Time flies quickly, and the international hot money led by Huo Wenyao, Soros and others moves even faster!

In this world, due to the huge variable Huo Wenyao, it had an unimaginable impact on many things and people, and even made the Asian financial crisis in 1997 occur much earlier. and.

Not only is the financial crisis erupting earlier than expected, but what is even more frightening is that this crisis is far more serious than in real history!

Although it is unexpected, in fact, it is also reasonable.

A butterfly flapping its wings in South America can cause a hurricane in North America after time and space, let alone Huo Wenyao's level.

On May 29, 1997, Huo Wenyao suddenly attacked and attacked the Thai baht!

It's coming fiercely and unstoppably!

On May 30, 1997, in just one trading day, the Thai government decided to surrender and issued an announcement announcing that the Thai baht would implement a floating exchange rate system.

The people of the world were shocked and in an uproar!

In particular, countries in Southeast Asia were shocked and were all caught off guard.

But no one expected that their allies were still trying their best to help. As a result, Taiguo turned around and sold all its allies without even a notice.

This financial crisis, which is about to sweep across Asia and have a major and immeasurable impact on future generations, has officially broken out!

In the following days, the Thai baht plummeted, which was also unstoppable.

Even if the gods come, they can’t save you!

In real history, during the financial crisis, the Thai baht's exchange rate against the US dollar plummeted 40%. This time it was even more violent, plummeting 52%.

Comparing the two, it fell another 12%!

This 12% is the huge impact Huo Wenyao has brought to this world.

Those who are short the Thai baht win big!

One by one, they all made a lot of money, and obtained huge profits in a very short period of time.

Among them, the leader naturally earns the most.

Just like the sniper attack on Europe in 1992, Soros still represents not only himself, but also many consortiums from lighthouse countries standing behind him. His harvest has reached 3.6 billion US dollars!

One-third of this US$3.6 billion belongs to Soros personally.

In other words, he stole as much as 1.2 billion U.S. dollars of wealth from the people of Taiguo!

$1.2 billion!

Whether it is at this time or twenty or thirty years from now, it is an extremely astonishing astronomical figure.

But it also depends on who you compare with.

Ordinary people are incomparable, they are not from the same world at all, but even the top rich people are incomparable. No matter how good the entity is, it is impossible to make a profit of 1.2 billion US dollars in just a few days.

Huo Wenyao?


Soros cannot be compared with Huo Wenyao, because Huo Wenyao was the initiator of the financial crisis in Taiguo, and because the funds used by Huo Wenyao far exceeded Soros.

In this attack on the Thai baht, Huo's funds used reached 24 billion U.S. dollars!

Huo's average return rate reached an astonishing 30%, and a total of 7.2 billion US dollars was plundered from Taiguo!

And of this US$7.2 billion, 70% belongs to Huo Wenyao personally, which is US$5.04 billion!

The wealth Huo Wenyao plundered during the financial crisis in Taipei was more than four times that of Soros.

In the original world, Soros was the benchmark figure who triggered the Asian financial crisis in 1997, but now, he can only take a back seat and become Huo Wenyao's background.

This financial crisis has had an extremely serious impact on Taiguo society.

Due to the excessive depreciation of the Thai baht, the Thai government's external payment capacity has shrunk by more than half!

As many as 69 financial institutions announced their closure!

Their number exceeds half of the financial institutions in Taiguo, and their total deposits account for more than two-thirds of the country's total deposits!

More than 10,000 bankrupt companies!

The number of unemployed exceeds 3 million!

Due to skyrocketing prices, a sharp increase in the number of unemployed people, frequent thefts, murders and other problems, this once peaceful Buddhist society eventually fell into unimaginable chaos!

Tsawali Yongchai had only been in office for a year, but he had to resign.

When other countries in Southeast Asia saw Taiguo's situation, they were all dumbfounded!

Trembling with fear.

They are right to be afraid, because what happened in Taiguo will soon happen in their country!

On June 8, 1997, international hot money defeated the Thai baht in one fell swoop. After frantically plundering the huge wealth accumulated by Thailand over the years, they immediately turned their guns when they saw that there was no oil or water to dig out.

Next target: Singapore dollar!

After all, Singapore is not Taiguo. It has a much stronger economic strength and a better financial system than Taiguo. It did not hold out for only one day and then surrender like Taiguo did - they persisted for a day and a half!

There is no way, the financial resources of international short-selling institutions are too strong to stop it.

More importantly...the wind has changed!

Short selling has become a trend now!

But in the face of the general trend of history, people are as helpless as ants!

Just after the Singapore dollar was defeated in one fell swoop, the attack directions of international hot money began to diverge, because the current situation could not be clearer, and everyone wanted to be the first to eat crabs.

The Philippine peso, Indonesian rupiah, and Malay ringgit have become the targets of international speculators one after another!

The economies of Southeast Asian countries collapsed and fell into an unimaginable desperate situation!

At this time, Sangguo and Goguryeo had extremely close trade relations with Southeast Asian countries, and they were not immune.

In mid-to-late September 1997, financial crises broke out in Goguryeo and Sangguo!

A large number of banks and companies in Sango have collapsed!

The same goes for Goguryeo.

Over there, even Daewoo, one of the three major chaebols, failed to survive the financial crisis and declared bankruptcy. This was accomplished with the strong help of the Goguryeo government.

There is no way, Daewoo has long been too big to fail.

Now that it has collapsed, it must be handled properly, otherwise it will cause social unrest and give rise to a series of social problems.

The Asian financial crisis lasted for a total of two years, and it was only declared completely over in 1999. It had an immeasurable impact on Asian countries.

Huo Wenyao, through the entire financial crisis, frantically plundered the wealth of various countries. The final profit was even more exaggerated than the sniper attack on Europe in 1992 -

US$24 billion!!

Yes, Huo Wenyao made a staggering US$24 billion through the financial crisis!

When"Fortune"》、《Forbes》、《After calculating this approximate figure through Time and other newspapers and magazines, Huo Wenyao once again amazed the world and became a god again!

Of course, these are all things for later.

Because when the time came to October 1997, the international hot money led by Soros, Andrew and others had already set their sights on

Hong Kong Island!

Whether it is for Huo Wenyao, Hong Kong Island or the Mainland, a drama of ups and downs is about to be staged!

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