Britain, London! urban area.

In a certain European-style classical building, the living room is luxurious.

Huo Wenyao was sitting leisurely on the red leather sofa, watching the news on TV. What was playing was none other than the Bank of England press conference that was being broadcast live at the moment.

Gao Xiaoqin was wearing silk pajamas, nestled in Huo Wenyao's arms, and was peeling lychees for Huo Wenyao.

After peeling one off, he put one into Huo Wenyao's mouth.

But the delivery method is a little special, not with her hands, but with her cherry mouth.

The taste is not enough for outsiders to understand.

Among many fruits, lychee is Huo Wenyao's favorite, whether in his previous life or in this world.

Why does Gao Xiaoqin appear here?

What else could be the reason? Of course it was because Huo Wenyao knew her abilities and cultivated her deliberately.

Yan Guo had Zhan Mi in charge, so there would never be any problems, so he brought Gao Xiaoqin over. Anyway, she would definitely come into contact with him in the future. In this case, the earlier the better.

What is Gao Xiaoqin's most powerful ability?

1. Perseverance!

Second, the brain is flexible enough!

He has talent and is willing to work hard - no!

That's not hard work, it's hard work!

Don't forget, although Gao Xiaoqin did not go to college like her sister, like Gao Xiaofeng, she also reached a bachelor's degree within one year.

What’s even more terrifying is that all of this was achieved while working and studying at the same time!

Based on these, as long as Gao Xiaoqin is given a stage to show herself, it will be difficult for her to succeed.

The achievements in the future will never be small!

On TV, Prime Minister Major took the stage and declared with firm eyes their determination to resist to the end. If the 30 billion foreign exchange reserves were not enough, he would think of other ways!

All in all, the government will protect the pound at all costs!

We will never let Xiaoxiao’s conspiracy succeed!

As for who the"little guy" he calls is, although he didn't say it clearly, everyone knows who it is.


Huo Wenyao swallowed a red lychee, curled up the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help laughing, and said:"This Mr. Prime Minister is a bit interesting, and he will do it at all costs."

"Ha ha!"

"But there is only one question. What does he think the foreign exchange reserve is? If there is not enough banknotes, can he print as much money as he wants?"

After more than a year of study, Gao Xiaoqin's financial knowledge has improved by leaps and bounds.

It is impossible for her to operate the current situation, but she can still understand it, even better than some financial Ph.D.s who only know how to read.

Hearing this,

Gao Xiaoqin also laughed and said:"If he doesn't want Britain to fall into inflationary troubles, he must not do this. In other words, this is just bullshit."

"They thought they had the upper hand, but in fact their defeat was already certain."

Huo Wenyao laughed.

Ding ding!

Just at this moment, the black landline phone rang on the desk next to the sofa.

Gao Xiaoqin stood up, took the landline phone over and handed it to Huo Wenyao.

If you call at this time, even if Thinking with your toes, you can guess the identity of the other party. Of course it can only be Soros.

Sure enough!

This call was made by Soros.

Huo Wenyao said:"Hi, I am Huo Wenyao"

"Huo! On the phone, Soros, a veteran, also said with a hint of excitement:"Have you seen the news?" Huo

Wenyao said:"I'm watching, what's wrong?""

Over there, Duke Wilson's estate.


Soros is here, Andrew·H·Morgan is there too

"what are you thinking?"

Soros asked.


What do I think? I want to laugh!

Huo Wenyao couldn't help but sneered and said:"Hey, George, you don't believe Major and Fangs Tero's lies. Do you really think they Can you get 30 billion pounds?"

"How can it be!"

"Our previous estimate is absolutely correct. Their foreign exchange reserves are only 30 billion pounds at most. Now they are bragging, and they are not afraid of exploding the cow's belly!"

Over there in the study room.

Soros's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness, and he said:"Of course I won't believe their nonsense. I just want to say that it is exactly as we expected!"

"Those idiots, they really fell into the trap!"


"What day do you think we should choose to launch the sniper attack?"

Huo Wenyao's eyes darkened, and his murderous intention emerged, and he said:"Since they are having so much fun and dare to brag about such a big bullshit, of course, the sooner they break it, the more comedic effect it will be."

"I think tomorrow will be an auspicious day to send them off on their way.

Soros said:"Okay!" Just as I thought, it will be tomorrow!"

"Attack with all your strength!"

"This will definitely cause a sensation all over the world and will eventually leave a deep mark in history!"

Huo Wenyao didn't have much reaction.

No one else.

Just because the development of the sniping pound sterling was under his control from beginning to end, without any accidents.

The final battle was decided.

1992·9· 26!


In later generations, this will be called"Black Wednesday" and also known as the Day of the Holocaust. After the agreement was completed, the two hung up the phone



After hanging up the phone, Gao Xiaoqin immediately took the phone from Huo Wenyao, put it back, and then wrapped around it like a snake.

"Is the matter settled?"


" Huo, is it time to handle our affairs?"

"No, come again?"

Huo Wenyao's eyes widened and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Yes, here we go again!

The word"again" is used here. It is quite essential, but it is not very rigorous. To be more precise, it should be"and again and again". Just today, The two have been in love three times.

In the past, Gao Xiaoqin would have been embarrassed, but now she is holding back her energy and doesn't care so much.

"People want to have a baby for Brother Huo, and I want it myself!"

Gao Xiaoqin is not shy at all, she said coquettishly.

Yes, this is the energy that Gao Xiaoqin holds back! Huo Wenyao is actually not in a hurry about this matter. Gao Xiaoqin is only 21 years old now, and he is still underage. He will have more time in the future. Yes, why be so anxious?

But there is no way, Gao Xiaoqin is very anxious!

Ding Yao gave birth to Huo Lingyun, which deeply stimulated all the women in Huo Wenyao.

After that, Le Huizhen and Imamura Kiyoko all became pregnant one after another, which made this situation worse and worse. It has to be like the arms competition between the Soviet Union and the Lighthouse Countries during the Cold War.

Gao Xiaoqin is not immune to this. There is no competition for family property, but there is some stubbornness in favor. The fundamental reason is that he loves Huo Wenyao to the extreme and wants to have a child for her. As a child, I want more

"Brother Huo, is that okay?"

Gao Xiaoqin gently shook Huo Wenyao's arm and continued to act coquettishly.

What else is there to say?

At this time, a man can never say that he is not good.


"Very good! Huo

Wenyao responded seriously, picked up Gao Xiaoqin and walked into the bedroom.

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