In just one night, the world of Hong Kong Island has undergone earth-shaking changes, which is unprecedented.

But compared to the situation facing the entire Hong Kong Island, it is nothing!

At present, Hong Kong Island is about to start the ultimate decisive battle with the international speculators headed by Soros. The situation is very unfavorable for Hong Kong Island. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is precarious.

In the past few months, the battle before the financial Armageddon has officially begun.

Soros and other national speculators have aggressively short-sold Hong Kong stocks and the Hang Seng Index in the securities exchange market to prepare for attacks on the Hong Kong dollar, which ultimately yielded great results.

Hang Seng Index plummeted!

In just two months, the Hang Seng Index has plummeted from 10,000 points to 8,000 points!

What’s even more frightening is that the downward drive has not stopped yet.

Directly pointing to the 6,000-point mark!

This is the ultimate goal of Soros and other international speculators. As long as the Hang Seng Index reaches below 6,000 points, they will win!

The two months since Huo Wenyao faked his death have undoubtedly severely damaged the confidence of Hong Kong Island residents in the Hong Kong Island securities market.

The great reversal of market sentiment has been transferred from Huo Wenyao to Soros, and is controlled by this financial giant!

It is worth mentioning that during this period, many wealthy people and people in Hong Kong also joined the short-selling team.

Some of them realized that the situation had undergone earth-shaking changes and that there was no way they could do anything about it, so they decisively changed direction and completely backed Soros.

Some have sided with Soros and other international speculators from beginning to end.

Among them, Huo Jingliang, Ye Rongtian, Xu Wenbiao and others are typical representatives.

But actually, this is normal.

For example, Huo Jingliang belongs to the category of international speculators. Whether it was sniping against the pound in 1992 or sniping at Southeast Asian countries last year, he was everywhere.

But now the muzzle of the gun has changed, and it has become a sniper attack on my hometown!

Fok Wenyu undoubtedly loves Hong Kong Island.

What about Huo Jingliang?

Of course he loves it too, but everyone has their own pursuits and their own choices. The way he loves Hong Kong Island is different from Huo Wenyao.

He, Huo Jingliang, just chose to talk business!

The same goes for Ye Rongtian, Xu Wenbiao and others. In their eyes, this is just a business.

It has nothing to do with personal character or morality.

Let’s get back to the topic and talk about the current situation facing Hong Kong Island.

Just when the storm was about to come, Soros gave full play to the powerful advantages of his media group and produced all kinds of news. Bad news was flying all over the Hong Kong Island securities market.

Not just Hong Kong Island, but also Yan Country!

Those international superpowers are trumpeting that the RMB will depreciate by 10%. However, in the black market transactions of currencies in Binhai, Jingzhou and other places, the exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar has really plummeted.

For another example, they will also promote the instability of mainland banks, and their purpose is still to create psychological conditions to attack the Hong Kong dollar.

In order to win this battle, these international speculators have resorted to all possible means!

The current month of August is the most critical period!

The reason is simple. Many three-month and six-month futures contracts, worth tens of billions of dollars, will all expire in August.

Imagine that such a huge amount of funds is purchased in Hong Kong dollars. If all of it is dumped in the foreign exchange market at once, what impact will it have on the Hong Kong dollar?

Once Hong Kong Island cannot withstand it, the consequences will be so serious that it is unimaginable!



August 4, 1998, the next morning.


Most companies start working hours at 8:30 am.

The vast majority of Hong Kong Island residents get up one after another between 7:30 and 8:00. After a brief wash, they go downstairs to have breakfast.

If you have plenty of time, you will eat slowly, but if you are pressed for time, you will take your breakfast and rush to the company. On the way there, you will be dealt with in a hurry.

As we all know, Hong Kong Island residents have the habit of reading newspapers, and the ratio is as high as 5:1!

One in every five Hong Kong Island residents reads newspapers every day.

As the millennium approaches, the Internet has begun to sprout, but there is still a long way to go before it truly matures.

In this era, the main channels for Hong Kong people to obtain the latest information are still traditional media such as television stations and newspapers.


Aqiang, a financial practitioner, hurried to his office with a burrito, a cup of coffee, breakfast.

No time to buy a newspaper!

Let’s talk about it at noon.

This Aqiang had also passed by before. Before Fok Wenyu made the decision to snipe the British pound in 1992, many Hong Kong people felt that Fok Wenyu was too magnanimous and dared to snipe against Britain.

At that time, for many Hong Kong people, Britain, the sovereign state, still had its remaining power and was still superior.

Ah Qiang was born in a housing estate and his family was poor.

Without external help, he would never have had the time and energy to study and find money for food. However, with the assistance of the Huo Wenyao Charitable Foundation, he finished college.

Later, I started working and relied on my own efforts to complete graduate school through self-study.

Over the past few years, he has been promoted from a general clerk to a supervisor.

Although there is a saying in later generations that it is difficult to produce a noble son from a poor family, this era is different. Aqiang is a typical representative of countless people who rely on reading to change their destiny and complete class leaps.

The atmosphere today is, how should I put it, weird!

It's almost time to go to work.

In the past, you would only see passers-by in a hurry, but today when Aqiang was walking on the road, he saw a bunch of guys gathering together, talking about something with shock on their faces.

Doing nothing, as if today is the weekend and there is no need to go to work. strangeness!

While Aqiang swallowed the burrito, he looked around in surprise and thought to himself: What's going on with these guys? Don't they all need to go to work?

How can it be!

Looking at their attire, both men and women are all white-collar workers. They are not rich and famous people who have a lot of time to spare. They are all working people.

What are they doing?

Strange, strange!

Aqiang thought this in his mind, walked across the zebra crossing, and came to the downstairs of his company building.

At the corner of the street, there is a small newsstand.

I heard the newspaper seller Uncle Zhi yelling angrily, and I was extremely excited. The small newsstand was also crowded with people everywhere.

"No more! No more!"

From a distance, Uncle Zhi's shout came:"I told you a long time ago that it's first come, first served. Now that"Starlight Daily" has been sold out, you can't even buy it if you want to!"

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