That afternoon, an hour later.


The press conference prepared by the Bank of Britain in advance was held as scheduled, with many senior officials attending, and the core figures were naturally Bank of Britain Governor Lemon and Fangs Trow.

First, Lemon took the stage and accepted interviews from media reporters from various countries.

Then came Fangs Tro.

The former is responsible for the general direction, while the latter is responsible for more professional technical issues. Lemon is actually good at it, but Fangs Tero is doing the work, and it is most appropriate for him to answer questions and solve doubts.


Under countless spotlights, Lemon was full of confidence, waving his arms, with firm eyes, and said fiercely:"The Bank of Britain has a history of more than a hundred years, and we have extremely rich combat experience!"

"It was like that before, it is like that now, and it will still be like that in the future!"

"We are confident and capable of resisting the attacks of anyone with ulterior motives. Their attacks will eventually end in failure, especially the famous Mr. Huo from the East!"

Pause for a moment.

Lemon showed a trace of contempt on his lips and continued:"We all know that Mr. Huo Wenyao and Huo's past terrible record"

"I admit it, that's really awesome."

"But I'm sorry, this is not a place where he can do whatever he wants. If he gives up now, he can minimize the loss. If he insists on going his own way again, he will definitely fail!"

At the end of his words, Lemon said a classic saying that has been widely circulated.

"Mr. Huo has never been defeated?"

"That's fine"

"There it is, his first great defeat is here, dedicated to our great Britain!"

All the media reporters from various countries at the scene laughed heartily.

They didn't know where Lemon got his confidence, but since he behaved like this, he must have a trump card.

Of course there is a trump card.

Not only that, but it's huge!

Fangs Tello, who then took the stage for an interview, smiled slightly, talked eloquently, and finally dropped an explosive news in an understatement.

"No more than 20 billion pounds? He chuckled and said:"Gentlemen and ladies, if I remember correctly, at most 20 billion pounds, this is the result estimated by Mr. Huo Wenyaohuo and Mr. Soros, right?""

This is a fact.

Not long ago, Soros conducted a detailed investigation of Britain's foreign exchange reserves and obtained accurate figures, which were no more than 30 billion at most. He wanted to announce them immediately.

But at this moment, Huo Wenyao made a phone call. Come here and ask him to understate 10 billion pounds.

Soros thought about it and understood immediately.

This is murderous!

Soros did it decisively.

So, the current scene happened.


Huo Wenyao had another little calculation. After defeating Britain, there is no point in simply crushing and winning. If you want to win, you must win beautifully.

Give them a little hope first, and then crush it completely!

This is called beauty!

Of course, what Huo Wenyao does is not just Just out of bad taste, it also has two extremely important purposes.

The first is very simple, to show the enemy a mistake and to paralyze the opponent!

When the opponent finds out, it will inevitably cause chaos.

The second is that when tomorrow comes, Tell the world, let alone their miscalculation. Even if Britain really has 30 billion pounds of foreign exchange reserves, they can still defeat the Bank of Britain.

Next, it will be much easier to snipe the mark and franc.

Use four words to describe it , that means - invincible!

Four more words?

That means - frightened by the news!



Press conference scene.

When the reporters from the media heard Fangs Tello's question, they all nodded in honor of him.

Someone said:"That's true. Is there anything wrong with the research article that was published not long ago?"

"Mr. Fangs Tero, what do you want to say?

Fangsi Tero chuckled and said gracefully:"What do I want to say?" What I'm trying to say is, this is wrong, very wrong, and they made a small mistake in their estimation."


After saying this, the reporters were shocked and became more interested. They asked questions one after another.

"Mr. Fangs Tero, could you please explain this more clearly?"

"What's the little mistake? Fangs

Tero smiled and said:"The foreign exchange reserves controlled by our Bank of Britain are not at most 20 billion, but... at least 30 billion.""

"On this point, they made a miscalculation."

"I deeply regret this!"


All the media reporters at the scene exploded instantly and were all excited.

Damn it!

From at most 20 billion to at least 30 billion, is this just a small mistake?

So what is a big mistake?

This special This is definitely super big news.

As long as it is true, it will definitely catch Huo Wenyao, Soros and others off guard!

I am worried that Fangsi Tero is just telling the truth!

"Mr. Fangs Tero, is everything you said true?"

"Can you guarantee that?"

"Mr. Fangs Tero, may I think that Mr. Huo Wenyao and Mr. Soros made a fatal mistake? Fonte

Trot smiled slightly and said humorously:"Whether Mr. Huo made a fatal mistake is still unknown, but I can guarantee that this number is absolutely accurate.""


Everyone at the scene exploded again and talked a lot.

"This, this... this is definitely the most sensational news in the world today!"

"If this is the case, then Mr. Huo may really fail!"

"I have already thought of the title: Huo Wenyao showed his sharpness and came with menacing force. Unexpectedly, he lost Jingzhou and defeated Britain!"

A reporter actually made a joke.

It was obvious that this reporter was very proficient in the historical allusions of the Yan Kingdom. What was even more sensational was that the British Prime Minister John Major came on stage in person to endorse the Bank of Britain and expressed that Fangs Trow What he said is absolutely true, and there is absolutely no falsehood!

He also said that he has great faith in the strength of the Bank of Britain, and more specifically the ability of these professionals!

In the final analysis, it can be reduced to two sentences.

That is - the pound will win!

Britain will win. The bank...must win!

Originally, everyone had strong confidence in the British pound and felt that the Bank of Britain would not be knocked down so easily.

However, due to the previous international hot money led by Huo Wenyao and Soros, it was as easy as chopping melons and vegetables. Song killed Lila off his horse, making the whole world tremble with anger!

At this time, the balance of victory had gradually tipped towards Huo Wenyao.

But now, this press conference changed everything!

It was simply an enlightenment!

When After the reporters present reported these contents, those who had lost confidence in the pound and the Bank of Britain regained their confidence again, and the pressure also came to Huo Wenyao.

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