia?

Stop talking about it!

Many Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malay, and Singapore, which have been crazily plundered by international speculators, are already envious and jealous.

They even temporarily forgot , Huo Wenyao was also a super player who sniped at their country.

This situation became more intense after Soros ordered Quantum Fund to close its positions at all costs and completely withdraw from Hong Kong Island in order to prevent the situation from deteriorating and suffering greater losses.

On that day, the news that Quantum Fund was the first to escape quickly spread in the national speculator circles!

Those national speculators who attacked Hong Kong Island were all dumbfounded!


What international joke are you kidding, Quantum Fund, Soros, you are this The brother who took the lead in the first sniper attack, and now it’s nothing, he actually escaped immediately?!

Did he really not care about the life or death of other people?

Soros’s answer was just two words - no matter!

So, an unprecedented The stampede happened the next morning after the Hong Kong stock market opened.

All the big international speculators abandoned their armor and fled!

At this time, it was no longer a question of whether to make money or not. Loss was definitely a problem. The question was, How to take the lead in withdrawing before others withdraw and minimize the losses!

In real history, when the war reaches this level, it is far from over.

Because the"8·28" battle can only Considered a staged victory, those national speculators retained their opportunity to launch another sniper attack on Hong Kong Island by transferring positions!

So, in the following September, the Hong Kong Island government took advantage of the victory and continued to increase the Hang Seng Index!

True history On August 31, the Hang Seng Index was around 7,800 points. However, because of the actions of the Hong Kong Island government, the Hang Seng Index soared and reached 8,200 points by the end of September!

This world has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to real history..

It seems that it is not the same thing at all.

Just through the second round of counterattack, the Hong Kong Island government, with the help of mainland China and Hong Kong Olympic celebrities such as Huo Wenyao, had already pushed the Hang Seng Index higher at the close of the market on August 28 It has reached 9100 points!

This is normal.

If Huo Wenyao was just an unknown person, then he would not have any impact on the macro economy such as the stock market.

Unfortunately, he is no longer!



On Monday, August 31, 1998, when the Hong Kong stock market opened, speculators from many countries frantically sold their futures contracts regardless of how much they lost, forming a horrific stampede.

This caused heavy losses to speculators in those countries, but Huo Wenyao made a lot of money.

At this point, the whole world knows one thing.

Yanguo, Hong Kong Island, Huo Wenyao!

They won the battle!

They had the last laugh, and Soros almost became the most frustrated person in the world!

《wealth》、《Forbes》、《Media newspapers and magazines with huge influence around the world, such as Time, once again began to dig into Huo Wenyao and conduct relevant reports.

Well, this kind of thing has become a common occurrence for them.

Soros, recognized as a loser around the world, was also preparing to leave the sad place of Hong Kong Island on his private jet this afternoon.

Before leaving, Soros called Huo Wenyao again.

Huo Wenyao is in the study

"Mr. Huo. Soros let out a long sigh and said straight to the point:"Congratulations, you won.""

"Really awesome"

"In all the years I have been involved in the world of finance, I have never suffered such a tragic failure. I was beaten to the point where I was almost unable to fight back, and I have never been in such a mess as this time."

Paused for a moment.

Soros smiled slightly at himself and continued:"I don't know if you have seen the reports in our national media. They have labeled me the most failed person in the world."

"He also said that you are an unparalleled hero who has dominated the world. After you, there will be no more heroes in the world."

"He also said that you have been victorious in every battle and have never been defeated."


"Although some of them are hard to accept, I have to admit that what they say makes sense."

Huo Wenyao looked relaxed, chuckled and joked:"If even the famous George SawyerIf Sidhu is the most defeated person in the world, then I think the earth should explode immediately."

"Because... not many people are qualified to live. Soros stood under his private jet with a somewhat desolate background.

Hearing this, Soros chuckled and said:"I am making this call specifically to say goodbye to you. I will leave Hong Kong Island soon. Unless necessary in the future, , otherwise I should never come here again"

"God, this is such a great city, otherwise how could it have given birth to a genius like you?"

"But this great city is my sad place"

"When I return to the Lighthouse Country, I will fulfill my promise and start helping the Huo family to finish the work. Mr. Huo can rest assured.

Huo Wenyao smiled and said,"I've always been reassured. Thank you very much.""


"goodbye. Soros turned around, and finally took a distant look at this great city that had discredited him. He sighed softly, then turned around and boarded his private jet without looking back.

In the next ten years, Soros would never look back. I have never set foot on Hong Kong Island.

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