Huo Wenyao and Soros have been working together for more than a year, not only to harvest lira and pounds, but also to harvest marks and francs later, but the opportunity is not as big as pounds.

How much did Huo Wenyao earn?

He invested a total of 24 billion pounds in short positions one after another. His operations were more clever than Soros's, so his profit points were even greater than Soros's.

Of course, there are also reasons why Soros deliberately gave up profits. As for why Soros did that.

God knows!

That's what he did.

Anyway, on this day alone, Huo Wenyao earned 3.2 billion US dollars!

What is different from Soros is that three-quarters of Huo Wenyao's US$3.2 billion belongs to himself, and only the remaining one-quarter was earned by helping others.

In other words, the number earned by Huo Wenyao alone is -

2.4 billion US dollars!

By the way, in another month, this financial war against the currencies of the four major European economic powers will officially come to an end.

Soros plundered $2.5 billion!

Huo Wenyao?

The final answer is -

US$10.8 billion!

This attack mainly targeted the pound, mark, franc, and lira, but all members of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism were affected.

They have also become the targets of Huo Wenyao and Soros.



Time flies so fast, and it’s been two months in a blink of an eye.

1993 arrived quickly.

In just these two months, things continued to ferment.

At the end of September 1992, although the whole matter of attacking the European Exchange Rate Mechanism had not yet been completely settled, Forbes magazine had begun to review the whole matter from beginning to end.

Huo Wenyao and Soros are undoubtedly the biggest winners!

Who is the biggest loser?

Who else, of course the European governments

《Forbes" specially opened a large page for Huo Wenyao, and even Soros could only stand behind him and review in detail the story of their attacks on the currencies of various countries.

At the end of the article, Soros is defined as a gambler!

They said:"George Soros is a hunter with far-reaching vision and keen sense of smell. Once he targets his prey, he will devote everything and bet everything on himself!"

"Therefore, this undoubtedly excellent hunter still has a strong gambler mentality!"

Huo Wenyao was also defined by them, but it was much more complicated - a hero!

They said:"Huo Wenyao, an extremely mysterious and complex Oriental."

"He has countless titles on his head, such as entertainment tycoon, financial monster, godfather of martial arts, martial arts master, great philanthropist, great educator...etc."

"What’s even more frightening is that with such a large number of titles, for 99% of people in the world, any one of them is an achievement that they will not be able to achieve in their lifetime!"

"Such a person cannot be defined, nor can he be defined"

"If we must define him, then after racking our brains and countless staff members thinking together for more than a month, we are willing to use a word with a strong Chinese cultural context to describe him."

"That is——"


‘The two words"Hongxiong" are not English, but Chinese characters, because once translated into English, the charm of these two words is lost.

This is the first time that a newspaper with global influence calls Huo Wenyao this way.

But, it's definitely not the last time.

Because in a few months, a more influential newspaper in the world will also adopt Forbes' definition of Huo Wenyao. At that time, these two words will be at their peak.

That more influential newspaper is called"Times".

In addition to these, the"Forbes" article about Huo Wenyao also said:"In view of what is currently happening, we will ignore Huo Wenyao's achievements in other fields for the time being and will sort them out later."

"Here, we only analyze Huo Wenyao’s financial operations that have shocked the world."

"Oh, God!"

"He has already achieved this level of things. The previous description is clear enough, and there is no further analysis. Let’s directly define his financial investment style."

"He is the perfect combination of Buffett and Soros!"

"He has Buffett's composure and stability, and has invested in many long-term investments such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Berkshire Hathaway, Microsoft, Adidas, and Nike."

"This brought him extremely generous rewards, which were so exaggerated that it was unimaginable, and one had to admire the precision of his vision!"

"at the same time"

"He also takes into account the gambler's mentality of Soros, and whether it is vision or business acumen, he is faintly superior to Soros, and the rewards he receives are equally unimaginable."

"From the"Plaza Accord" in 1985, to the global stock market crash in 1986, to the collapse of the Sangos economy in 1991, until this time's big deal"

"Four shots were taken, and every time it was a wild gamble like a stud!"

"Not even Soros can achieve this level. As long as he fails once, he will be in dire straits. Even if he can turn around with wisdom in the future, he will still face many difficulties."

"Here comes the most shocking thing... He actually won all four of his wild bets!"

"It also won extremely beautifully, it couldn’t be more perfect!"

"Every time he gambled wildly, his net worth increased. It was only through the previous three gambling sprees that he became the richest man in the world in just five years!"

"To be more precise, it is less than five years"

"Now he has gambled again and made a huge profit of US$10.8 billion. This is undoubtedly a huge and unimaginable disaster for those top wealthy people who want to become the world's richest man!"

At the end of the article,"Forbes" even had a little humor.

They continued to write:"Because of the 10.8 billion U.S. dollars, at least 8 billion belongs to Huo Wenyao himself, which will undoubtedly strengthen his position as the world's richest man. Position, untouchable by others"

"Of course, this is a big worry for those top tycoons who want to be the richest people in the world. It has nothing to do with ordinary people."

"What we can be sure of now is that in the next ten years, Huo Wenyao will occupy the throne of the world's richest man. We also predict that he can even occupy this seat for 30 or 50 years."

" long as he doesn't die and doesn't break up his huge wealth empire, he will be the richest man in the world during his lifetime."

"Of course, the prerequisite is that he doesn't make any major mistakes"

"Judging from his various performances since he became rich, we have not seen any possibility of Mr. Huo from Hong Kong Island making mistakes. Yes, it is just a mistake, not a major mistake."

"The above is the heroic Mr. Huo!"

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