For Yan Guo, it is still too early to talk about the Internet, but for Lighthouse Country, the era of the Internet has arrived.

Why has Bill Gates risen so quickly in recent years?

Not just because we have caught up with the good times, the Internet era in the lighthouse country has officially arrived, and Microsoft happens to be one of the best, so the skyrocketing value is completely reasonable and reasonable.

The Internet, just like the economy, also has bubbles, and they are still big.

In two years' time, in 1999, the Internet bubble will reach its peak, and Bill Gates will reach the first peak of his worth this year, reaching as high as 90 billion U.S. dollars!

Bill Gates is the"pig standing in the wind" in Rebus's words!

And then— bang!

The Internet bubble has been burst, and the market value of all large companies related to the Internet will plummet. Bill Gates's net worth will be cut in half, directly from 90 billion US dollars to more than 40 billion US dollars.

This is not only a time to appear early, but also an opportunity to buy the bottom!

Nothing needs to be done, just wait a few more years.

Huo Wenyao has already completed the business layout in the past two decades. He also makes value investments, but he is different from Buffett.

Buffett has never sold a share of Coca-Cola shares since he made a large purchase in 1987. However, Coca-Cola's stock price reached a peak in 1998 and then began to decline.

It wasn’t until 2016 that Coca-Cola’s stock price returned to its peak in 1998.

It’s okay if you don’t know the history of Coca-Cola’s stock price changes. Now that you know it, it’s certainly impossible for Huo Wenyao to do nothing.

Similarly, there are the Internet bubble and the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis.

Every economic crisis is a once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity for Huo Wenyao.

And now,"Forbes" magazine has exposed Huo Wenyao's precise and vicious vision to the global public one by one, clearly telling everyone how evil Huo Wenyao really is!

Of course, they can only find the reason through facts, which is commonly known as hindsight.

How Huo Wenyao did it is unknown.

No one knows either!

《The influence of Forbes magazine is undeniable. After they reported on Huo Wenyao, it quickly spread all over the world, causing a huge wave!


$210 billion!!

Oh shit!

It was just a"mere" starting capital of US$15 billion, but under Huo Wenyao's operation, it turned into US$180 billion in just nine years. It is simply incredible!

Even excluding the more than 10 billion US dollars earned from the sniper attack on Europe in 1992, that is still as much as 170 billion US dollars!

How much money does second-ranked Bill Gates have?

Only a mere US$35 billion!

Huo Wenyao's net worth is more than 6 times that of Bill Gates, maybe 7 times. Among the top ten richest people in the world, the next nine together are not as good as one Huo Wenyao.

Damn it plus fuck, it’s a big boast!



The news spread quickly, and the Hong Kong and Olympic media were extremely excited when they learned about it, and immediately began to reprint the"Forbes" report.

Of course, not directly using the Forbes article.

Instead, he completely digested the"Forbes" article, borrowed the important data, and wrote a completely different manuscript based on his own understanding, and finally published it in his own newspaper.

Hong Kong Island is boiling!

"I lost it! leave! leave! Lose his mother, 210 billion US dollars? What's going on with Huo Sheng? Do you want to hold it in your mouth like this?"

"Huo Sheng is not giving any chance to other rich people. If he does this, how can others compete for the world's richest man?

Someone immediately laughed and said,"Ha, the richest man in the world?""

"Snakehead Wei, are you kidding me? Those guys have a chance. The top ten richest people in the world, and the next nine together are not enough to beat Mr. Huo."

"Do you know what this means?

Snakehead Wei rolled his eyes and cursed:"Of course I know!" It's just a joke. Do you want to be so serious? Do you believe I'm going to kill you?!"

Others were also amazed.


"Huo Sheng is the best in the world in making money, and the whole world knows it. Huo Sheng is the richest man in the world, and the whole world knows it, but what the whole world doesn't know is that he is actually so rich!"

"Damn, who can say otherwise!"

Just after the latest issue of"Forbes" magazine was released, the streets of Hong Kong and Olympics were all talking about it. It was also at this time that everyone was horrified to discover that in all the investments that Huo Wenyao made crazy money in 1988, not a single one had a crotch!

In just nine years, In the past year, from Coca-Cola, to Berkshire Hathaway, to Microsoft, one by one, they are all super bull stocks whose stock prices have soared at least 1,000%.

It is precisely because of this that his worth has soared to this level. This level.

It’s really... amazing!!

Even more amazing than Buffett!

Because even the"stock god" Buffett has made mistakes sometimes, but Huo Wenyao has not, not in the past few years, but since Huo Wenyao entered the financial market!

He All the investments he made have never failed!!

What’s even more ironic is that in 1988, Huo Wenyao spent 9 billion US dollars in a month. Most people were very surprised at the time.

What’s wrong with Mr. Huo?

Well, why did he suddenly become crazy ? What?

This is what many people really thought at the time, but now, they will never think that way again!

Not only ordinary people were deeply shocked, from Hong Kong and Olympics, to Southeast Asia, to Europe, and then to the Lighthouse Country , the world's top richest people were all shocked by the"Forbes" report!

It can be described in one sentence:

I knew Huo Wenyao was rich, but I didn't know he was so rich and rich to this extent!



Amid all the confusion, Buffett's answer is the best footnote.

A few days later, Buffett participated in a financial program and was interviewed. Naturally, the host could not let go of this explosive news and immediately asked Buffett.

Ask him what he thinks of this matter and what he thinks of Huo Wenyao

Feite said humorously:"Damn it, every investment has had a return rate of at least 1,000% in nine years, and you actually ask me what I think about this?"

"If I had known how to see, I would have done that.

After making a joke, Buffett thought for a few seconds and said seriously:"Huo and I met in 1988. We hit it off immediately. From then on, we have been very good friends.""

"At that time, he did almost no investigation and scattered all 9 billion US dollars within a month."

"I don't understand it and I can't accept it."

"Even if I were to go back to 1988 now, I would still not agree with him, because although he is doing value investing, doing so without any investigation is tantamount to gambling."


Buffett shrugged, shook his head slightly, and said helplessly:"Now everyone knows what the result is."

"God, I don’t know how he did it!"

"I think he was God when he made those decisions, otherwise he would not have been able to invest to this extent."

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