As a stock god, Buffett is the biggest Internet celebrity in the financial investment industry, with the largest traffic and countless beliefs.

This is true whether in the lighthouse country or outside the lighthouse country.

Therefore, his words spread quickly and widely

"I think he was God when he made those decisions, otherwise he would not have been able to invest to this extent."

A simple translation of this sentence has two meanings:

1. Buffett said that Huo Wenyao is God!

2. Even the stock god Buffett admires Huo Wenyao so much that he is willing to be defeated!

The two meanings can also be integrated together, which is becoming more and more popular. The legend of Huo Wenyao has been increased, and Huo Wenyao, who was already well-known to the world, has reached a higher level.

It will be spread back to Hong Kong Island, to Baodao, and then to Yanguo, Sangguo, Goguryeo, and even Southeast Asia. The Confucian cultural circle means that

Huo Wenyao is a god!

Most people have no doubts about Buffett's evaluation of Huo Wenyao, but there are also a few people who are dismissive of it.

Of course, it is not that they look down on Huo Wenyao's financial investment. After all, his Achievements are obvious to all, but if you really want to deny them, you are a big fool, and you will get endless ridicule.

They are dismissive, and it is purely from an emotional point of view - no matter how awesome you are, I will not be happy!

For example, Zhou Chao



Baodao, Taipei.

In the bustling city center, on the 24th floor of a building, the entire floor is integrated, just like a villa, with various facilities such as swimming pools, billiards halls, and private cinemas.

There are two people in the waiting hall.

A man in a burgundy suit, very gorgeous, tall, nearly forty years old, with a strong face, was glaring fiercely at a middle-aged man on the sofa diagonally opposite.

Another middle-aged man in a black suit with a calm expression was browsing casually with a magazine.

As for the fierce gaze directed at him, he simply ignored it and didn't take it to heart at all.

This middle-aged man in a black suit is none other than Zhou Chaoxian, the boss of the Songlin Gang!

The man in the burgundy suit is his biggest competitor—

Ding Zongshu!

This Ding Zongshu is also a figure, he is the boss of the Sihai League, and the Sihai League is one of the three major gangs as famous as the Sanlian Gang and the Pine Forest Gang.


The brown wooden door was pushed open, and a man in a straight suit appeared and said to the two of them:"That's it."

Zhou Chaoxian and Ding Zongshu immediately stood up and walked towards the living room.

When they arrived at the living room, they saw an old guy with some gray hair on his sideburns, lying comfortably on the sofa and cleaning his glasses.

"Chao Xian and Zong Shu are here, sit down."

The old guy said hello to the two of them, but didn't look at them at all. He still concentrated on wiping his glasses, as if his pair of glasses were more important than the two guys in front of him. In fact, this is indeed the case.

Nowadays, even if Zhou Chaoxian The net worth has exceeded 5 billion Hong Kong dollars, but he did not have any dissatisfaction. He nodded respectfully to the old guy and sat down.

Even if he was like this, his overall strength was not as good as his, let alone Ding Zongshu.

Ding Zongshu had a smile on his face. With a flattering smile, he couldn't be more obedient.

The old guy opened his mouth, smiled, and said:"I happened to have something to do here, so I kept you two waiting for two more hours. So without further ado, let's get straight to the point."

"Zong Shu, tell me, why do we nominate you this time to be elected as the Eastern District Legislator? Ding

Zongshu was stunned for a moment, then immediately smiled and said:"Because I love Baodao, I love the Party, I am loyal to the Party, I am loyal to you, and I love you!""

"Oops, hahahaha!"

Hearing this, the old guy lying on the sofa was so happy that he slapped his thigh and grinned widely:"Then thank you!"

"Chao Xian, then why should we nominate you?"

The old guy looked at Zhou Chaoxian.

Zhou Chaoxian looked calm, his eyes were full of aggression, and he said confidently:"The reason is very simple, nominate me, I will win, nominate him, he will lose!"

"In this case, we will have one less legislative seat in the Eastern District."

The old guy was stunned for a moment and stared at Zhou Chaoxian solemnly.

Zhou Chaoxian looked at him without fear!

The old guy laughed loudly, raised his finger and pointed at Zhou Chaoxian, saying:"You are right, the boss and I have the same opinions. I’m optimistic about you and don’t let down the expectations of my boss and me. Zhou Chaoxian said:"

Minister, don't worry, Chaoxian will not disappoint the minister and the boss!""

"Hahaha, that’s good. The old guy laughed loudly and said casually:"Then this matter is settled. Chao Xian, within three days, you will get 20 million and give it to Zong Shu. We will let you know how much is left."

Zhou Chao nodded first and said,"Yes." The old guy looked at Ding Zongshu again and said comfortingly:"Zongshu, just wait until the next term. Don't be unconvinced.""

This guy Ding Zongshu has no authority. When he is happy, he is happy, and when he is unhappy, he is unhappy. It is all written on his face.

At this moment, he looked depressed.

But when the old guy said this, he did not dare to have any opinions and just said in a low voice:"Yes, Minister"


The old guy waved his hand, glanced outside, and said:"You two, please let your little brothers calm down and disperse. I asked you to come here to talk about something, not to fight."

"How unbecoming is it to do this?"

The two of them nodded in unison, indicating that they would do as they were told, and stood up to leave.

"Wait a moment.

The old guy suddenly thought of something, stopped the two of them, and said,"I heard that you two had some unpleasant troubles with the Huo family recently.""

"Oh, that's the famous Huo family"

"You have all read the recent newspapers. Huo Wenyao is worth 210 billion, and it is not Hong Kong dollars or Taiwan dollars, but US dollars. What the hell is that guy? Zhou

Chaoxian and Ding Zongshu both turned around and looked at the old guy.

Ding Zongshu rolled his eyes, not understanding what the old guy meant, and asked tentatively:"Minister, what do you mean?" If you don't want us to fight him, just say something. The old guy was noncommittal

, looked at Zhou Chaoxian, smiled, and said,"Chaoxian, what do you think?""

Zhou Chaoxian said coldly:"The Huo Group is very powerful and powerful, not to mention Huo Wenyao, but their hands are stretched too long, and they don't even understand where this place is!"

"Then I'll let them understand!"

"Of course, this is just Chao Xian's intention. I wonder what the minister's instructions are?"


The old guy slapped his thigh with joy and grinned:"Okay, okay, okay! It's better to make things clear to the emperor first, just do what you think"

"Don't worry, I have everything"

"Oops, when you reach the top of the mountain, you should sing what kind of song. Huo doesn’t seem to understand this very well. This is wrong, very wrong. Then let’s teach them."

"Okay, there's nothing else to do, you two go about your business."

Zhou Chaoxian and Ding Zongshu turned and left.

Just after the two left, the old guy's face immediately darkened.

He took off his glasses, wiped them carefully, and said with a sinister expression:"I'm worth 210 billion U.S. dollars, but I only got 1,000 from the dock. Ten thousand, or Hong Kong dollars, you guys are so fucking generous."


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