Time: 70 minutes until the stock exchange market opens in the afternoon!

Location: Bank of Britain, Foreign Exchange Department!

Characters: Lemon, Fangs Tero, John, Jackson and other senior executives and employees of the Bank of Britain.

They only have one thought left now:

It's over!

In the securities exchange market, tens of millions of pounds of pounds were sold short one after another. There was no hot money to take over. The pound devalued crazily, and the exchange rate against the mark continued to increase.

How much was it a few months ago?


Until yesterday, it still remained at 1:2.79. Later, with the intervention of the Bank of Britain, the value of the pound did not fall but increased, and 1 pound can be exchanged for 2.85 marks.

At that time, everyone believed that things were slowly getting better.

They are extremely convinced in their hearts.

The British pound will never be beaten!

Not even the Bank of Britain!

They are invincible!

The short-selling hot money activities led by Huo Wenyao and Soros to snipe the pound will only end in failure.

But now, only one day has passed, and the situation has changed dramatically.

Their confidence fell from the sky to the ground, and was stepped hard into the mud by Huo Wenyao!

The staff of the foreign exchange department were still operating crazily in the market. Although they knew that they were bound to fail, they still tried their best to swallow the short selling orders of pounds in the foreign exchange market.

Soon, bullets will run out!

"Boss, boss!"

John, a team leader-level employee, got all the information in the team and was surprised to find that their funds had been used up. This was previously approved and they had to apply for funds again.

He immediately went to Fangs Tello's office , reported the situation to him.

In the office, Lemon was also there.

Fangs Tello was weak and said:"John, what happened? John quickly said:"Boss, all our funds have been used up. Please approve another amount of funds quickly, otherwise this battle cannot be fought."

Fangsi Tero said expressionlessly:"How much money have we invested in total now?""

"Oh, let me take a look."

John quickly glanced at the information in his hand, calculated quickly in his mind, and came up with the answer within a few seconds. He looked up at Fangs Tello and immediately replied:"27.5 billion pounds!"

"Boss, we have invested £27.5 billion so far! Fangs

Tro said calmly:"Oh, then it's gone.""

John was stunned and looked at Fangs Tero in disbelief.

What the hell?

Huo Wenyao and Soros's estimates were so accurate that the foreign exchange reserves held by the Bank of Britain were actually only 27.5 billion. Pounds, isn't it 30 billion pounds?

Both Lemon and Fangs Tero saw through John's thoughts at a glance.

Lemon sighed softly and said:"You are right, the total foreign exchange reserves held by our bank , only 27.5 billion pounds, it is impossible to get another penny"

"We lost this battle"

"It's time to end."

Fangsi Tero's face was full of bitterness, and then he sighed softly:"It's over, then it's over."

"Can no longer resist"

"For every penny we invest, we lose something. The more you invest, the greater your losses will be. This is an absolutely loss-making business, so there is no need to fight for the sake of face."

John was completely dumbfounded and stood there in a daze, not knowing what he should say or what else he could do.

Lemon and Fangs Trot ignored him.

They just looked at each other and checked. Their eyes understood each other's intentions, and they all stood up, walked out of the office together, and headed towards the Prime Minister's Office.



Half an hour later, the Prime Minister's Office.

Cabinet meeting resumes.

The atmosphere was dead silent and extremely depressing.

But what was different from the morning was that no one was angry, even Major, the British Prime Minister. He was not even in the mood to get angry and just wanted to end this mess as soon as possible.

Major looked at Lemon and Fangs Tero expressionlessly and said,"All the foreign exchange reserves have been used up?"

"That's right, Mr. Major"

"In other words, the pound-to-mark exchange rate is falling and we no longer have the ability to intervene?"

"That's right, Mr. Major"

"In other words, the exchange rate of pound to mark will soon fall to the minimum limit stipulated by the European exchange rate mechanism. Do we have to withdraw from the European exchange rate mechanism?"

"That's right, Mr. Major."

In the dull, emotionless questions and answers, the situation became more obvious.

The conference room fell into dead silence again.

After half a minute, Major let out a long sigh, with a look of indifference. Said:"In this case, let’s announce to the outside world that the pound will withdraw from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism."

"Now, this is the only thing we can do"

"Huo Wenyao, Soros"

"Those two guys are so amazing. They won again, and they won so easily... Amazing……" th.

This sentence is the most true portrayal of Major at this moment.

All senior officials attending the meeting nodded unanimously and agreed that the pound would withdraw from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism.



Ten minutes later, the British Prime Minister's Office announced that they had compromised, gave up their status as a member of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, and canceled the peg between the pound and the mark. at the same time.

They also announced that the Bank of Britain will no longer intervene in the pound exchange rate.

At this point, the battle against the pound has finally settled.

As soon as this news came out, the whole world was excited!

The pound was like a little sheep that strayed into a pack of wolves. It was ravaged and devoured unscrupulously. The market entered a state of free fall, and the exchange rate between the pound and the mark fluctuated wildly.

Explosive drop!

How exaggerated?

In just a few minutes, the mark that can be exchanged for 1 pound dropped from 2.85 to 2.4, a full drop of 15.79%. It was definitely a cliff-like drop of cosmic proportions.

Now, it's the shorts' turn to count their money, and let's take a look at the summary of the battle on September 16, 1992.

Huo Jingliang earned 20 million US dollars, which is 160 million Hong Kong dollars!

Lee Zhaotian made a huge profit of US$30 million, which is 240 million Hong Kong dollars!

Goldman Sachs made $85 million!

NatWest Bank made $125 million!

The above are the guys who follow Huo Wenyao and Soros to drink soup. Most of them are worth tens of millions, and the smaller number of public retail investors naturally make a lot of money.

They just eat soup, but what about the two guys who actually eat meat.

Soros shorted 8 billion pounds and made $1 billion!!

Of course, this does not belong only to Soros. Most of the profits belong to Quantum Fund. Only about one-third really belongs to him, but it is an exaggeration enough.

It must be reiterated that all the profits above are only the profits on September 16, 1992.

Yes, just - one day!!

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