Under the threat of death, Andrew's eyes widened even more, as if they were about to jump out of his sockets. At the same time, he struggled hard to get rid of Feng Yuxiu, but his efforts were destined to be in vain.

How could a young master like him, who had been pampered since childhood, be Feng Yuxiu's opponent?

Feng Yuxiu quickly tied Andrew's legs and hands, and directly tied him into a rice dumpling.


""Zongzi" lost his balance and fell heavily to the ground, causing his handsome face to be covered with bruises.

At this time, he couldn't care anymore!

Andrew's face was full of fear, and he lay still restless on the ground, pleading. He looked at Huo Wenyao and whined.

Unfortunately, Huo Wenyao didn't look at him at all.

"Bah, loser!"

Feng Yuxiu looked at Andrew with disgust and disgust, cursed, squatted down, and struck Andrew with a knife on the back of his neck, knocking him unconscious.

So, in the living room, except for the people from the Huo family, there were only Boll Hans was slumped on the sofa!

He stood up with difficulty, his whole body trembling violently, looking at Huo Wenyao in fear and pleading, his lips trembling even more as he was about to say something.

But before he could speak, Huo Wenyao He had turned around and left, heading outside the villa.

From the beginning to the end, Huo Wenyao's eyes never stayed on him.

Even for a second!

"Mr. Huo, please——"

Boll Hans broke out in a cold sweat, his eyes widened in vain, and he screamed in horror.

Tachibana Masahito stood behind Boll Hans. scold!!

There was a sudden flash of cold light, and Boer Hans trembled all over, feeling a chill on the back of his neck.

The sword-drawing technique reappears!

After the lightning-quick sword strike, Tachibana Masahito quickly sheathed the sword and strode away without looking at Bol Hans again.

The same goes for Zovi, Dafan, Mediterranean and others.

Just when everyone had walked a few steps and almost walked out of the living room, blood suddenly splattered on the back of Boll Hans's neck. A long, narrow and ten centimeters deep, shocking wound suddenly appeared!

Boll Hans's eyes were full of fear of death, his head hung down weakly, and he fell towards the ground, his whole body twitching.

He struggled like this for several seconds before he was completely killed.



At the entrance of the villa, Nalan Ziyan and Yao Chong had already dealt with the remaining two Stumbling Group killers.

Outside the villa, Cao Jingwei also made a report, and the last secret sentry was also eliminated.


Without any nonsense, Huo Wenyao decisively gave the order to retreat.

Everyone immediately took Andrew and left as quickly as possible.

Of course, not all of them left. Cao Jingwei and Zeng Bosong stayed, and they were responsible for the finishing work here.

No After a while, a raging fire started, lighting up the entire half of Taiping Mountain, like daylight.

At this point, this long night finally passed.

This is what happened on the night of August 3, 1998 There are countless major events, and tomorrow, the international organization headed by Soros will launch the ultimate backstab on the Hong Kong Island securities market!

This is the ultimate decisive battle of a desperate fight. If you win, you will make a lot of money, if you lose, you will lose everything!



Time passed quickly, and it was a night in a blink of an eye.

Let’s talk about Andrew’s final fate in advance. In the next three days, Huo Wenyao fulfilled his promise.

Feng Yuxiu also fulfilled his promise.

In just these three days, Feng Yuxiu used his extremely superb sword skills to recreate the miracle of Lingchi punishment in the ancient feudal dynasty, and forcibly chopped Andrew into pieces with a total of 3,200 knives!

Yes, it was a full 3,200 dollars, and Andrew's heartbeat just stopped beating.

Although there is still a big gap from 3,600 knives, it has at least passed the 3,000 knives mark. congratulations.

Closer to home, time flies by quickly and news spreads quickly.

If Huo Wenyao didn't want to be exposed, even if Liangkun, Dadong, Han Chen, Big D and many other big names in the world would not dare to reveal anything without his permission, even if they had seen him.

But it was obvious that Huo Wenyao had no intention of pretending to die anymore. then.

On this night, the news that Huo Wenyao was resurrected and that the god came to the world again quickly spread in the Hong Kong and Aojiang world.

Immediately afterwards, one shocking news broke out one after another!

Hong Xing, Chen Yaowei, die!

Countless CIA agents also died together, including Jim Philip, the CIA's head of Hong Kong Island, because the ghost guy Chen Yaowei colluded with was this damn bastard!

Dongxing, Lei Yaoyang, die!

Also dead together was the guy who was talking to Yiqun and nicknamed Dragon King. He was also the most popular guy in the world recently! result?

No bones left!

Xu Yandong and Dadong teamed up with the Huo family to completely plot and kill Lei Yaoyang, the rebellious boy, and get rid of him in one fell swoop.

As for He Yiqun, that’s just incidental!

The fact that Han Fei was the Dragon King was never revealed from beginning to end.


Jianghu is even more exaggerated. In just one night, more than 20 Jianghu bosses were killed, disappeared from the world, were buried alive, or sank into the sea and became fish feed.

These rumors are all terrifying, but what is even more terrifying is yet to come -

1. Mr. Huo is not dead!

2. Last night, a raging fire broke out on Taiping Mountain, burning a certain villa to the ground. Unfortunately, the owner of this villa was a ghost.

This ghost guy's name is - Andrew·H·Morgan!

The news that broke out in the world of Hong Kong is big enough, and it would not be an exaggeration to say it is shocking, but compared with these two news, it is nothing. hiss!!

In just one night, the situation on Hong Kong Island has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Although Huo Wenyao had carefully considered the ending of everything before taking action, as long as he faked his death and came back to life, he would always be the biggest suspect!


It can even be said that the whole world knows all of this. Even if Huo Wenyao did not do it himself, he was behind the scenes!

But there was nothing anyone could do against him.

Because there is no conclusive evidence!

Without evidence, even if the world knew it was Huo Wenyao, it would only be speculation, not facts!

For ordinary people, it is natural to go to bed early.

Even if he didn't rest, he was still engaged in various entertainment activities, so it was impossible to inquire about these things.

They learned of these things the next day.

They deserve to be the vast majority of people on earth!

Including Huo Jingliang, Yip Rongtian, Xu Wenbiao, including Lei Yingdong, Li Zhaotian, Ding Shanben, and even Soros, who will officially launch the ultimate sniper attack on the Hong Kong Island securities market tomorrow morning! then.

A monstrous storm that cannot be described in words was brewing that night and broke out in an instant the next morning!

Hong Kong Island, sensation.

The whole world is in uproar!

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