From February 1997 to October 1997, the countries in East and Southeast Asia underwent earth-shaking changes, and the financial crisis became a lingering haze in the minds of people in all countries!

But there is one country that is an exception, and that is Yan Country!

For the people of Yan country, they have no idea about the financial crisis sweeping Asia, let alone any empathy.

Because except for Hong Kong Island, the mainland has hardly been affected at all.

For every Yanguo person, there was one and only major event in 1997, and even ten, twenty, or thirty years later, there is still only one indelible memory - return, return!!

After 99 years, Hong Kong Island finally officially returned to the embrace of the motherland at midnight on July 1, 1997.

Wanderer returns home!

For all Yanguo people, this will be an unforgettable memory in their lifetime.

From the rich and powerful to the traffickers and pawns, this is true for everyone!

The entire Yan Kingdom fell into unspeakable and unimaginable ecstasy, and people in many countries were completely unable to understand this mood.

In the mainland, primary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and universities all distribute a badge commemorating the return of Hong Kong Island.

Dragon and lion dances were performed all over the country, and the celebration was unprecedented in scale.

The entire Yan Kingdom seems to be boiling!

The same goes for Huo Wenyao!

In his previous life, he was just an unknown ordinary person. Oh, that's wrong. Even in his previous life, he made a small contribution and was worth over ten million, but he could only be regarded as one of the many living beings.

After resurrecting his life, he took advantage of the general trend and coupled with his own efforts, achieved this great cause and became a big man with huge influence.

"The five words"No. 1 in the Hong Kong Olympics" are the best proof!

But whether he is an ordinary person or a top rich tycoon, his mood is the same.

Just two words - excited!

Of course, with his current situation, Naturally, his current status is not comparable to that of his previous life.

As early as the end of 1995, the central government began to contact Fok Wenyao, hoping that there would be no chaos before or after the return of Hong Kong Island. In this matter, Huo Wenyao naturally does his part.

He is already doing it without others speaking. This is true in all aspects, from the arena to society.

Needless to say, it is Huo Wenyao's word.

As long as he speaks, there is nothing he can't do.

In terms of society, Huo Wenyao is the same. He tried his best.

Even though he had become the richest man in the world a long time ago and his name was resounding all over the world, Huo Wenyao tried his best to keep himself mysterious and almost never accepted any interviews.

Even"Fortune"》、《Forbes》、《Time, a media with huge global influence, is the same.

Totally ignored.

But things are different now. In order to stabilize people's hearts, Huo Wenyao's social activities have increased significantly. He has been interviewed up to 4 times a month, starting from May 1997!

All interviews have one purpose: to reassure all citizens of Hong Kong Island!

The effect is remarkable.

The mainland also knew Huo Wenyao's character and knew that he easily refused to accept interviews, but what they never expected was that Huo Wenyao could do this for the sake of the motherland.

This really surprised them!

Of course, because this period was the time when the first phase of the Southeast Asian financial crisis broke out, various financial media reported every day about how much Huo Wenyao earned.

Many people were also very concerned about Huo Wenyao's performance in this financial crisis. Operation, I hope Huo Wenyao can reveal a little bit, so that I can follow him to eat meat and drink soup.

It's a pity that Huo Wenyao didn't mention it at all!

It’s useless for anyone to ask.

All his attitudes are silently explaining one thing: the Asian financial crisis, making money or not, none of it matters!

He doesn't really care either.

For him, the only major event in 1997 was that Hong Kong Island returned to the embrace of his motherland!

This is more important than anything else!

Finally - at midnight on July 1, 1997, after a century of vicissitudes, Hong Kong Island finally returned to the embrace of the motherland!

For a month, Huo Wenyao did nothing and devoted himself wholeheartedly to it.

He was involved every step of the way and helped in any way he could.

What kind of leader there is, there is also what kind of younger brother there is.

Huo Wenyao, the big boss, took the lead, not to mention the Huo Group. Everyone from top to bottom took action. Regardless of their age or status, they all made their due contributions.

Back, back!



Time flies by quickly, and months pass in the blink of an eye.

October 2, 1997.

Afternoon, 14:00!

Hong Kong Island, Repulse Bay, Huo's Villa.

The entire Huo family's mansion is magnificent. It is more like a manor than a villa. There are gardens in the front and back, as well as swimming pools, basketball courts, football fields and other leisure facilities.

In the living room of the villa, Huo Wenyao was sitting on the sofa, holding a tough-looking boy in his arms and teasing him.

Opposite him lay the doting Le Huijie, also known as Meazi.

Now, Yazi finally got her wish and got her brother-in-law. Well, it wasn't her who did it, but Huo Wenyao proved something.

That is, Huo Wenyao not only has lustful heart, but also has lustful courage!

Who made Huo's eldest son, Huo Lingyun, have Yazi ridicule him in front of so many people at the full moon banquet of Huo Lingyun, because Huo Wenyao has a lustful heart but no courage.

This tiger-headed boy is named Huo Chaoze. He was born on June 2 this year and is only 4 months old. Le Huijie gave birth to Huo Wenyao's first child, and it is estimated that he will also be the last.

Because this girl said that having one child is good enough, but she doesn’t know how long it will take her to have another child.

Besides, she doesn't like children.

Not only do I not like it, I also hate it, so I don’t want to give birth to it anymore.

This"hate" was just a word of mouth. With Huo Chaoze, Yaozi was happier than anyone else, smiling from morning to night every day.

Kick, kick, kick!

A burst of footsteps came from outside the living room, and soon Zhan Mi came to the living room and looked at Huo Wenyao, obviouslyreport.

Huo Wenyao nodded, stood up, handed the child to Yazi, and whispered:"I have something to do, so I'll go up first.""

"Go quickly, go quickly, talk like someone cares about you"

"Humph, that’s not surprising!"

"I don’t care about it, and neither does my son. You are such a playboy!"

Meazi took her son from Huo Wenyao, with a look of disgust on her face, and waved her hand at Huo Wenyao to drive him away.

Huo Wenyao laughed, turned and went upstairs to the study on the third floor.

Zhan Mi said hello to Meazi, Immediately followed Huo Wenyao and went upstairs.

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